@bpwildbill11_PSN that’s right I think. Bonds, as far as I understand it, specifically held his own digital rights separate from the MLBPA in his playing days, with the ultimate goal to make a personalized baseball game (à la Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball from the SNES days, from back when I was a teenager and, uh, before you were born, yikes!)
That’s a moot point now, but Barry’s never exactly been accused of being just too accommodating to work with. Time does do crazy things. Heck, everyone was cheering for Mike Tyson as the ‘good guy’ Friday! I guess never say never, but, I just don’t see it myself. Maybe a Reggie Stocker flashback, but I was always a Jon Dowd guy myself.
Pete Rose, I recall there were a few posts on this forum about him a while back. You know what, he’s a pretty divisive figure I gather.
My gut, I suppose as dark as it is, is that MLB, Cooperstown and many others were just waiting for him to pass so they could honor/enshrine him without having to deal with him directly, but again, time will tell. Think he was pretty much just about to get reinstated in ‘21 or ‘22, but sort of got in his own way, which is more or less who he was. During that reinstatement push, the investigator from the gambling scandal (John Dowd) hinted Pete had inappropriate conduct with a minor in like the 70s, but, it was so long after the fact and a bit sensational. We’ll never really know one way or another.
Shoeless Joe’s not back in the fold, but he’s also not the all-time hit leader. A-Rod isn’t, Manny isn’t, and Ryan Braun IS in the game and one of them... is not my favorite ballplayer. I mean, I bet you Barry Bonds and Pete Rose both on the cover of The Show 25 wouldn’t even crack the top 50 list of strangest things to happen in April 2025.