I have 17k and the pack craving is hurting rn help me

this is just reverse psychology for them to put trout in my packs because it seems to be rigged as koogs has pulled him release night for the last 4 - 5 years.......partnered to another level lol
@abbyspapa_psn said in Freeze off really.......???????:
"Hey, you know how we had this problem in '21 where you would get freeze offs sometimes during 1 on 1 multi-player games? I think we should have a mode in '22 where there's 2 on 2 to double the chance of a freeze off!"
"Do it!"
currently playing MTO and I wanna vomit all over the floor. time for a refund
SDS , you have finally pushed me to a breaking point of wanting to delete the game before its actual official release.
The AI pitching on all star is painting corners like they're on HOF.
I've PP 6 or 7 balls pure lineups (Lineout the Show 22)
Once again a Pay to win game for the Youtubers
Very late and early hits all over the place (Haven't even played online just MTO for program XP.)Game is all over the place. It feels like the tech test just with more playable options and DD. its disgusting
@thewooderboy__psn said in Freeze off really.......???????:
@brandonm13x_psn said in Freeze off really.......???????:
Lmk how we released a game that still has freeze off's......Wasnt this game supposed to be good. I've had 3 already. This is why this game is copy and pasted.
Where are you having them and what seems to be the trigger? I’ve played 9 online rated games so far and haven’t run across a freeze off yet.
Had them 4 times in Co-op and it happened when you pinch hit the pitcher and try to put a new one in. I've had 3 in events and it just randomly happened out of nowhere don't know what caused it
Lmk how we released a game that still has freeze off's......Wasnt this game supposed to be good. I've had 3 already. This is why this game is copy and pasted.
You see now that I've taken time to really take in the cover art, I've still come to accept it looks like a ketchup and mustard yk, ...shot just put another word infront of it.
A) y'all couldnt spend the money to go out there and make it a Jeter and Ortiz collectors cover but wanted to re-use both for the deluxe and MVP edition? No offense, you know how many stubs people buy and how many people buy the game in general? How is it that the normal cover is better than the deluxe cover? just wow.
B) now you got people started on anime cards.........
C) we working on fixing the release day issues before they happen right? we don't need another 21 where people lost cards and the connection and the freeze off and all that bs or are we spam posting ohtani for 2 months and still gonna have issues?
@ikasnu_psn said in the show 22:
The cover isn't for everyone I agree, though I like it.
As for the very late hits, I hate to drop this line but thats baseball and is a very real element to the game.
For the 99s, July imo is a decent time to start seeing all 99 teams, which really isn't true because most bullpens will still be rocking a low 90 high 80. Its far better than 19 when we had 99s in like the 2nd month.
Nah the cover is only for the Nintendo switch anime kids. Horrid, all these YouTube content creators sold out for the bag and SDS pays them to say it looks nice.
Late hits are horrid same thing with early, its a video game, it's not real life and it doesn't mean it needs have every aspect. People enjoy a game that makes sense, these very late jammed hits just don't make the game fun, just frustrating. Second the RNG is all on SDS and it's an issue and has been a issue for years that they should fix there's no reason a very late jammed "blooper" should fall and the 117 mph off the bat [censored] missile should be an automatic lineout. balance the hitting system.
99s shouldn't be implemented til July max, everything else should be 95 or lower.
@ikasnu_psn said in the show 22:
Your only valid complaint here is freeze offs.
nah, cuz that cover is horrid. the RNG even worse very late hits shouldn't be rewarded, put a good swing on the ball, I shouldn't have to worry about a jammed inside broken bat blooper, lastly the constant 99's like switch it up, it's been like that for years now. all they would have to do is tune down the overalls to like 91-93 until July or august so the game actually has something to chase. The only 99s that would be valid is the 32 teams collection reward that merely cost 1mil to complete within the first 2 months..
wishlist, delete that awful cover. its like when the barber gives you that horrible cut and you're afraid to say it's bad. it just looks like ketchup and mustard all over the cover.
lets remove freeze offs, and lets remove the fact servers didn't work for a whole month when 21 first released.
lets fix the RNG in the game just because they swung very late doesn't make a blooper okay and the perfect perfect groundout every time, just doesn't make sense.
please for gods sake stop dropping 99s constantly and lower the diamond overalls, the game dies out by mid June July because of the constant 99 overall diamonds.
@raylewissb47_psn said in when is the update?:
Someone didn’t read the patch notes. There were no changes to gameplay.
U didn't get the joke. Wow
I don't think they updated jack [censored]....my perfect perfect was a line out but his three out of PCI balls were RBI singles is the game gonna be updated soon? Im confused... I think the game is still broken.
is anyone else's missions not tracking for the Monthly like this [censored] is annoying.
@flaw7420_xbl said in August Monthly Awards Program is Live!!:
Came out about 15 minutes early!!
came out 15 minutes early with 1000 bugs, no wonder it was out early cause it wasn't even finished, the progress won't track when doing missions well done SDS
I mean the stubs amount I would say no but u got a World Series banner u def got him and if you did he rakes.
@macktastic-brad_xbl said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
@mottledaxe86_psn said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
@brandonm13x_psn said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
welp ima go to the gym if I win the freeze off ill let you guys know because I think he did it intentionally somehow Dk but I aint taking this L if someone could find his PSN for me that would be wonderful
Hit the share button and record your gameplay, then go into your capture gallery and watch it back, you should then be able to see your opponets gamertag.
Just go to recent players..
omg you spelled opponent wrong to back to skollmy boy has his whole thing private welp ima be here til 12am cuz my ps5 doesn't go on rest mode and im gonna be out and about I hope this guy isn't like doing anything Cuz im waiting all day I aint losing this game
@macktastic-brad_xbl said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
@brandonm13x_psn said in My MLB Morning (Pls Read):
welp ima go to the gym if I win the freeze off ill let you guys know because I think he did it intentionally somehow Dk but I aint taking this L if someone could find his PSN for me that would be wonderful
Omg your gr@aMMatiehe is S0000 bardserfsss duuur go to skool
I knuw 1ts h4 r d 4our me to S3ell thinngs coorrrectlie leaf me alune
if I dont pull trout in the next 3 days, I will officially stop buying packs
if I dont pull trout in the next 3 days, I will officially stop buying packs
Freeze off really.......???????
Don't Release this to the public
Don't Release this to the public
Freeze off really.......???????
Freeze off really.......???????
SDS not gonna lie, you guys flopped
the show 22
the show 22
the show 22
when is the update?
when is the update?
fix the august monthly awards
August Monthly Awards Program is Live!!
My MLB Morning (Pls Read)
Is SS lindor worth it?
My MLB Morning (Pls Read)
My MLB Morning (Pls Read)