I'm not gonna lie, I use timing hitting, but only because I lost my left arm in the war and it's tough to use both joysticks at once.

Busta 21_XBL
@thegoaler_psn said in Should The Show Have Remained PSN Exclusive?:
Seems like all the weirdness got even worse when this game became cross-platform, imo.
Sorry we broke the game.
I'm grateful though to have experienced enjoying The Show finally after all these years without having to buy a new system and switch. It's been pretty fun these last 2 years.
If you were to get a set of SDS pom poms yourself, what color would you choose? I'm more of a neon green fan myself.
Well, I played a game 2 days ago against "FreezeOff Frank".
Guess how that game went.
@jkooch66_xbl said in Who do you have at first?:
He's not, he's kinda bad. But okay.
Ever think, (now this may be hard for someone to picture that doesn't think outside the box like you) some people use players better than others?
So a player who you can't use because you time his hits wrong or whatever you're bad at doing with him, someone else is good at? You're welcome for having your mind blown by the way. Enjoy your weekend little buddy.
@DoIHearBossMusic said in Live Arenado:
Is there a point to this dumb post? No one cares
Help me decide on this one little fella: Did you make your post from inside the locker you were shoved into at school, or was this after the principal had to let you out?
It is early in the year, but I feel like Minnesota can be a sleeper team any year. They're a tricky team to judge year in and year out. They seem to usually have a lineup of underrated gritty type players who battle hard each night. It's going to be an interesting season.
This would be nice if players go like an even 5 PxP boost for making a put-out or assist. Catcher throwing someone out, 10PxP. Simple stuff like that. Should be about more than just batting.
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in YANKEES SUCK:
What happened after the IBB makes your argument pointless. For the sake of respect Miggy should've been allowed to try for a hit. Besides there were two outs anyway and he'd already struck out twice. It's called sportsmanship.
I'm rooting for Cabrera to get the 3,000, which he will. However, your point of view is from a bias fan perspective. It was a smart baseball move that didn't work out for the Yankees. You play for the win, not personal accolades, especially not ones for the opposing team. That may be hard for someone like you that hasn't played organized sports since age 6 t-ball, but chalk that one up as your lesson learned today, champ.
Do it, and make a Tik Tok out of the controller clip to go viral. I'd double tap like it.
I start warming up a pitcher in the bullpen as soon as the game starts. Have one warming up, and another one tossing and stretching.
Ask your new boss if you can bring the console to work and have a little "gaming sesh" every so often to keep you alert and spry.
Guess you need to downgrade that internet.
FotF Acuna Jr. is my savior in many games. It can be a 0-0 stalemate all the way to the end of the game, and he comes up money in that last inning at the plate.
There's been a few times where I've been down a run and he just blasts one to tie or take the lead after I've been sweating out the potential loss approaching. He's been my MVP this year so far.
@hoboadam_psn said in An Other Nike Program??? REALLY????:
They're grrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat!
I see what you did there...
@theblindrhino said in Do you think:
Right. But KC isn't really a major city. It isn't even in the top twenty in this USA.
I just want to throw this out there, but I'm Amish and my parents were related and I married my cousin, but we consider Kansas City a major city. In fact we think it's HUGE!
But they don't let me off this little central Pennsylvania farm much.
@suntlacrimae50_mlbts said in To whomever is trying to buy LS Tatis right now...:
It's "whoever," not "whomever."
Thanks for the grammar lesson, grandpa.
@suntlacrimae50_mlbts said in To whomever is trying to buy LS Tatis right now...:
I know, whom cares, right?
As a dedicated English teacher, I thank you for correcting the youth of this generation!
@mm9niner_psn said in The game is stale, I hate myself for playing:
My biggest gripe is the moments flooding into all the programs. I can't do it. They are so mind numbing and frustrating. I just want to play regular games and compile stats. I'd rather go back to the old style of those player arcs or whatever. Do we really need 7000 moments to do?
I have so many player missions to do, that I never even use my main/best players anymore. No idea why I even grind for them. I complete their XP and never use them again.
Timing Hitting Sucks!
Should The Show Have Remained PSN Exclusive?
The Goose is loose
I hope this doesn't offend too many people but...
Team names that mean laggy games to you
Who do you have at first?
Live Arenado
Rangers, Pirates, Twins, DBacks in first place
PXP Buff
One thing that I absolutely love
why is reliever energy zapped after 3 frigging pitches?
Can anyone please help me. (member or dev)
Hosted 10 BR games in a row ?
Who is a player that you destroy with at the plate
An Other Nike Program??? REALLY????
Do you think
To whoever is trying to buy LS Tatis right now...
To whoever is trying to buy LS Tatis right now...
The game is stale, I hate myself for playing