I want the Mays card bad. If I was drafting a team and had to pick between Willie Mays in his prime and Cole Hamels in his prime, the answer is easy. Wish I tried them and could give you a review but I'm hoping for just a little price drop

@talesofwyn_PSN said in Quick complaint:
I would love love love if they let me put that new Josh Donaldson behind the plate I mean he was a catcher at one point and there are too many 3rd basemen this year for me
I had no idea Donaldson played catcher. Check his block rating. A few years ago I was able to put Bruce Harper behind the plate. He had a really high block rating for a non catcher. Think he played it in the minors.
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS said in I guess I'm back:
My main forum account (the PSN one) was banned two months ago and no one at SDS customer support will answer what I did wrong or if it will ever be unbanned. Therefore, I -- just like SDS God Tatis -- have learned nothing from my punishment.
Head's up for SDS: I used to play your game every single day and the forums kept me involved with the community and, by extension, your buggy mess of a game. Since banning me, my enthusiasm has been nearly zapped and I only bother firing up the ol' PS4 about once a week or so. Couldn't care less anymore. And the irony is that i used to be one of the very, very few people in this community who defended your horrible customer service and your disaster of a game. Keep treating your dwindling few faithful fans like garbage and your player base will look like the attendance at an Oakland A's game.
Anyway. I'm here. Not sure why.
Dear SDS,
I do not know this man but I've been on these forums for years. He is a P5, 99 overall with 99 speed and has catcher as his secondary position. He is a breathe of fresh air and an absolute legend on these forums. #freeSchnauzerFace -
Used him in my first RS game yesterday. Dude hit a hr off a hanging curve in the first. I believe I struck out every other better I faced. He quit in the 3rd or 4th, even though he was up 1-0. Fastball/change/slider combo is filthy and I keep the cutter in my back pocket for LHB.
@Pennstatefencer_MLBTS said in Quick complaint:
I agree that Cal should have 3B on a top tier card like that, even if it is based on a specific year. I doubt he gets a better card than this. You can try putting them in other positions to see how far they drop. I know Brian Roberts has silver defense at SS even though he doesn't have secondaries.
quick update. Thank you sir. Both Ozzie and Cal have attributes in the 80s at 3b. Never even thought of checking. They have better fielding attributes than my primary 3b(j ramirez)
If a player has 99 fielding and is a primary SS (Ozzie and Ripken), how can they not have a secondary position. Doesn't make sense to me. Ripken literally played 3B towards the back end of his career. Just because Ozzie only played SS doesn't mean he wasn't capable of playing 2b or 3b. Rant done
@DlGlTAL-ATHLETE_PSN said in Pitching question:
@CoachBeliChuck said in Pitching question:
Is there any penalty for switching pitchers in my bullpen or starters between (RS)games? If I want to have specific relievers in my pen for specific starters is there any penalty or downside other than stamina? Also does switching my starters have any effect? I feel like they perform worse? Thanks in advance
Yeah I knew it was a little confusing when I wrote it. It was the best I could explain it
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Pitching question:
Pitchers not on your roster for that game won’t recover stamina in that game. That’s all.
Thanks. I think it's all in my head.
Is there any penalty for switching pitchers in my bullpen or starters between (RS)games? If I want to have specific relievers in my pen for specific starters is there any penalty or downside other than stamina? Also does switching my starters have any effect? I feel like they perform worse? Thanks in advance
@broken_toy1_PSN said in Bullpen and Starting rotation question?:
@CoachBeliChuck said in Bullpen and Starting rotation question?:
Is there any penalty for switching pitchers in my bullpen or starters between games? If I want to have specific relievers in my pen for specific starters is there any penalty or downside other than stamina? Also does switching my starters have any effect? Thanks in advance
wrong category
I'm talking about DD games, specifically RS games. Thanks for the help
Is there any penalty for switching pitchers in my bullpen or starters between games? If I want to have specific relievers in my pen for specific starters is there any penalty or downside other than stamina? Also does switching my starters have any effect? Thanks in advance
@TheNinjaRaven_PSN said in Who's in your starting rotation?:
How good is the Feller? I hear mixed things. Heard his control is an issue?
I love him. IMO, he has the best speed differential between his heat and offspeed stuff in the game. Control is good for me. His windup can take a little getting used too. It's a long delivery unless pitching from the stretch. I'll also say I used him mostly when his price was much higher and he was a newer card. People might be seeing a lot more of him now.
Ryan, Feller, Ohtani, Glavine, and I've been using Dontrelle, Ashby or Bobby Miller in the fifth spot. Usually save my last spot for a new card to try
@genopolanco_PSN said in Reset my wins???:
@CoachBeliChuck said in Reset my wins???:
Maybe this is bothering me than it should. I find it unacceptable that I can't seen me own record. It's bad enough that my record from years past is gone. I don't care if it's public or not. Don't care about seeing other people's record. I just want to know what my record is.
You still can in the all-time standings. But yes it is lame. I submitted a bug report and everyone else should too.
Where do I find all time standings?
This has me way more upset than it should. Unacceptable that I can't see my own record. They are not going to fix it. They haven't been able to fix the problem with past years records.
Maybe this is bothering me than it should. I find it unacceptable that I can't seen me own record. It's bad enough that my record from years past is gone. I don't care if it's public or not. Don't care about seeing other people's record. I just want to know what my record is.
This should have 1000 upvotes. Nobody wants to play a game where you can't see the ball. A couple of times in my last few games people choose Oracle Park mid day and use a left handed starter. Can't see a pitch until the 4th of 5th inning
The fact that Babe Ruth needs to be brought up to discount Ohtani's season shows how good his past 2 seasons have been. Here's a link comparing Babe Ruth and Ohtanis first 5 MLB seasons. https://stathead.com/baseball/player-comparison.cgi?request=1&sum=1&player_id1=ruthba01&p1yrfrom=1914&p1yrto=1919&player_id2=ohtansh01&p2yrfrom=2018&p2yrto=2022&type=b
Say that 5 times fast. Anyways, just thinking it's too bad we can't trademark DD uniforms. They are definitely the "stock", I made my DD uniforms in 5 minutes, uniforms.
You can always change the initial settings. That initial screen just allows you to try them.
The game sets the difficulty for moments. They are usually like rookie or veteran. I think anything under all-star gives you location suggestions but I believe you can still turn it on or off in the settings. Ball trail can also be turned off in the settings.
I believe online difficulty is always at least all star. You won't get the suggestions online. You also have less options in the settings for online games
Mays or hamels
Quick complaint
I guess I'm back
Quick complaint
Quick complaint
Pitching question
Pitching question
Pitching question
Bullpen and Starting rotation question?
Bullpen and Starting rotation question?
Who's in your starting rotation?
Who's in your starting rotation?
Reset my wins???
Record not showing
Reset my wins???
Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever"
Padres city uniforms
Gameplay Settings