3 more hits, 2 more extra base hits. .995 OPS and they’ve dropped him to an 85 🤯🤯 Also 2 homers this weekend off lefties.

@pbake12_psn said in Bryce Harper attributes ????????:
The roster updates seem way to aggressive this year (like the short 2020 still). It seems like they are completely ignoring career splits and assuming through 30 games is the players new splits! Leave that to Topps now cards
Completely agree, way to knee [censored]. Guy has a somewhat slower April and now heats back up but dropped 4 overall points?? Makes 0 sense.
Harper has the most extra base hits in MLB, he has a 950 OPS, a 291 batting average and has been dropped both times in the attributes update. What the heck is going on?? Meanwhile Trout is a 97 overall with slightly better stats and less extra base hits. Also this is the reigning NL MVP. Complete BS. Fix it now.
@dr-k1ng-schultz said in PS4 to PS5:
All entitlements should be tied to your login. I too will be doing the same in 1-2 weeks when my PS5 comes.
Thank you for the response, that is what I was trying to make sure of because I am in a similar position.
If I buy the game on my PS4 and then get a PS5 does my progress continue or do you need to get one for each? Sorry for dumb question but genuinely not sure. Thank you.
If I buy the game on my PS4 and then get a PS5 does my progress continue or do you need to get one for each? Sorry for dumb question but genuinely not sure. Thank you.
Rhys Hoskins
@PAinPA said in Victor Robles cannon!:
I saw a bigger surprise in that game.
.......... Phils pen didn't blow it for 2nd straight game.Lol, right. Imagine what their record would be if they had held onto half the leads.
@LankyRyan said in Amateur player need help hitting:
Time and practice, babygirl. Time and practice.
Yup, there’s no substitute for it. It just takes time, practice and patience. No hot take or quick tip is gonna make a huge difference, it’s challenging but you will get there.
@KOTANK1334 said in Hey SDS. This is why people hate showdown.:
Oh, and making us hit / pitch on missions where it doesn't matter... that too
This one.....
I guess making the rewards sellable has been a contributing factor but it has become total brain damage. Gold glove defense, nerfed hitting and pain stackingly having to work every count 5-7 pitches just to get one decent pitch to hit.
Miserable. -
@vagimon said in Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast:
@aron1740 said in Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast:
@vagimon said in Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast:
So I just played an event game this morning and the difference was night and day (No pun intended). Last night, I had to gear up to swing before the ball was even released. This morning, I could actually sit back, see the break, and then swing. This is a huge problem. It’s like playing a completely different game. I don’t mind losing. In fact, I can lose with the best of them, but this is ridiculous. Last night, I was averaging 0 runs a game. This morning I put up 8 and the guy quit mid flight on a grand slam to make it 12. Granted, this morning those hits could have easily been line outs, but this morning I was in it and I had a chance, and I did nothing differently in relation to last night.
Sounds like you went from playing when you were tired at night to rested in the morning. There’s a reason people are more productive in the morning, it’s when your brains the freshest. Don’t overthink it my man, also might’ve caught someone else who stinks at the game in combination. But no one tweaked the game overnight, lol.
I was playing around 8 eastern time and felt fresh as a daisy. But I am telling you there was a difference in speeds from last night till this morning. I don’t think someone is tweaking the game. I do think connection disparities create elevated pitch speeds. And the person I played this morning had a 33-0 ranked seasons record, which means what it means, or it means nothing at all, but the person was pretty decent. And I understand people can be off or tired and that can affect gameplay, but I’ve played enough to know that this experience was not the result of that.
They definitely need to can the p2p connections, it’s so outdated and does affect gameplay.
@vagimon said in Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast:
So I just played an event game this morning and the difference was night and day (No pun intended). Last night, I had to gear up to swing before the ball was even released. This morning, I could actually sit back, see the break, and then swing. This is a huge problem. It’s like playing a completely different game. I don’t mind losing. In fact, I can lose with the best of them, but this is ridiculous. Last night, I was averaging 0 runs a game. This morning I put up 8 and the guy quit mid flight on a grand slam to make it 12. Granted, this morning those hits could have easily been line outs, but this morning I was in it and I had a chance, and I did nothing differently in relation to last night.
Sounds like you went from playing when you were tired at night to rested in the morning. There’s a reason people are more productive in the morning, it’s when your brains the freshest. Don’t overthink it my man, also might’ve caught someone else who stinks at the game in combination. But no one tweaked the game overnight, lol.
Not possible, game has flaws but no ones having a lazy fly out with P/P FOTF Olson.
Should me the video. -
@trongo_85 said in FOTF Smoltz:
Did you get him through TA work or did you buy him ahead of time?
Prices could go up a little bit in the next couple of days as FOTF cards are used in the Prime Event #2.
Prices go up when cards are used in events like you said so yeah hold and sell and at lest get something from him.
I have found Smoltz to not be very good.
Have been total garbage, low diamonds mixed with pitchers, sometimes only gold pitchers for the gold selections.....it’s a joke. They keep messing with the difficulty and it’s very frustrating........or maybe it’s me. I’m not looking for a cake walk but I’m also not looking to spend hours on showdown for 20 stars.
Unfortunately there’s not many other choices for getting through affinity outside MTO and after doing it once I’m out on playing it again, way to time consuming. -
@boogiewithstu2 said in when will patch updates stop ?:
@ejwik13 said in when will patch updates stop ?:
@edsrott1 said in when will patch updates stop ?:
I'm not sure but I've been playing the show since the beginning but I'm pretty sure that at some point they will stop improving the game with patches and this years game " is what it is " does anyone know when that will be ? cause if online game play does not improve dramatically I will sell game for best price I can get to some sucker who has no idea what they're getting into and wait for madden . this game is the show's worse version ever . and probably my last . also not sure if I will buy ps5. just for madden .
Good luck playing madden. Running stretch and blitz every play. Zero new things to franchise.
I’m not a fan of the show gameplay this year either. But oh boy does madden have it way worseMadden needs a total overhaul, they should just go back to the old PS2 engine and polish it up, it was so much smoother and funner to play back then, players didn't run like they have sticks up there azzzis... And don't even get me started with the stupid animation that suck you into the play regardless of what you do, and the tackling... OMG .... EA needs competition, I"m hoping like hell the NFL stops giving EA sole rights to the NFL license, they're hurting video game football and have been for years...
Funny because everyone here wants them to get baseball. It’s just a fact, no one is ever happy with how a game plays. Everyone thinks it should be tuned to their exact style or skill set. Gets old and annoying tbh.
It’s not the robbing of homeruns that I have as a problem, I’ve had that happen I think once all year. But for sure tired of grinding out every at bat for one decent pitch.
@DrIuigi said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
@aron1740 said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
@pogibana said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
@Dclnnn said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
@pogibana said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
to be safe they should not play at all this season
I hate these types of boomers who say this...like do you actually realize how low the percentages of dying over covid is? look at the facts bud
yes I have seen the numbers. The number of deaths is not the issue. It has been proven that many of the mild cases and asymptomatic have been left with lung and cardio damage.You say you hate us boomers that know about priorities. I hate young people that put sports and entertainment ahead of peoples health. Get your head out of the sand, covid-19 is serious
While I agree with you about this being serious, most young people make decisions that aren’t the most responsible, including yourself.
It’s hard sometimes for a twenty year old who just graduated highschool and is in college or working with no worries that they have to completely change have they live. Age and experience has taught us this but it’s unfair to be so holier than though like you’ve never been there.
Also every other American is having to work with precautions, they are no different. Baseball is their job so yes they need to take precautions but it is there job and so they need to go to work.Except many of them likely have millions saved up so , so no they don't "NEED" to go to work so you can have your entertainment. This is such an ignorant take
Irony is a funny thing, you talk of ignorance while blithering complete nonsense. Yes a handful of major leaguers are well off, but there are coaches, trainers, staff members who definitely do NOT have millions.
I would take more time to educate yourself when posting because you clearly have no real world grasp for how finances work and income for lower level employees. Also you’re welcome not to watch when they play if you’re so offended.
But mostly, educate yourself. -
@pogibana said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
@Dclnnn said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
@pogibana said in Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.:
to be safe they should not play at all this season
I hate these types of boomers who say this...like do you actually realize how low the percentages of dying over covid is? look at the facts bud
yes I have seen the numbers. The number of deaths is not the issue. It has been proven that many of the mild cases and asymptomatic have been left with lung and cardio damage.You say you hate us boomers that know about priorities. I hate young people that put sports and entertainment ahead of peoples health. Get your head out of the sand, covid-19 is serious
While I agree with you about this being serious, most young people make decisions that aren’t the most responsible, including yourself.
It’s hard sometimes for a twenty year old who just graduated highschool and is in college or working with no worries that they have to completely change have they live. Age and experience has taught us this but it’s unfair to be so holier than though like you’ve never been there.
Also every other American is having to work with precautions, they are no different. Baseball is their job so yes they need to take precautions but it is there job and so they need to go to work.
Bryce Harper attributes ????????
Bryce Harper attributes ????????
Bryce Harper attributes ????????
PS4 to PS5
PS4 to PS5
PS4 to PS5
Pre orders & cover athlete?
Victor Robles cannon!
Amateur player need help hitting
Hey SDS. This is why people hate showdown.
Stage 3 Showdown.......wtf???
Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast
Pitch Speeds Are Very Fast
Perfect-perfect flyout
FOTF Smoltz
Showdown draft choices lately and gameplay??
when will patch updates stop ?
I’ll tell you one thing
Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.
Angels commit to wear masks and take precautions.