Back up thanks
I'm in Nj and cant get on. Are the servers down.? My internet is on and use ethernet cable. Thanks guys
@xnfamosx_psn said in Pinpoint Pitching:
Anyone else still having issues with pinpoint lag in online games? Happens like every 2nd or 3rd batter and always ends up hitting the batter or going right down the middle and getting jacked... Only ever happens to me online. Up/download speeds are solid so I know it's not that.
Happened to me last night for the first time. It literally froze and couldn't locate pitch. Happened twice in conquest and once in BR
@stryder_28_psn said in Little help guys:
I never understood this. I play on a 65 inch TV with 60 fps, and can just about make it to WS (currently at 860). But people choose to play on a 27 inch monitor for a competitive advantage, but how much advantage is worth the QOL decrease of sitting at a desk unless you are a streamer/youtuber
Nobody asked you to understand it tool. I was looking for recommendations not your view from your couch. But thanks for your input
@imdfc_psn said in Little help guys:
It's that patented ASUS 2-Fast Technology. You should've bought a Benq for their "Perfecto Timecto" tech
No its ASUS 27IN WS 1920X1080 1MS VP278QG. I got it for 119. I'm 47 and been wanting one for years and finally got one. It's a good first monitor. Feels like I'm learning the game all
Just got my monitor asus. And before I was late on everything now I'm a mile early. How did you guys adjust and what helped. Also it has a game mode should I use that or is there some way to calibrate it. Thanks I appreciate it
@go4stros25_psn said in Monitor is a HUGE difference.:
Can you post a link to the monitor you bought. Im in the market myself but have no idea which one to buy.
That's awesome tho man, good for you
ASUS 27IN WS 1920X1080 1MS VP278QG
From what I've read it's a good monitor to start with. Inexpensive and seems to work great. I'm very happy.with it -
First games with new monitor I am very early on pitches I used to be late on. It's an adjustment but what a difference. Been playing for 9 years wished I tried it earlier.
@netranger6_xbl said in Pulled Degrom!!:
PULLED Degrom just now, on a show pack from daily log on!!
Nice! Had a good few hours also pulling Cole and Acuna from 3rd inning program packs
@genopolanco_psn said in Pulled Cole 3rd inn pack:
I pulled him in my 2 packs I got from the daily moments. Best pull of the year for me by far. I’ve pretty much only gotten quicksell value diamonds previously.
Me too. I have pulled 4 buster Posey. And 3 kirby Yates. Today is the best card I've pulled in a pack in 8-9 years
Good start to the day.
3 times in 5 days I try to play and cant. This blows
@gerryheisenberg said in Are servers down again?:
Crazy my wife and kids are in Coney Island and I've had the house to myself and playing since about 4pm in peace and now the servers wanna act up
That sucks dude. We were in pool all day. So he isnt getting up for atleast 12 hours. Havent been to Coney Island in years. We are down the shore. Tom's river
@yankblan_psn said in Are servers down again?:
Of course, wife has girls night out...
You know it. Have a few hours after all day pool. He is out and cant get on. This has happened 3 out of the 4 last Saturday's. And I cant get the daily done towards new player programs
Finally got my 3 yr old to sleep and no connection. This aucks
They are all Buster Posey. Dont pull one in forever then get 4 of the same in 2 days. SMH
@lookattherhino said in Just ordered first 1ms monitor:
What monitors are you guys buying?
Bought an Asus 27inch. Affordable and recommended by others who use it for mlb. Reviews for gaming were great. First monitor I didnt want to sink to much money at first. I can always upgrade later on
@hoboadam_psn said in Just ordered first 1ms monitor:
I'm 48.
It easier to see. It's gonna feel like a whole new game.
It doesn't help with your reaction time though. hehe We're getting old.
Overall, it's an improvement and you will be happy with the purchase.
We might be getting old but not going down without I
We are the O.G'S Lol. -
I'm 47 and just ordered my first monitor to play DD online. My question is how much of a difference does it make to those that use them. Hopefully it helps picking up pitches better than my Phillip's tv on game or internet video setting. Thanks guys
Only used him in 4 conquest games. I've hit 5HR with him so far. Love his swing, hopefully I can use him online as well as on conquest
Server down?
Server down?
Pinpoint Pitching
Little help guys
Little help guys
Little help guys
Monitor is a HUGE difference.
Monitor is a HUGE difference.
Pulled Degrom!!
Pulled Cole 3rd inn pack
Pulled Cole 3rd inn pack
F$%^in servers down again.
Are servers down again?
Are servers down again?
Are servers down again?
Pulled 4 diamonds in 2 days
Just ordered first 1ms monitor
Just ordered first 1ms monitor
Just ordered first 1ms monitor
Ta east 2 Encarnacion is a bad [censored]