Update: figured it out

Or if anyone could get an admin in here to answer this, would be so greatly appreciated
Try skipping to the next turn and it says "none of your territories are able to attack"
Missing two territories, the last mission i have to complete, word for word says, "conquer all territories and complete TEAM AFFINITY 2 WEST map" and right under it it has the bar saying "189/191". Yet, theres nothing left to get
Keeps saying none of my territories can attack, but im still missing 2 spots. Wtf
I just completed the west 2 kraken map, all territories have been taken over and yet it still says im missing 2 and its not allowong me to complete the map. I feel like i should not have to replay this whole map.. anyone else have this happen and get it fixxed?
Down still for me also
Anyone else match making not working?
@hoboadam_psn said in Irony is....ironic.:
And your unwillingness to purchase a PS5, made somebody else VERY VERY happy.
Thank you for your service.
@bobbyromano24 said in Be happy with R2:
I just hate how some people slide step with a runner on base EVERY SINGLE PITCH. It completely messes with the physics of the game and makes the pitch very difficult to time up. Quick pitch/slide steps = very unrealistic
At the same time it makes the pitch equally unaccurate
@painpa_psn said in SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!:
@diienameless_psn said in SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!:
@widnerjesse_psn said in SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!:
Oh that is Inside Edge I believe and I’m not quite sure how that works other than it’s for live players and changes based on daily match ups. At least I think so.
I appreciate you
The inside edge numbers are not part of what you see on the card- so in game you'd see those attributes 12 pts higher.
The parallel also doesnt change the card either so youd have to add the +1-+5for that too.Thank you!!
@widnerjesse_psn said in SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!:
Oh that is Inside Edge I believe and I’m not quite sure how that works other than it’s for live players and changes based on daily match ups. At least I think so.
I appreciate you
No no no... ok I see what you mean but what I'm taking about is when you press triangle on the player and the plus 12 is above his stats
@widnerjesse_psn said in SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE!!:
As far as I know: The plus 12 isn’t added it’s the difference between the already established values. You have to add the parallels yourself. A
Like a day to day live Stat change kind of thing?
Ok so the best way to ask this is by example,
I just got the 2nd inning Boss ( Jason Bay )
To put him in my lineup I have to take out either Soto or Yeli, so here is the question
While comparing attributes between the two, I noticed soto has a +12 to both contact ( base con 101 ) and power (base power 101 ) against righties, is the +12 added on to the base stat ( making both stats 113 ) or is it already factored in.
Also is parallel attribute upgrades factored in or do you have to add them up in your head real quick??
Please lmk ASAP, thank you show nation
@gohardgrandpa said in Customer support reply?:
Put a ticket in on the 28th of April. Lost 37,614 stubs on the market. Got the generic automated reply from CS. I’ve messaged them twice thru email asking for any update and I haven’t heard a peep back from them.
Idk the tags for the SDS people here, was hoping someone can help and tag them and maybe they can help in some way.
I know of one @Collin_SDS_PSN
Anyone else trying to download the update after a long days work but then it freezes downloading halfway through? Or is it just the newest FU from SDS?
The free pack is the same pack we got for pre ordering the game. It's [censored] bull [censored] that they tried to compensate their issues by giving out something that was an exclusive deal in the first place, in reality all the people like me that pre ordered the 100 dollar edition for the diamond pack they just gave away, only got 8 normal packs for ALL OF THE ISSUES SDS put us through for a month now. Not even a for sure LS Diamond pack. And BTW I opened my 8 packs and the HIGHEST CARD I GOT WAS 79 AARON CIVALE.. ARE YOU KIDDING? SDS IS A GOD [censored] JOKE
Ok so countless times now I've hit home runs but my opponent quits before the runs scored. I feel like SDS should make it so that if your opponent rage quits before the ball lands, the game should end after the play is officially over. I'm losing out on so many stats and parallel xp because of this and it is so annoying.. if you don't agree you are probably one of these people trying to save your pitchers stats. Gross.
@m-a47_psn said in Dear SDS:
@diienameless_psn said in Dear SDS:
@m-a47_psn said in Dear SDS:
@lischynski_psn said in Dear SDS:
@tarne67_psn said in Dear SDS:
You need a way to be able to call your agent instead of waiting for his yearly one call.
This is a frustrating oversight specifically, IMO. If we're going to have locked positions based off our current loadout, we need to be able to request a position change whenever we want to be start working on a new archetype without having to start a new career.
I get your point but it's a "Maybe" for me as doing that would take even more realism away... I can't imagine a 1B in real-life converting to CF overnight...
However, if they plan on keeping the universal Ballplayer it's probably a good idea... Starting over in AA with a player that has all its base attributes maxed out isn't realistic at all... So... If they keep this feature, they already allow us to change our player's attributes overnight, so it make sense that we could change position... I mean of you want to build something unrealistic, go All-In with it!
I think the best way would be to revert to the old mechanism. You can build different players for different purpose and "live" different career paths. Take RTTS 2020 and add the choice to be 2Way player would be pretty good. Make sure to ask only one time at the start though...
I'd get rid of the Loadouts, but it would require a lot of rework which is impossible to ask as an update on a yearly released game.
I have hopes for 2022, can't wait for SDS to confirm their intentions with RTTS....
Why not Bellinger plays 1B and OF with like 75+speed
If you keep the same skill set at every position, I'm ok with it... 2nd position were in the game prior years and versatility is a key part of baseball.
My point was that it's mind boggling that one day I'm a slow power hitter and the next and a Speedy defender that can bunt for hit... Play me at another position or ask me if I want to try a new position, that's great! But I should come with my attributes, my strengths and my flaws. I should not be able to change 2 cards and now be the best in the league at that position.
But anyway, since they said yesterday that this is "the foundation" of future RTTS iterations, if they keep loadouts and if we're stuck with ONE player without the ability to start over, might as well have complete liberty and let us change position at every game depending on how we feel...
That game was supposed to be a simulation built for realism and was advertised as such but we got an arcade game mode built for fun and instant gratification. That's why I'm angry at SDS... They should have said what they took away from the mode in the feature premiere instead of hiding everything and only talk about a podcast that 80% of players skip as fast as they skip ads on YouTube...
Ok I understand you a bit more now... totally agree that stats shouldn't change based on position changes
Season 2 affinity west conquest not finishing
Season 2 affinity west conquest not finishing
Season 2 affinity west conquest not finishing
Season 2 affinity west conquest not finishing
Season 2 affinity west conquest not finishing
Season 2 affinity west conquest not finishing
Server problems
Challenge failed
Irony is....ironic.
Be happy with R2
Customer support reply?
Update won't download
Free Packs
Rage quitters..
Dear SDS