Yep. WE ARE NOT YOUR BETA TESTERS SDS! We are your ACTUAL customers. This a sub-par product that is NOT ready for release. If you guys can't deliver on a yearly basis maybe you need a two year development cycle with a yearly patch update for the in between years because this is UNACCEPTABLE.

Azoth Solar_XBL
@kovz88_psn said in Let the usual daily four hour maintenance begin...:
Have you ever seen the meme of the dog holding a ball but not letting the human take it to throw it and it says "no take, only throw"? That's what I think of when I see these posts. People want them to fix the game without actually working on it
I think his point is that Beta testing should've been done by now. We are NOT their Beta testers, we are their actual customers. Servers in a game that has Online/Server integration with almost every game mode are kind of important part of the game. And something the development team should've had squared away before launch.
Way to botch a game launch, literally every mode is broken in some way. Integrating the online servers with all game modes was clearly a HUGE mistake. RTTS is basically unplayable RN, players don't progress correctly, equipment doesn't work, you can't make multiple players anymore. What a disappointment of a game, I wish I still had my copy of MLB 20... I might just buy another copy of MLB 20 because this game is clearly broken out of the gate. The only parts I've enjoyed so far is the increased frame rates & the option to be a two way player. Completely disappointed in this year's iteration so far.
@mistergraavy_psn said in We get it:
Are things really this bad? Maybe I'm a lucky one but I've had little to no issue playing this year
There's no way this a REAL person who has played this game.
This is why integrating every aspect of the game with online servers was a TERRIBLE idea. This game is unplayable & single player is just a nightmare. RTTS is completely broken, progression & equipment is completely broken. There's almost no reason to play this game right now. Even you can get connected to the servers, they crash & you lose everything you did. I think I'd rather spend my time with Nier: Replicant or Returnal or even MLB 20.
But as far as MLB 21 goes, this game is half baked, WE ARE NOT YOUR BETA TESTERS, WE ARE YOUR ACTUAL CUSTOMERS! If I pay a 100 dollars, I expect a finished product. If you guys over at SDS can't deliver a product on a yearly basis maybe you guys need to switch to bi-yearly development with yearly update patches in between years. Because this is a sub-par product that is not ready for release in it's current state.
@missingweblink_psn said in How to get Support? Important and Wrong!:
I contacted them 3 weeks ago to let them know that I paid over $40K on an Adley Rutchsman Prospect card. I got to use it for ONE day and it, along with other completed orders, disappeared from my account after more of their server issues. That was almost 3 weeks ago and I haven't heard anything from them. Not even a "we're looking into it." Since then, I've responded to the original ticket 5 times, opened 4 more tickets, tried to reach out on Twitter 3 times and even contacted PlayStation support twice about it. No one can get them to contact me about it. PlayStation said they have no number, which I find kind of illegal or atleast immoral to be honest. Does anyone know how to get a hold of them other than the form that they won't answer? This may be the worst support I've ever gotten. Sadly, after over 20 years on PlayStation and atleast 5 faithfully with the Show, even with ALL of their server issues, I'm probably done with both after this. It isn't even about the card anymore. It's about being ignored so long. Any help would be appreciated.
I wish I could help dude, but I literally lost all bonus packs & cards myself. And SDS hasn't responded to any of my tickets either. Their sh** servers went down when I was opening all my deluxe content and I literally lost everything except some equipment cards for some reason. So ALL that extra DLC I paid 100$ for is just GONE.
SDS is TERRIBLE for handling this the way they have. I won't play this game until they fix it and reimburse me for all my lost stuff. I don't care if I have to put in 100 tickets, someone is going to get back to me about this non-sense & this broken a** game.
I'm done with this game unless they undue RTTS & DD integration, it's ruining the experience. I'm going back to MLB 20, if that's the last game that has the single player modes intact without online integration, then that's the last MLB The Show game that I'm playing. They want everyone to shell out money for every single aspect of the game & it's a disgusting cash grab. I'm sick of this Underhanded B.S. when I pay 100 dollars for their B.S. game & not only is RTTS pretty much broken in every way (progression doesn't work, equipment doesn't work, you can't make multiple players anymore) But RTTS integrated with DD ruins the experience. Especially when the servers are junk! NEVER BUYING ANOTHER ITERATION OF YOUR GAME unless you guys fix & undue this non-sense!
@el-fiama-bianca_xbl said in We get it:
@mistergraavy_psn said in We get it:
@locutusofburg said in We get it:
@mistergraavy_psn said in We get it:
Are things really this bad? Maybe I'm a lucky one but I've had little to no issue playing this year
You’re a liar. Which SDS employee are you?
Oof. I'm not lying I was just asking if it's at all possible some of this is a touch overblown as luckily I've had a relatively smooth time. Not trying to be toxic.
Don't apologize for thinking you're being toxic. This forum is full of little zit faced kids who never played a minute of baseball in their livee. They are the epitome of toxic. If a seagull was the wrong shade of off white these squids would make 43 threads calling for class action lawsuits.
I play this game in the morning - mid afternoon and then again after 10pm. The only issues I have had have been a handful of days where I couldn't connect to the server and a couple times my game randomly froze while playing seasons.
Says that he's only had a "handful" of days where he couldn't connect to the servers or the game froze while playing, when the game itself has only been out for a week. If this isn't the definition of fanboying, I don't know what is.
I literally went to Best Buy and bought a copy of MLB 20. I knew I shouldn't have gotten rid of my copy! But I was duped by SDS again with this pile of hot garbage. SDS YOU GUYS JUST LOST A 15 YEAR CUSTOMER. MLB 20 is now my official baseball game. I'm returning my copy of MLB 21 & I'm not playing again until RTTS/DD integration & Online integration/Single Player integration is gone. I will not support your products if this how you guys treat your long time customers. I know, I'm one drop in a pond, probably doesn't matter that much to you guys, but I hope SDS starts losing customers because of this B.S. & they start ACTUALLY listening to the fans
Uh ... YOU can't go back to 20.
Got a PS5 bud.
MLB 20 runs great on the PS5 BTW for anyone who hasn't played it on PS5. I highly recommend.
@doppelganger39 said in Heads up to those who are thinking about buying this game!!:
Want my, to bad here it is.
If you play an offline mode buy it, its great, if you play an online mode wait 3 weeks til the servers fixed then buy.
It doesn't even work in offline mode! RTTS Progression is broken, equipment doesn't work, XP & Stubs are not working accurately. Literally, every mode in this game is broken or being broken by the junk servers.
@sean_87__psn said in Dear SDS:
They are definitely going to lose RTTS customers after what they decided to do.
ABSOLUTELY, just based around my personal experience with my friends, I would say they are losing a lot of customers/potential customers. I play baseball on my school team & I have about 10 friends who used to play this game all the time. This year, a couple of us bought it, a couple of us tried it out on Gamepass. We all LOVE RTTS & Franchise mode, a couple of us rock some DD, but not much. We all played it the first week it came out & none of us have touched it since. We've literally been making jokes about NOT playing the game because of how much they wrecked the single player modes & game in general with "online integration".
A couple of us have gone back to MLB 20 and the rest of my friends just won't play it. SDS shot themselves in the foot by releasing on Gamepass, most of my friends downloaded it & saw the mess with RTTS & Franchise & haven't touched the game since. I bought my copy, but ended up returning it. I'll check gamepass for updates but SDS really dropped the ball or just gave a giant middle finger to all of their longtime MLB The Show customers & supporters.
@binkz420_xbl said in Did I seriously waste $70!?:
I don't know how to contact the developers I've been searching it's not on the website so I'm assuming it's here. Just wanted to send an email to them but obviously that's not going to happen so hopefully they read this.
Did I seriously just waste $70!?
As a consumer, there's almost a certain amount of expectancy when you purchase a product. You want that product to work, you want that product to be advantageable, and you want that product to be durable with longevity. That being said, I've been waiting for this game to show me anything or any sign of good. I feel that I wasted $70 on a product that wasn't yet finished and quite frankly is almost unplayable. No matter what I do, my stats constantly go up down all around never where they're supposed to be, my equipment and appearance never ever stays the same like it's supposed to, and the amount of frustration that I've gone through with this game in my opinion wasn't worth the $70 when all I do is get angry. I've waited for years for the show to come out on Xbox and it finally does and this is what I'm left with disappointment and utter dismay?! I mean don't get me wrong it is fun, but the constant going back and forth fixing everything after every single game and sometimes it doesn't even fix I have to shut down the whole Xbox, is not enjoyable. A game, especially baseball, it's supposed to be enjoyable and fun and you're supposed to have a good time with it. I'm sorry the show, but I have yet to have fun with your product or even find it enjoyable in any means. Is there any chance I can get a refund or compensation or something!? Cuz right now it feels like I've been [censored] ripped off and I'm pissed.
Thanks for your time,
ZachDevs, feel free to email me back if it's not congesting up your busy schedule thanks
Amen to that... You and thousands of others feel the exact same way. I wasted 100 dollars and lost all of my deluxe bonus content when their sh***ty servers crashed. Submitted over 4 help tickets and haven't received one response from anyone over at SDS in over a month. They're Top Notch
Heads up to those who are thinking about buying this game!!
Let the usual daily four hour maintenance begin...
We get it
absolute joke with the servers again tonight on a friday
How to get Support? Important and Wrong!
What Happened?
We get it
Heads up to those who are thinking about buying this game!!
Dear SDS
Did I seriously waste $70!?