@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Favorite TA 2 High Diamond Reward:
It was Lou but now that Foxx card is Top Shelf stuff
Are you ok with the fact that I made this thread? I just wanted to check with you.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Favorite TA 2 High Diamond Reward:
It was Lou but now that Foxx card is Top Shelf stuff
Are you ok with the fact that I made this thread? I just wanted to check with you.
@untchable704_psn said in 42 Series Cards:
This was a very weird post to make. Doesn’t seem like you had any real question just wanted to act superior to people. Just strange.
All I wanted to know was how people were falling into this trap, and things like that, so that I don't make the same mistake too. I also wanted to hear what other people had to say about it. I wasn't trying to be superior to everyone else. If anyone else feels like I am being superior, please share, because I didn't mean to post this topic in that way.
@giantsxlii_psn said in Profile Level...:
When you review your profile online there is a level number. Does anyone know if this means anything?
I remember during the launch day stream the words "Grind to 99" were said quite a bit. Maybe there is some hidden reward path similar to the Prestige XP level in 2020?
I think "Grind to 99" probably meant like the grind to end-game 99 OVR cards coming out like crazy and things like that. The grind to the first 99s in the game.
@khain24_psn said in 42 Series Cards:
I'm just assuming its people not paying attention to what they are doing and going to fast.
Although as a QoL thing...it would be nice to have these packs auto-order with non-duplicates in front. From the various TA reward packs for banners/icons/sounds and uniforms....instead of finding the one you didnt pick yet, just have them listed first.
That does sound like a nice idea having the ones you haven't chosen yet in the front.
Ummmm. So. I see everyone saying that they are accidentally picking the same player twice. I personally haven't done that yet, but I could, I guess. What I want to know is, how do you even accidentally pick the same card you already have in the first place? I guess I just don't understand that. Wouldn't you know what you do and don't have? Someone please help me understand this. Thanks.
For the record I don't think I have ever used contact swing. It just feels so unnatural having my hand JUST a little up and to the right for some reason to me.
bruh its so ez you will prob throw like 20 more
Ok, so I didn't do TOO much deep diving, but I noticed that everyone was saying how their relievers were saying, "Pitcher getting tired" like 2 pitches after they brought them in. I chose to do some information gathering, (in conquest) and this is what I found.
You may not like this, but, as far as I can tell, warming up in the bullpen DOES drain their energy as they throw. I usually warm up my relievers a whole inning before I need to use them. If I need them in the bottom of the second inning, I warm them up in the top of the second, right when it starts. I then bring them in for the bottom of the inning, and I get the same message fairly quickly. I accidentally brought a reliever in absolutely cold once, and I noticed that they threw like 15-20 pitches before I got the message. If you bring a reliever in when they are like half warm, I think you will be fine as well.
I just wanted to put this out there. Feel free to share your thoughts on this, or if you noticed the same thing.
Uh oh. Here goes....
I just wanted to make this chat for everyone. Feel free to share your opinion.
I personally feel like the game started off on the bad foot, but it seems to be getting better. Yes, there are still bugs and glitches, but hopefully most (or better all) of them will be patched at a future time.
@remolian_psn said in Anyone using "play next game" option?:
This game has been so broken and glitchy when it comes to counting stats for the arch type programs that I've been avoiding using the "Play next game" option at end of games. Has anyone been using it and have you been having any problems?
Well it used to be broken but I think they fixed it, and I have been using it. Play Next Game works fine for me. You can now successfully change your loadout that way, and it will count your stats.
Usually they read them, and they fix it, unless it is something so game-breaking that they have to email/call you back. Otherwise, you never get a response, which I am fine with, because it means they are probably working to make the game better
@deadshot-rb_xbl said in Quirks??:
Can anyone confirm or deny that our RTTS ball players can get these? I’ve seen them on DD cards. Just curious about in RTTS.
When it comes to Quirks, your RTTS player can only get what are called "Inactive" Quirks, as I call them. Only Live Series DD players can get what are called "Live" Quirks.
Inactive Quirks come when you meet a certain threshold for a certain stat. For example, once you get 75+ Contact against Lefties and Righties, your player obtains, "Hitting Machine," which means that you excel at getting base hits. They do not affect your actual in-game performance, they are just there to say, "Hey, you have great contact stats, so, in theory, you should excel at getting base hits, because that is what contact gives you!" Or so on, and so forth. Another example of an Inactive Quirk would be when you hit 75+ Power vs both sides of the plate. You then get, "Bomber," which means you excel at hitting home runs. I think you understand what I am trying to get at here. They don't actually do anything, they are just there to say you have met a certain threshold for a certain stat.
Live Quirks ONLY affect Live Series DD Players. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO OBTAIN THEM. What these do, it varies based off of what they have. If it is a pitcher, say, Jordan Hicks or Aroldis Chapman, they can throw REALLY hard. So, they receive the "Outlier" Quirk, which basically means they can throw 102 with the primary pitch, or well over the cap of the pitch. Some Flashback cards do have this quirk, as Outlier is somewhere in the middle of an Inactive Quirk and a Live Quirk. An actual example of a Live Quirk would be one like "Dead Red," or "Breaking Ball Hitter." Those mean that you either excel at hitting fastballs, or breaking balls. Some cards may have both. But, only DD Live Series players can get ones like Dead Red or Breaking Ball HItter.
So, Inactive Quirks do nothing, as far as I can tell, and Live Quirks do affect the player, but only on Live Series DD Players. I also failed to mention that they may sometimes include these Live Quirks on POTM cards. I hope this answers your question.
only the ones you can purchase from the community market
@painpa_psn said in Duct tape fix to get your RTTS progression working again.:
Duct tape can fix digital problems now.
Just when you thought it could do everything,they invent new stuff for it to be capable of.
To show you the POWER of Flex Tape, I taped this game back together from what little remains were left, into a great masterpiece.
Ok I am confused now. It said it was not working, and now it is. Sorry if I caused you trouble.
@Collin_SDS_PSN @Victor_SDS_PSN
The servers are down again, and DD is not allowing you access. It says, "An unhandled sever exception occured."
Please address this. Thank you.
I agree, this is annoying, but, if we are all being honest with ourselves here, aren't we all expecting too much from SDS too fast? I mean, yeah, they can work 24/7 for 5 weeks straight, but after the 2nd or 3rd day, we are all already yelling at them to hurry up. We need to be more patient. I too wish this was fixed during the Tech Test, but it wasn't, so now we all have to wait for an update to fix this all. One more thing, I know this year has been especially bad, but EVERY game SDS has made so far has always had some bugs in it, and they have ALWAYS fixed the ones that bother the community the most, except for something that affects a gamemode nobody cares about or something. So, just give them some time, and we will all be thanking them for all the hard work they do for us, and making sure our lives playing this game are as enjoyable as possible.
@dw2001_mlbts said in My archetype won’t change when I want it to in between games:
Sometimes when I’m on a player playing both ways and I’m pitching in the same series I just played a position in Im still locked on to my hitting player rather than my pitching setup happens nearly every time and the only way to fix it is to close app and play the series again
You don't have to close the app; instead of hitting play next game, just click return to clubhouse, or whatever the button says, can't remember at the moment. Then go play your next game, will work then. I know it is very painstaking, but it is worth it, because you can actually do well and not give up 10,000 HR or go hitless each time.
It may just be a me thing, but when I select a loadout, say, closing pitcher, finish my appearance, and then click Play Next Game, and it tells me I am playing in the field now, 3B for me, I click on my third base loadout, but it stays on the pitching loadout, so I have 30 everything default hitting stats. Same vice versa. 3B to Pitcher, stays on 3B loadout. Please fix this in the 'big update' that is coming. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in This webpage...:
when is the show nation going to release the mlb 21 webpage?
This is the MLB The Show 21 webpage. They updated it about 3 to 4-ish months ago.