Any update on things such as people losing cards and how we can get them back?

You see now that I've taken time to really take in the cover art, I've still come to accept it looks like a ketchup and mustard yk, ...shot just put another word infront of it.
A) y'all couldnt spend the money to go out there and make it a Jeter and Ortiz collectors cover but wanted to re-use both for the deluxe and MVP edition? No offense, you know how many stubs people buy and how many people buy the game in general? How is it that the normal cover is better than the deluxe cover? just wow.
B) now you got people started on anime cards.........
C) we working on fixing the release day issues before they happen right? we don't need another 21 where people lost cards and the connection and the freeze off and all that bs or are we spam posting ohtani for 2 months and still gonna have issues?
@codywolfgang_xbl said in this game amazes me every day:
@brandonm13x_psn said in this game amazes me every day:
it takes absolutely zero skill to play anymore, it is pure 102 fastballs on legend and sinkers high still, SDS you have simply [censored] the bed when it came to making this game, you haven't fixed it and it's utterly [censored] disgusting, it's not fun to play ranked, it's not fun to even play offline, the game is degrom every goddamn game and I wanna puke in my [censored] mouth because of how many games are pure total [censored] [censored].
I don’t even mind the small pci or pitch speeds in World Series….it’s the timing windows. They are all messed up in my opinion. They tried to make them really small, but they are just weird.
one day I'm completely mashing the ball on legend, next day im complete utter garbage I just dont understand how it works.
@baracesilk_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
If you lost because of a couple out of place PCIs from the opponent... Then the game wasn't given to them. That means you guys were playing a close game. You count in the times you had the out of place PCI HR's you probably have won a share of games in that fashion as well. However, we never talk about those.
Lol bro I can only count 1 loss that was actually played out fair and nicely, every other time ive lost to some [censored], and its [censored] annoying RNG ruins this game Im playing kids that just get two lucky hits, two and start spamming sinker I dont give a [censored] if its a close game, a "Slightly late" out of the zone HR off a sinker that's going 97 and 99 Gossages stats should not even be close to a [censored] homerun simple as that. If they have RNG for hitters where its [censored] flying off of shitty PCIs and shitty [censored] timing give the pitchers some benefit
@raylewissb47_psn said in SDS once agan has ruined the game.:
See you tomorrow!
Lol [censored] no game isn't worth the money aint worth the effort its a bunch of fat sweaty people who just spam sinkers and fastballs when the PCI is the size of a newborns [censored], makes sense. fuckin tired of hitting a total of 15 PP in a spam of 4 games lost all 4 games off of A) Out of the PCI homers B) Bad timing swings that bloop and C) RNG [censored] [censored] me every [censored] game. shitty [censored] [censored] game was a waste of my time n money
@Collin_SDS_PSN could you please let us know about people losing cards and if that'll be fixed soon and will the players lost be returned?
hello my other dd players, on today I will vouch to no longer get mad at late jammed hits costing me 11-0 in BR and then losing because a PP went straight into the RF glove 110 off the bat of 96 diamond Stanton, but I will go 12-0 to get the 99 Bryce, ive lost 2 10-0 games I think and 4 7-0 games. ive only faced sweats but I refuse to not go 12-0 this year. I shall update you guys on this journey
wishlist, delete that awful cover. its like when the barber gives you that horrible cut and you're afraid to say it's bad. it just looks like ketchup and mustard all over the cover.
lets remove freeze offs, and lets remove the fact servers didn't work for a whole month when 21 first released.
lets fix the RNG in the game just because they swung very late doesn't make a blooper okay and the perfect perfect groundout every time, just doesn't make sense.
please for gods sake stop dropping 99s constantly and lower the diamond overalls, the game dies out by mid June July because of the constant 99 overall diamonds.
lol bro I [censored] cant top 10th jammed late hit to break up my perfect game and score the ghost runner actually [censored] this game its getting deleted
box score him 1 hit 1 run he won I [censored] cant LMFAO I just [censored] cant
@macktastic-brad_xbl said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
@brandonm13x_psn said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
welp ima go to the gym if I win the freeze off ill let you guys know because I think he did it intentionally somehow Dk but I aint taking this L if someone could find his PSN for me that would be wonderful
Omg your gr@aMMatiehe is S0000 bardserfsss duuur go to skool
I knuw 1ts h4 r d 4our me to S3ell thinngs coorrrectlie leaf me alune
so far I've sent about 9-12 tickets about me losing my cards, I can tell you support is not doing so good right now due and it shows I just would like a little explanation on how the Investigation team takes a week to review it when I showed them all the proof with photos I took and I still never got a response. just getting a lil ridiculous that's all.
In my opinion the support and reporting something is completely useless and it should just be a live chat system because they clearly don't read tickets at all.
Good Morning everyone, on 4/20 around 1:50 pm EST, I had done the Dodgers March to October to finish off the NL West Team affinity, I pulled Trout from the 10 team affinity packs, and received Mike Yastremzski as my last pick for the diamonds, on 4/21 I had lost them both and I sent multiple tickets. I am only the Yankees, Angels, Astros, White Sox, and Blue Jays from completing the whole collection. I was told on one of my tickets last week that it was passed to the Investigation team and I have tried to reply to the email 10 times but not a response on it what should I do?
No, they wont respond for a while I submitted a ticket and got some automated response saying it was passed onto an investigation team but haven't heard back since and that email was a week ago. I've been emailing them and got nothing
@wingspan1985_psn said in Lost Trout and 42 Series Yastremzski due to Sever Crash:
@brandonm13x_psn said in Lost Trout and 42 Series Yastremzski due to Sever Crash:
Good Morning everyone, on 4/20 around 1:50 pm EST, I had done the Dodgers March to October to finish off the NL West Team affinity, I pulled Trout from the 10 team affinity packs, and received Mike Yastremzski as my last pick for the diamonds, on 4/21 I had lost them both and I sent multiple tickets. I am only the Yankees, Angels, Astros, White Sox, and Blue Jays from completing the whole collection. I was told on one of my tickets last week that it was passed to the Investigation team and I have tried to reply to the email 10 times but not a response on it what should I do?
Sadly all you can do is wait, wish I had a better answer. SDS does know every card you have,, so you will get them back but with so much of this happening they must be backed up.
I hope you get the cards back soon, I'm afraid to make big purchases on the market for this reason.
Thank you, I know eventually they'll get to it but this is the first time I'm really close to completing the live series so I'm just impatient, especially after I pulled Gerrit Cole today, all I really need is Trout, Rendon, Yates, Verlander, Bregman and the rest of the Yankee diamonds all which are really cheap so I'm just trying to get him back as soon as possible
@grizzbear55_psn said in Has anyone gotten replies from SDS?:
@blinkandie2_xbl said in Has anyone gotten replies from SDS?:
Hello, i submitted my error with SDS well past 5 business days ago. I am currently out a total of 10 vouchers and a 9 win diamond BR run.
Has anyone had success in getting a reply from SDS with whatever their issue was and is SDS rectifying it??
Patience guys! They will make things right with accts i promise, but game fix comes first. Last thing they want is to find out patch didn't cause new problem. Plus they are not EA. They probabally only have 6 or 7 support techs so give them space to do things right.
patience LOL if you buy a game for $100 and expect it to be fully working especially after they delayed it a month when it usually drops in march but instead this year April cool covid I get that, but don't you think they wouldn't have to find out what to do with all these problems if they just tested the game instead? There's issues in this game that shouldn't be there. But now people are losing cards such as myself losing Trout, This game was the most hyped up game and disappointed nearly everyone because they made it available to xbox now look where we're at. If they never released to Xbox half of these issues wouldn't be a thing just saying.
update 6-0 ran into someone who was utterly sweaty I hate this game with passion gn.
@kotank1334_psn said in 10 reasons why this game makes me miserable:
Agree with almost everything. I would spend money every year and decided since this was probably going to be a bad release I wouldn't and I'm having a good time grinding actually.
wish I could say the same but in showdown (on veteran) the CPU turns into a prime Andrelton Simmons on the Braves and just goes god mode
@mcgalamaad_psn said in Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?:
It’s unplayable over 800 this year, I can’t believe it. Every pitcher has outlier…not even remotely fun to play ranked anymore. Kind of destroys the whole point of DD for me.
no its just people spamming 101 and 102 sinkers and fastballs on the low inside corner, it's late jammed hits never good in the zone hits. same players seen same pitches nothing new and the same kids who pitch like their life depends on it.
@kotank1334_psn said in 10 reasons why this game makes me miserable:
I think my favorite is when they said "User input will matter more than ever"
I think my favorite thing is the homers and the game being so hitter friendly every [censored] I play. I can be winning 8-0 and mind you my Orange parallel deGrom can still blow the lead based off the game saying "too bad ur losing this game"
Game Update 3 Thread
SDS not gonna lie, you guys flopped
this game amazes me every day
SDS once agan has ruined the game.
SDS once agan has ruined the game.
Game Update 3 Thread
Road to 12-0
the show 22
SDS once agan has ruined the game.
SDS once agan has ruined the game.
My MLB Morning (Pls Read)
Support Tickets Don't Help Anything
Lost Trout and 42 Series Yastremzski due to Sever Crash
Has anyone gotten replies from SDS?
Lost Trout and 42 Series Yastremzski due to Sever Crash
Has anyone gotten replies from SDS?
Road to 12-0
10 reasons why this game makes me miserable
Does anyone actually enjoy Ranked?
10 reasons why this game makes me miserable