My PS5 downloaded what showed up to me as a new update for MLB the show 21 last night around 10. I jumped on here to see if there were patch notes or something I look at to see what changes were made from the update, but I'm not seeing anything. I have been playing the show 21 at least a few hours everyday since release, so I'm sure what I downloaded yesterday night wasn't an update from a few days ago. So what in the heck did I download last night?

@zharperz1984_psn said in So what actually got fixed in RTTS with the new patch?:
Yes, I cant see anything that actually changed OTHER than attributes cant go over 100 anymore so they gave us a nerfed broken patch.
So it looks like I'm just gonna keep playing The Show 20 for now. I don't have the time or patience to try and do work arounds that may or may not work for a simple progression system in a sports game. I have a 1 year old at home and I work a high pressure full time job, it's kind of sad that they messed something so fundament to one of their oldest game modes.
@acamp1900_psn said in So what actually got fixed in RTTS with the new patch?:
It seems like they nerfed the total overall so nothing can go over 99 regardless of archetype and equipment combos,.....
Well that sucks, are we still having to do the DD work around?
I'm at work so I can't test the patch for myself, but for you guys who have been able to play since the patch was applied, what has been fixed and what still isn't working correctly in RTTS?
The crappy part is because you already paid for the game they probably don't care much about if you are done playing the game or not. Not saying you are wrong for moving on or even feeling upset about it, but SDS probably doesn't care much about posts like this.
@sgmrock_xbl said in Is there an equipment workaround?:
@cbgdaking_psn said in Is there an equipment workaround?:
I found a work around, I just went to my PS5 dashboard, pressed the options button with The show 21 Highlighted and then select close. Then I went to my library and redownloaded the show 20 and BOOM fully functional RTTS mode and the servers don't matter, equipment works correctly, and I don't have to do anything in diamond dynasty to get XP on a RTTS player that I have no desire to play with in any other mode outside of of RTTS.
All jokes aside RTTS 21 is trash right now, and I have given up on fighting with it until the DEVs do something about the server issues and the crazy amount of bugs. I'm sorry that we are all having to deal with this BS.
Would love to do that if I wasn’t an Xbox Series X owner with no PS4 or 5. Would buy a PS5 if I could find one.
I understand man, and it sucks that this is the first experience you get with the show on your new console. This is the worst launch I've seen from this game and I'm hoping that they get it fixed quickly, espeally for you Xbox players who don't have the option to play older better versions of the series.
Have you played poorly in the minors? That would be the only reason I would think it would drop. If not maybe start over or put in a ticket with SDS explaining the issue.
They probably aren't going to be stressing to much on individual support tickets for the first few weeks of the game because they have a lot more stuff to worry about then a few people missing stubs, equipment, cards, etc, This game had a disastrous launch so I'm sure the teams man focus is fixing the game and then they will circle back to individual tickets, but bug reports matter a lot so keep sending in tickets because it helps the team to see what they did wrong.
You probably won't get your money back, and it sucks that you are an Xbox player because I would 100% suggest playing The Show 20 or even 19 in the mean time which is what I'm doing, but that probably isn't an option. I'm sorry I don't have a better answer man.
It's probably just another one of the many bugs plaguing the game this year. Put in a ticket with support and hopefully it will get fix for all players in the future.
Your potential doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, I have never really paid much attention to it, but I'm sure as you play and upgrade your player your potential will go up.
I found a work around, I just went to my PS5 dashboard, pressed the options button with The show 21 Highlighted and then select close. Then I went to my library and redownloaded the show 20 and BOOM fully functional RTTS mode and the servers don't matter, equipment works correctly, and I don't have to do anything in diamond dynasty to get XP on a RTTS player that I have no desire to play with in any other mode outside of of RTTS.
All jokes aside RTTS 21 is trash right now, and I have given up on fighting with it until the DEVs do something about the server issues and the crazy amount of bugs. I'm sorry that we are all having to deal with this BS.
@eleaticstranger_psn said in RTTS NO PROGRESSION:
The proposed temporary fix does work sometimes, but not consistently. I've compared notes with three friends and we haven't been able to determine what variables make a difference. For one thing, you may need to perform the fix in DD more often than after each time you load up the game. Unfortunately there's no way to confirm that your progress will count until after you've already put in the time to play a full game in RTTS.
I have tried the work around about 15 times over the past week and it's only worked about 1/3rd of the time and that's not counting the times the server went down midgame and I lost all progress even after doing the work around.
@thevan27_psn said in What Did I Spend Money On?:
@ur_nustepdad_psn said in What Did I Spend Money On?:
How many times you gonna copy and paste this same post even if you're not the OP and you're still copy and pasting the same trash over and over get over it cry about we paid for it this is what we get
This is the first time I've posted on this forum lol.
I think anyone who has played RTTS in the past is annoyed with this years game. I have personally stepped away from The Show 21 and went back to 20. This years game is a mess at this point and pretty much everyone is having the same kinds of issues so I'm sure a lot of users are seeing similar posts over and over again depending on how much they view the forums, but it doesn't change the fact that everyone should be able to voice their opinions and speak their peace about a game they spent 70 dollar or more of their hard earned money on just for it to be a buggy mess with constant server issues. I hope 21 gets fixed soon because I was really enjoying my time in RTTS before I realized that my progress had stalled and I was wasting my time.
I think a lot of us RTTS players feel this way. I've decided to go back and play The Show 20 until they get the servers fixed and the progression bug patched. I'm kind of annoyed with myself for buying this game at launch, but I trusted that SDS would have one of The Shows oldest and most played game modes running smooth enough to look past any small game play bugs the game might have. I was wrong, and now I have a 70 dollar game I don't have the time or patience to play because it doesn't work correctly if the servers are down or I don't take a few minutes to play DD to get the progression system working, and even if I do that I have to hope the server doesn't go down mid game because that will cause me to lose the progress I just went out of your way to try and earn.
Put in a support ticket. I'm not saying that will fix anything, but that's really all you can do to try and fix the issue.
From what I've experienced it doesn't seem to be counting XP when the serves aren't connected.
I'm happy they are working on this, but so far the servers have been terrible, and some of these game modes have more bugs then an outhouse, with the door open, on a hot summer day.
From what I've read you can't bring any past RTTS saves from any gaming platform to The Show 21.
@jonahfalcon_mlbts said in What Happened?:
It's called "live service, pay up." Your single player experience doesn't exist anymore.
People have been praising SDS for years for not tying their single player experiences into the live services portions of The Show, and it sucks to see that they are finally starting to cave a little. I know people will defend this, by saying "to actually progress your created player you still have to play RTTS", but that's not my point. This is the test run to see how far they can push before the players stop playing. I watched 2k do this a few years ago, and it always starts out like an innocent concept then the next thing you know you have to pay stubs to get a decent player to enjoy RTTS.
What was it that I downloaded yesterday?
So what actually got fixed in RTTS with the new patch?
So what actually got fixed in RTTS with the new patch?
So what actually got fixed in RTTS with the new patch?
I’m done SDS.
Is there an equipment workaround?
please help
Support Tickets Don't Help Anything
Phantom double play
please help
Is there an equipment workaround?
What Did I Spend Money On?
Missing stubs
XP Question
Be patient folks the servers are indeed getting better every day with their maintenance
How in the hell i can bring my RTTS saves from PS4 to my Xbox one??
What Happened?