Reliever Energy Test
Ok, so I didn't do TOO much deep diving, but I noticed that everyone was saying how their relievers were saying, "Pitcher getting tired" like 2 pitches after they brought them in. I chose to do some information gathering, (in conquest) and this is what I found.
You may not like this, but, as far as I can tell, warming up in the bullpen DOES drain their energy as they throw. I usually warm up my relievers a whole inning before I need to use them. If I need them in the bottom of the second inning, I warm them up in the top of the second, right when it starts. I then bring them in for the bottom of the inning, and I get the same message fairly quickly. I accidentally brought a reliever in absolutely cold once, and I noticed that they threw like 15-20 pitches before I got the message. If you bring a reliever in when they are like half warm, I think you will be fine as well.
I just wanted to put this out there. Feel free to share your thoughts on this, or if you noticed the same thing.