Just fyi, whenever I'm batting in the Show and my wife is talking to me, I can't concentrate.
I'm playing the Justin Turner POTM moment for 6 TB in a game. And my wife comes downstairs, starts talking to me and for several attempts I keep screwing up. Finally I get frustrated and ask her to leave, "I can't concentrate with you talking to me."
Now I'm at the point where on my latest attempt I hit a double and need 4 more TB to finish. Just as she is exiting he room completely I hit a deep fly that looks like it'll be a wall-scraper and I start yelling "Get outta here! Get outta here!"
My wife yells back "F**K you!"
The ball clears the wall! Homerun!! Mission Complete!! And I start yelling "Finally!!!"
My wife now half-way up the stairs yells again "Go F**k yourself!!" Not realizing I've been talking to the TV.
I laugh so hard because it was perfect timing the way it unfolded. I laugh as I tell her, "I was talking to the TV!" LOL LOL
May 5, 2021, 11:00 PM
Mar 19, 2020, 10:50 AM
Different hitters, pci lined up same way, and completely different results: one a laser grounder and the other a shallow fly ball. Wtf??
Mar 19, 2020, 12:00 PM
Last year's DD was ADDICTING and the BEST it ever was!! It was fun, engaging and worth the grind all year. As a developer you build on what you create, not remove and replace.
This year, a few observations that have made DD take a step back in my opinion and I hope SDS is reading:
What happened to the Inning Moments? Where are the moments we played that focused on the careers of the 3 "Bosses"? The Day in History, Boss Battles, etc that earned PROGRAM stars?
Is Showdown essential for having a shot at 300 Stars to get a Boss? If so, that is a crock! It's fun as an alternative to more program stars, since it goes to 1000 now versus like 600 last year.
Update 1.04 today that made adjusted the hitting difficulty just RUINED IT! The hitting PCI in veteran looks like All-Star size. The results are inconsistent: 2 batter, same PCI locate where the ball was hit and 2 completely different results: laser grounder through the infield and other a fly ball to shallow right field. The hitting was CONSISTENT in the results prior to this. PLEASE UNWIND THE 1.04 UPDATE!!
It seems they are forcing you to spend stubs to get deep in the program stars for the Inning Programs. This isn't right! What, SDS didn't make enough money last year??
So far, I'm disappointed. What does everyone else think?
Sep 14, 2023, 9:08 AM
So, after grinding through the first few months of programs through the Father's Day program in June, my DD roster was basically set with my favorite players. Then Season 3 came along and suddnlenly just about my players were ineligible except for 1 Wild Card.
This eligibility addition this year ruined my love for DD. Since July I've had no desire to grind away at all the programs, conquest etc. What's the point if you finally earn a certain player if a week later a new season starts and you are restricted from using them?
Anyone else feel Season Eligibility should be removed next year? Or share in my thoughts?
Jun 1, 2020, 10:48 AM
Request to "XP REWARD PATH" screen:
Please when we select this screen automatically have it load to the last level we redeemed/what current level we're at. It's really annoying swiping right for 5+ second every time when you're in Gold and Diamond level.
Should be as easy fix for SDS.
May 6, 2024, 2:49 PM
As a DD player for 10+ years, last year's introduction of a Wild Card player and season eligibility ruined DD for me. By July I stopped playing this mode entirely.
This year with 4 Wild Cards I'm looking at my current roster of who I may be able to keep and feel I'm gonng to stop playing DD again mid year. Why grind so hard to have cards taken away?
Please SDS, after so much negative fan feedback last year, ELIMINATE WILD CARDS/SEASON ELIGIBILITY ENTIRELY when Season 2 rolls out.
Jan 3, 2020, 11:12 AM
The one thing in Diamond dynasty this year that I wish would change and for next year is alternatives to online play for program stars in the Inning programs.
Example: if there's up to 300 possible program stars you can earn through online playing, have an alternative for non online users. Make like extra missions like stat accumulating like in the 11th inning.
I dont feel it's fair to force people to play online to enjoy all possible rewards.
Anyone else agree and feel this is a reasonable change for 2020?
Mar 19, 2020, 12:06 PM
@GradektheBard said in DD has taken a step back this year and here's why...SDS PLEASE READ!:
The patched hitting in 1.04 is garbage. No one was asking them to make hitting harder (other than to make pitching more accurate). This patch has made showdown virtually unplayable for average players. Once again, hitting is great at launch and sds mucks it up.
ABSOLUTELY! We go through this every year. It's great then they screwed it up, then they fix it a few "updates" later even though it was fine the 1st time.
Mar 24, 2020, 10:49 PM
Without real baseball going on, SDS is going to have to do a better job coming up with more content to keep us busy. More moments, missions, this day in history e.t.c.
The latest player program Kerry Wood took less than 2hrs... 6 missions or so and then a 9 inning game vs the Cubs.
Pick up the pace SDS. We're going to need more substance without real life baseball.
Apr 2, 2020, 12:30 PM
After yesterday's 1.06 patch that eliminated the runner window if auto fielding was on, I immediately made a post about how ridiculous this was.
With the outpouring of replies and complaints, it's obvious SDS was reading and undid it with today's 1.07 update. That was fast!!
Thanks to all who made your voice heard on that one!!
Mar 21, 2024, 9:37 AM
So far in this year's game, some aspects are tough on the eyes. Mainly, too much color white everywhere. Very bright and makes my eyes irritated. Anyone else notice and hope SDS does an update to change the color schemes?
Aug 19, 2020, 5:56 PM
Based on your performance in the player showcase, have that actually affect what round you're drafted in. Don't have it pre-set. Seems like you can load your RTTS 10x and the same team will keep drafting you. As a SP, your player should automatically respond to balls hit behind him and at least turn around to watch the play instead of just staring at the catcher.
Apr 1, 2020, 11:52 AM
"Lead Runner Window will no longer display if the fielder or runner settings are set to "Auto".
So we have no idea who's where and which runners are advancing or taking an extra base?? Wtf!?!?!? We're being penalized over a personal preference??
Sds really thought this was of higher importance over other needed tweaks??
Aug 14, 2020, 2:50 PM
I started playing HOF consistently recently and decided to go thru the HOF Moments for the "All-Timers Moments" first while I'm in the "HOF mode" and then take care of the AS stuff later.
So far, I've beaten the AL 2-0 & NL 2-0, AL East 6-4, Al Central 6-0 and found it interesting that my best offensive output was against the MLB All-Times Squad...won 13-5 and knocked Kluber out in the 3rd Inning! Hardest SP so far was Greg Maddux and Mike Scott. With Maddux, couldn't get myself to consistently get underneath his Sinker/Changeup and Scott's Splitter I couldn't pick up on. Fortunately beat both games 2-0 thanks to my dominant pitching staff.
It's been exciting and I'm looking forward to grinding through the rest to get "The Babe!"
Aug 18, 2020, 4:43 PM
Dumbest thing I saw that Woodward was upset. It's never been uncommon to swing at a 3-0 pitch, regardless of runners on or not. You know you'll probably get a strike. Also, managers give the green light a lot on 3-0. Woodward has no reason to complain!! Basic baseball strategy!
Dec 31, 2019, 6:56 PM
I wish mlb the show would add missions to accumulate stats for player cards such as:
Rookie, Breakout, Veteran, Hardware or Sgnature series.
With the other missions counting at 15+ program stars why didnt they make missions for these other player types??
Mar 19, 2020, 12:16 PM
@GradektheBard said in DD has taken a step back this year and here's why...SDS PLEASE READ!:
The patched hitting in 1.04 is garbage. No one was asking them to make hitting harder (other than to make pitching more accurate). This patch has made showdown virtually unplayable for average players. Once again, hitting is great at launch and sds mucks it up.
Yea, I'm not attempting to continue showdown till this 'change' they made to hitting is corrected.
Mar 20, 2020, 5:53 PM
@Vipersneak said in Where are the Inning Missions??:
I gave up on Showdown. So that is 0 stars rather than perhaps 50 of 70 with partial success. If there is no way to get to 300 stars for me then Franchise mode here I come.
Exactly. Last year I may only have needed 50 of the possible 70. I just cared about passing 300. The "all or nothing" mentality of Showdown I dont like IF there wont be individual missions for program stars.
Apr 17, 2020, 12:28 PM
I don't like that programs like Jackie Robinson top out at 95 stars for Offline players...the final 10 are through ONLINE only. I really feel it's only fair for all programs, etc to have alternate missions to earn the same amount of stars offline as online. For example, if the 2nd inning has as much as 50 stars you can earn through ONLINE play, there should be alterative for an offline player. Feel like it's penalizing you or a slap on the wrist for NOT PAYING for PlayStation +.
May 13, 2020, 4:39 PM
- I started with collecting 30 for each team. This will keep you from having to buy gold and diamond players. Reinvest those stubs you earn at 10, and 20 into more cards. Don't spend more than you earn.
- Use your DUPLICATES to sell and reinvest the profits into cards you don't have. Players that would net minimum 100 stubs I'd sell. You can sometimes get 2-4 bronze players with that same 100 stubs doing "buy orders". I kept a total of the amount of stubs I earned and would not spend more than I earned. That way your stubs total isn't draining!
- Get good at playing on All-Star difficulty. I've earned several diamond and gold cards along the way. Increase your chance of earning the more costly cards.
I've completed all teams without Diamond players. More than 50% there.
Hilarious Moment with my Wife!! This'll make you laugh!!
Inconsistent hitting is back with update 1.04
DD has taken a step back this year and here's why...SDS PLEASE READ!
Season Eligibility ruined DD for me
XP Reward Screen change...
Alternative to more Program Stars WITHOUT ONLINE PLAY...
DD has taken a step back this year and here's why...SDS PLEASE READ!
Kerry Wood done in <2hrs...now what??
That was fast! SDS listened...
Too much white...
What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?
"Lead Runner Window" GONE if Auto fielding ON...WTF?
Half-way thru HOF Babe Ruth Moments...Thoughts so far
Problem with Tatis grand slam while up big?
New missions wish the Show added to the 11th Inning...
DD has taken a step back this year and here's why...SDS PLEASE READ!
Where are the Inning Missions??
Need to have enough missions to earn the same Program stars as Online players
How should I start team collections