But assuming it’s the same swing as his 94 card it plays way above his stats.
He’s not “worth” a million. But at this point so many people have more stubs than they can spend
But assuming it’s the same swing as his 94 card it plays way above his stats.
He’s not “worth” a million. But at this point so many people have more stubs than they can spend
There probably won’t be a better overall catcher this year than that 99 Posey.
@lazy_toast said in Chipper Line:
I wonder how many wins a million dollar card can actually win you
Who knows. But no one spends 1,000,000 on this card in June. But it’s October (in a year where stubs were flowing in) so might as well
Why you still asking for friendly quits right after starting a game? It’s October
Oldest trick in the book. I spam circle every time my opponent pauses
Should be easier opponents though I would think. First 3-5 games played could be against bronze players
He’s 127-114. Doesn’t look like the record of someone who can boot people when he’s loosing.
Your internet glitched. It sucks, but it happens
Someone on here claimed he was number 37 or so and got his. But another guy said he was 12 and didn’t get it yet. So who knows haha
Your R2 button is probably malfunctioning
I did it once because my opponent had literally an all left lineup. So I brought in Christ Sale in the second inning.
But i agree, it needs to be taken out, or the starter brought in needs to have low, low, low confidence.
I had a great game going against a guy last night. He took an early lead but I was starting to get to his Roy Oswalt. 8th Inning comes and I’m down by 1 but starting to string together good at bats. He brings in 99 Kluber. It really just sucked the fun out of the game for me you know?
Sure enough, Kluber pitches two scoreless innings for the save.
His prestige is diamond and faster. Becomes the best defensive player in the game
because people would just play the Rockies on rookie mode and literally prestige everyone in one game. not that hard to figure it out.
I don’t like playing offline. and there are plenty of cards i want that I can only get by doing stupid moments or conquest or any of those boring offline modes. do I make a complaint post? no.
I think 200-250k. A lot of people will want to keep him
Chipper! At least I’m hoping. I’ll have a million stub buy order placed the second he pops up in the market
@rosborn27 said in Chipper buy orders:
2:54 EST
Damm. He wasn’t on the webpage until 12:00. I can’t imagine I ever get him this far back in line haha
They literally have until like December 21st to still be “on schedule” with Fall haha.
This literally sounds like the opposite of directional
I just got Mays too. I don’t think he’ll start for me but I’ll use him off the bench. I’m not crazy stub rich but I honestly don’t really think I need 900k more right now. Doubt I’ll have much of anything left to buy.
Those million stub orders will be there the rest of the year so I’ll just hang on to him until I actually need the stubs
@mrcityofwin said in For those of you with 1 mil Bellinger orders:
@MattWild1 said in For those of you with 1 mil Bellinger orders:
Are you gonna pull them now that it has been revealed that it only takes 20 wins to get him? I'm just curious since I won't be playing the event for him and I'd rather not overpay if his price is gonna drop substantially.
I will keep my milly in there i think. I can always sell and only lose 100 k which isnt anything this time of year.
Probably won’t make much difference, but I doubt he stays at a million longer than a couple of days. A lot of guy will just keep him, but at such a low win requirement, he will burn up all the remaining million stub orders very quickly
@ComebackLogic said in Chipper and Wagner:
Yeah, it really is a fantastic system they’ve devised this year. Any Tom Glavine fans who were pumped to pay 1M stubs for his 95 overall in his debut year in the show? Can’t wait until next year when they do limited runs of cards like Griffey, or remove the cap so everyone costs a trillion stubs a pop.
The issue isn’t a lack of cards. There’s no reason to think there’s not just as many 12-0 cards in the wild this year as any other year.
The 1,000,000 stub cap is only a problem because of how easy stubs were to come by this year. There has never been such long “lines” to get so many cards. People have too many stubs.