I've busted a few controller thumbsticks..that's forsure.. well the material over the controller.. after one season is ripped..

Madden is a purely pay to win kind of game... I appreciate the Show for allowing you to grind for every card in the game- that's huge.. Madden takes a lot more to get cards .. haven't played this year yet, but will probably pass.
Can't hit with him, he started coming around after parallel 3, we'll see, he helped me win my WS game, so I have to leave him in the line up for a few more games, even though he's hitting under .200 with 50ABs.
Are they down right now?
I got a 90 - Judge.
@codywolfgang_xbl said in The Secret to Being Elite at MLB:
@genopolanco_psn said in The Secret to Being Elite at MLB:
Interesting. I trust your judgement. Do they make them in a 27”? I’ve been considering upgrading myself but if I upgrade I want to go slightly bigger than 24” this time.
What were you using before? Also have you tried out any curved monitors? If so, what are your thoughts. Seems gimmicky to me but I haven’t tried one.
I have an LG CX and have tried several monitors with different panel types and most at 144 Hz or 165 Hz overclocked or whatever they call it. The 240 Hz monitors are so much better. I’m not exactly sure how to explain why, but I have come across a couple forum posts on blur busters that explain why. I have so much more time to react playing RS in WS….so noticeable.
There are 27 inch options, but they are typically more expensive. This particular Alienware monitor allows you to use the next Gen consoles at 120 Hz without manually overriding the input. It is such a steal at 270 dollars.
As far as curved monitors go there are 27 inch options. The specs tend to be slightly worse. I came across this monitor while searching and it’s solid.
Is it that bad playing on an LG CX? Isn't that 120HZ?
I was in your position, unfortunately, it takes a few breaks to go your way, and as people mentioned, and preach (and i suck at it) patience... Movie TV GAMING on youtube did a video which kind of helped me.. working counts to two strikes, unless the pitch is down the middle.. These days, make sure your line up can mash lefties, as you're either getting a lefty or Cabrera.
@peuswahboy_psn said in leiter, paxton, or vida?:
I'd say Leiter, Vida, then Paxton. Leiter has great movement and control, so you can keep guys off balance all game if you're mixing it up and spotting it well. Vida's interesting, but he's more hit and miss. Some guys can't touch him, and other guys hit him like BP. That maxed out H/9 is nice though. Paxton is weird for me this year...just like last year. He seems like he should be better than he is. He's just kinda...meh?
Appreciate the feedback - Haven't tried Vida, but def was able to time him up, but I can see some ppl not touching him. There are just too many lefties now..
@khain24_psn said in leiter, paxton, or vida?:
Leiter has lower velo and better control/break i think which makes him kinda easy on AS if you face someone who doesn't chase. My first outing with him was horrible but hes been solid since (I cap around low 700s -- hard to keep up with speeds bouncing back and forth and I dont use a monitor).
Yeah, you are probably right about ppl chasing vs not.
Monitors are key by the way - game changer for me this year vs playing on my TV.
Wanted to bump this up - Pitched one game with each Paxton, and Leiter - Leiter got hit harder, Paxton got hit, but was ok.. but when you see the higher levels you don't see much Paxton, but see a lot of Leiter... HoF and up, Leiter better?
@xbashxdaddy23 said in Respect to those who got 12-0 BR:
Just had my first 11-0 run than ran into back to back x5 12-0 banners
it was over with was a fun run tho finished a lot of the program too
Biggest buzz kill for the AVG player who gets lucky (that's me)
Honestly you're so hyped up for the chance to get the 12-0, and you face a killer... then you're like fine, i'll settle for the high diamond, and you face another one.... As ppl say - getting to 11-0 is no small feat, just no reward! lol
@bostondirtdog21 said in Respect to those who got 12-0 BR:
@chow88_psn said in Respect to those who got 12-0 BR:
appreciate the positivity! Honestly longest run I've ever done, and I'm definitely an avg player..
I respect the modesty coming from a World Series player
Yesterday I was going for my first World series in the last 3 years, and a 12-0 banner.. luckily i got one, but couldn't pull out the other.. WS as some say, you can grind out, BR is a different animal.
Going 12-0 requires a good draft, lots of luck, some decent matchups..
I think the worst thing, was being so close, having 2 outs, up 1, but knowing the guy I'm against is crushing everything. Literally, my 2nd out was a play at the plate... having your dreams crushed. hahaha
appreciate the positivity! Honestly longest run I've ever done, and I'm definitely an avg player..
Just went on a crazy run to get 11-0, was winning my game 12, and lost in the last inning with 2 outs... That's the hardest thing to do in DD, going 12-0.. Ended up losing the next game for good measure...
@yankeefan412_xbl said in What happened to sportsmanship?:
After every game I send a “GG” to my opponent - win or lose. I have done this since I started playing online sports games 15 years ago. It used to be most people were good sports & sent the GG without hesitation. I probably only get a GG back in 1 out of 10 games nowadays. The rest of the time it is just nasty scathing comments - Even from guys that won…I play straight up, No shenanigans (bunt dancing, time winding, ect). I just think it’s sad that the world has become this bad that people can’t exchange pleasantries or a show of respect after a game.
That's awesome thst you do that.. I'llsg after great games as well... Most have chats disabled...
@ibonafidescrub_ said in WS Banners vs 12-0 Banners:
@chow88_psn said in WS Banners vs 12-0 Banners:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in WS Banners vs 12-0 Banners:
I have the WS and took it away because I do not represent a WS level player lol, I’m trash
I like this, I just got my first WS banner in the last two years, I'll rock it for a few weeks, and take it off, because i'm trash as well! hahaha
I made it with so much ease last season. From 450 to 902 with a 20-3 record… Now struggling and 25-20 in the season. Cabrera almost have me quitting until people stop using him
I was reversed, almost made it last year, then happen to squeeze in this year. I was at 885, thinking one more win, got a guy to rage quit, but only got 13 points, and then lost a few games.. but luckily got back up, you'll get it bro! keep at it!
@ibonafidescrub_ said in WS Banners vs 12-0 Banners:
I have the WS and took it away because I do not represent a WS level player lol, I’m trash
I like this, I just got my first WS banner in the last two years, I'll rock it for a few weeks, and take it off, because i'm trash as well! hahaha
@yankeefan412_xbl said in Servers down for anyone else?:
Trying to get on DD & keep getting the unhandled server exception message. Anybody able to get on?
Seems to have been down for awhile.
that's fine, but it breaks the freeze off I think... also caught him off guard.. I don't care if he throws me out at home, better than a freeze off.
My thumb
The new Madden is awful.
Am I the only one who can't hit with new Acuna?
Servers down?
90 + diamond question.
The Secret to Being Elite at MLB
Tips for Making The Jump from CS to WS
leiter, paxton, or vida?
leiter, paxton, or vida?
leiter, paxton, or vida?
Respect to those who got 12-0 BR
Respect to those who got 12-0 BR
Respect to those who got 12-0 BR
Respect to those who got 12-0 BR
Respect to those who got 12-0 BR
What happened to sportsmanship?
WS Banners vs 12-0 Banners
WS Banners vs 12-0 Banners
Servers down for anyone else?
Reporting cheaters needs fixed too