What is max level on the 1st inning program? I'm still trying to complete but not sure how many levels their are.

@nekrostd_psn said in Sneak a 4th patch?:
yes zHarpeRz you can modify sliders in RTTS with no bad consequences to your player. It only effects the rate you gain experience for the 1st inning program
@zharperz1984_psn said in Sneak a 4th patch?:
I am curious when they say xp do they mean the stupid human level that gives us extra packs or whatever when we level from gaining xp doing different stuff, OR is it referring to the xp a player makes to increase skills? OR both?
It's for 1st inning program if your talking about the xp with modified sliders.
@axiom-capri_psn said in Archetypes:
Who has reached diamond tier in their archetype? Currently I am diamond El ABUSADOR and I love the combo of 90+ contact both sides, 100 power both sides, and 99 speed.
I wanna see what else is out there but I wanna see if the community has any recommendations
Currently on gold should be diamond if i get some time this weekend to grind.
@skywlkngonh2o_xbl said in Problem with equipment....:
@badcompany666x_xbl said in Problem with equipment....:
@skywlkngonh2o_xbl said in Problem with equipment....:
I can't see any of my unlocked equipment in my Ballplayer loadouts. I can hear a sound when moving the D-Pad like its cycling through options, but nothing is visible. Anyone else have this issue?
I had this issue as well i thought i lost all my stuff for a second. I think if your close your game and reopen it show back up.
I will try, but it has been doing that to me since last weekend.
I didn’t have it happen to me until a couple days ago it’s definitely a bug for sure hopefully it get fixed with next patch because it can be annoying especially when trying to swap equipment.
@skywlkngonh2o_xbl said in Problem with equipment....:
I can't see any of my unlocked equipment in my Ballplayer loadouts. I can hear a sound when moving the D-Pad like its cycling through options, but nothing is visible. Anyone else have this issue?
I had this issue as well i thought i lost all my stuff for a second. I think if your close your game and reopen it show back up.
@gilfavor1909 said in 21 gameplay:
@badcompany666x_xbl said in 21 gameplay:
@gilfavor1909 said in 21 gameplay:
anybody else upset with the bat contact sounds and exit velos on 21? even good hits sound like bad contact, dull.. can’t even tell if i hit the ball or not. i played for a bit and it felt like i was playin on a wii or somethin kinda disappointing. it just wasn’t that fun, something is just off about it
I mean it’s sound pretty good when it’s a perfect swing.
wish i did. i don’t like the sounds of perfects this year idk i miss the loud contact and just overall smoothness of mlb 20. the swings seem slow and it seems like pitches creep up on you a lot faster especially sinkers. it’s just not smooth gameplay idk if it’s cause everybody’s playing rn and it’s the servers or what but i’ll just have to get used to it
I didn’t play much of 20 at all because my PS4 decided it was just gonna break after owning it 4 years or so. But from what i heard people loved the swing sounds from 20. imo the hitting is a lot better in 21 than it was in 20 i struggled so bad with 20 hitting it was almost annoying. The only thing i have problem in this game is that they stripped away a lot stuff that made modes good like RTTS in favor of DD and the amount of bugs on release. But the gameplay overall is not as bad.
@gilfavor1909 said in 21 gameplay:
anybody else upset with the bat contact sounds and exit velos on 21? even good hits sound like bad contact, dull.. can’t even tell if i hit the ball or not. i played for a bit and it felt like i was playin on a wii or somethin kinda disappointing. it just wasn’t that fun, something is just off about it
I mean it’s sound pretty good when it’s a perfect swing.
The fact that it’s now on game pass it’s only going to get worse.
I’m kinda hesitant to move forward with RTTS because the progression for perks is completely frozen and it’s really the only thing helping with the overall in RTTS this year. And there are a ton of things need to be addressed and fixed especially when we’re hitting full release today. Should i just wait before playing another season in Triple A and wait for the patch to fix the progression bugs or just go ahead and play I'm not to far from pushing into the big leagues the guy in front of me is sitting at 69 overall and I'm sitting on 67. I just want to come up as early as possible that way i have more time in the bigs.
@freshcope86_xbl said in Smashed my controller:
So, wtf is up hitting you mother f#%^*s SDS? I’m on Xbox One S here and let me tell you something is OFF. Zone hitting - one of the 3 best views - PERFECT, (i’d like you to read that again), PERFECT PCI alignment - MOST of the TIME I’m in the green when hitting and every single time the outfield either catches it or its foul. There is something in the coding or port to Xbox One that is not right, I have lost almost every game so far! Is that fudging fun for a game I paid 100$ for?? You greedy aholes just want money, worst garbage I’ve ever played. I enjoyed playing PGA once more than I ever this bs of a game. Its baseball!! I want to hit dingers! And I want to hit them and watch them fly when I DO EVERYTHING RIGHT ACCORDING TO HOW THE GAME WAS DEVELOPED WITH THE PCI AND ZONE HITTING. TF WHY DO YOU PUNISH ME AS A PLAYER OF YOUR GAME AND A SUPPORTER OF YOUR GAME. freaking done nothing wrong and I paid out my freaking wellfare nose abroad for this?? Go [censored] yourselfs SDS go [censored] [censored] yourselfs for this garbage. No hits my [censored], I’ll just refund this trash. Enjoyed playing RBI more too at least there I can get a hit when I do things right.
And this one time at band camp.
@badcompany666x_xbl said in No XP if you change your slidders.:
@t456yhnmj_psn said in No XP if you change your slidders.:
Just got off the phone with my brother who preordered the $100.00 Version of The Show 21. He tells me if you change your sliders at all you gain no XP for playing. Thank you for making this change you just saved me money. Now I don't have to buy the game. This is suppose to be something fun to take me away from my problems. Some will argue that it needs to be real. Well if you want real go try out for a real MLB team. This is suppose to be fun and with this change its not. I will not be buying this version of The Show or any other till this is changed. You make the game. I pay $60.00 for it I should be able to play however I want and still get XP.
It’s [censored] especially when i use sliders in rtts for realism as it adds a bit more challenge so now us people who use realistic sliders are completely [censored] as well. There is reason why sliders are offline only it doesn’t effect the mp experience at all. There is no reason to punish people for something that is not even exploitable.
@t456yhnmj_psn said in No XP if you change your slidders.:
Just got off the phone with my brother who preordered the $100.00 Version of The Show 21. He tells me if you change your sliders at all you gain no XP for playing. Thank you for making this change you just saved me money. Now I don't have to buy the game. This is suppose to be something fun to take me away from my problems. Some will argue that it needs to be real. Well if you want real go try out for a real MLB team. This is suppose to be fun and with this change its not. I will not be buying this version of The Show or any other till this is changed. You make the game. I pay $60.00 for it I should be able to play however I want and still get XP.
It’s [censored] especially when i use sliders in rtts for realism as adds a bit more challenge so now us people who use realistic sliders are completely [censored] as well.
@wowjustuninstall_psn said in **PLEASE READ** *UPDATE!!!* It's my third season. Why am I not in the MLB?:
@BadCompany666x_XBL I just got called up. Read my update on the original post
Oh my bad. But congrats.
@wowjustuninstall_psn said in **PLEASE READ** It's my third season. Why am I not in the MLB?:
@Mr4hunit_PSN I'm on the Mets playing RF. In my organization I'm only behind Avisail Garcia (lol) and he's a 76 overall and I'm a 75. I'm starting a new RTTS as a two-way player with edited rosters to see if that betters my chances.
You might have to get to a 78 overall. I had this happen to me back in 19. I had to literally grind out 4 or 5 overall to get called up. Also how well is your player doing in RTTS? It could be that as well especially if the player who your trying to replace in the MLB is playing really good. Also try not to sim try to play every game in the minors.
Having the same issue as well. It’s got to be fixed. Perks are going to be very important this year for RTTS especially if your trying to get called up. Just grinding out games is not working for me I’ve only managed to get to a 63 overall and I’m in August in Triple A. Not to mention training gives you really nothing at all. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next patch.
@dap1234567890 said in Failed to consume entitlement:
I guess I don't get my Tech Test pack!
I got this too but i got the pack regardless. Don’t worry go to your packs it will be there.
@yankblan_psn said in Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?:
@tacocat410_xbl said in Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?:
Im opening all my preorder stuff
Yep, then to bed. Feel stupid already staying up this late at my age with work tomorrow. Trying to not fall asleep on the couch.
I’m going play for couple hours and go to bed. i don’t have to go to work till 11am.
@oceanbubbles000 said in Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?:
@badcompany666x_xbl said in Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?:
@oceanbubbles000 said in Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?:
I didn't have KF on the controller and my thumbs kept coming off it because of the smaller thumbsticks amongst other things but again this was pretty horrible controller so official xbox 1s probably will be fine.
Dude that happen to me too i was playing during the tech test and my KF thumbstick just fell off and that has never happened before. I felt so weird without i would end up losing the game because i simply couldn’t find it.
That's not exactly what I meant but yeah that's happened as well lol
Well not while your playing but the fact you were having some trouble with your KF fitting on your controller was funny to me because i had a somewhat similar experience.
@vein_damage_psn said in Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?:
Learned my lesson last year. Definitely putting DD off until I can handle myself. RTTS starting pitcher is the way to go
That’s usually my mind set definitely try to get used to hitting and pitching before heading into online play because hitting and pitching can be different every year. Not to mention servers will be pretty bad on the 1st week or so.
If You Maxed Out The 1st Inning Program.....
Sneak a 4th patch?
Sneak a 4th patch?
Problem with equipment....
Problem with equipment....
21 gameplay
21 gameplay
Servers are awful
When do you think the next patch update will be?
Smashed my controller
No XP if you change your slidders.
No XP if you change your slidders.
**PLEASE READ** *UPDATE!!!* It's my third season. Why am I not in the MLB?
**PLEASE READ** *UPDATE!!!* It's my third season. Why am I not in the MLB?
Ballplayer Progress not counting
Failed to consume entitlement
Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?
Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?
Launch of MLBTS21 is almost here! What modes are you guys playing first?