The action figure series are the most stunning artwork on cards I’ve ever seen, not just SDS but of every card ever made. Truly fantastic.

Seems like that ship sailed weeks ago.
Ok, perhaps admit was the wrong word, I wasn’t trying to ridicule anyone. It was all curiosity.
No, no where in there am I the least bit upset about it. I do not care at all, I’m just curious…
Good point about paralleling Ruth in BR, I didn’t consider that as I’ve not yet had him on a BR team.
It shows Ruth Green Parallel I as having 17,839 cards which have attained this.
How many of those 17,839 Ruth’s (which of course can only be completed by collecting all MLB cards, which costs over 1 million stubs) are the product of stubs purchased through the store?
That’s a cost of $700 USD to get 1,050.000 stubs.
Does anyone admit to spending real dollars for stubs?
@iBonafideScrub_ said in Mid play quit to avoid a loss leaves me stuck in game:
When they disconnect the game abruptly they get the loss. You just need to stay until you see the message “connection lost with opponent”.
That’s typically what happens, but this time, I got stuck in the game infinitely. The game sat frozen for over 15 minutes before I closed it and restarted.
The guess I didn’t explain that in the video, completely frozen, they quit, I get pinned with the loss in a 2-0 game which I lead.
I don’t understand what you’re saying. They quit in the middle of a throw from CF to home that was never going to get there to stop the tagging running at 3rd from scoring and making it 2-0, my lead. I didn’t quit. They did and it froze me in the game like that.
What is this nonsense??? I had to close out the game and restart it. Then I’m pinned with the loss even though I lead 2-0 and the dude couldn’t hit a lick.
1- Base runner speed indicator now uses a font that makes 6’s, 8’s, 9’s difficult to discern.
2- Sounds. I play with no sound except game sounds like crack of bat and pitched ball cutting through wind. This season, the same sound settings produce a constant unpleasant dull white noise and then on every play, all you hear are tons of footsteps. Incredibly awful what has happened here. Like deal breaker on the entire game if this can’t be fixed.
The issue with not playing online in my opinion is you’re not putting yourself up against live competition. Man versus man, as baseball was meant to be. Beating the computer is just not the same nor can it give the same satisfaction as beating a human opponent.
Most people probably can’t stand some of the online stupidity and immaturity but I don’t let it get to me when it happens. Baseball is a game of mental fortitude. There is no room for weakness.
If a guy wants to pull that repeated bunt nonsense, I just take forever to pitch every single pitch until it stops. It usually does. But if it starts up again, so do long pauses between pitches. Fight fire with fire.
And if an opponent runs a video of a homer, don’t think of it as taunting, just assume they’re proud and admiring their success. You simply can’t let anyone get under your skin, especially over something so trivial.
I love it. I’m glad they’re not messing with hitting, I think it’s a good balance. I think pinpoint was too easy for many to master. Hopefully it will take away what I perceive to be a significant advantage pinpoint currently affords over meter.
I also like them closing exploit loopholes. By speeding up fielder urgency, that should greatly reduce a lot of the ridiculous base running that goes on now.
I hope to see more off the mark throws from C on stolen base attempts including throws into the runner which result in outs, which are occasionally seen in MLB but never in this game.
And most of all, I hope they’ve instituted penalties for plug pulling.
The very best aspect of this game has been ruined for pointless reasons. Now it’s barely different than Ranked, stacked vs stacked.
Of all decisions made to the game, this ranks up there as one of SDS’s worst ever.
I’ll never play BR again with this format.
I pretty much only select pro stadiums because I feel if I’m using professional ball players at the highest level, they should be playing at the finest parks. Plus, when I hit a homer in a MLB park, I know it’s legit, not some luck hit that goes out in one of those tiny joke fields. I play all MLB parks except Mets and that’s because of the airplanes flying over every inning and they just can’t be muted.
I don’t think there’s a right and wrong pitcher. They’re all going to get lit up. You’ve got to stick with them, two primary starters especially, so you can max them out. I think Cimber out of the bullpen can be slightly deceptive with his delivery, but a good hitter will rock him just the same.
@Luckygiodom Tried this many times. Fun for a second while you’re building the team, but then you realize they’re not as good when you play them (lesser hitting attributes or slower or worse fielder) and think, why play with anyone except the best when all you’re doing is disadvantaging your team? It’s all just code. User skill is the same no matter the player.
Here’s my line up. Long term, I think it would outperform any other line up (assuming I’d be playing an equally skilled player where we’d both play to .500 with the same team over a large enough sample size)
Mantle cf
Chipper 3
Ruth dh
Trout lf
Harper 1
Acuna rf
Mauer c
Captain Ripken ss
Semien 2Tatis (subs in immediately)
Brock prThe Ripken card boosts fielding for Trout, Acuna & Harper, and it pushes Tatis to full contact against lefties.
So you’re looking at
125/125/125/114 106
120/125/125/125 112
125/125/125/125 111
125/125/125/120 97
125/125/125/120 109
125/125/120/120 121
125/125/121/105 113
125/125/125/122 91
125/125/120/106 116Thoughts? Comments?
Difficulty settings. I believe the solve to this is no more difficulty settings, the game needs to dynamically change for each player based on their skill level. This would allow a highly skilled player to play at Legend equivalent while a lesser player to play at rookie or veteran against them. The idea being, once you’ve settled in at your appropriate skill level, the entire game will be played at that skill level so you don’t have to constantly adjust to changing difficulty levels. The goal should also be to make it realistic so no team plays at a win rate of greater than 70%, against the CPU or online.
Lock-out time penalties for dashboarding. It’s a horrible aspect of this game and it must be eliminated as much as possible.
Time outs… just like MLB, a certain number of mound visits and/or breaks in the action. 30 seconds max per break.
Pitcher stamina… rather than the current system, pitchers stamina should be the actual number of full strength pitches they can throw. So, a starter like JV could have stamina of 110 pitches for instance, a reliever might have 16 pitches. And once that point is passed, the pitches all become meatballs to discourage overuse.
Warming up relievers… this could be removed from the game entirely. It seems to do nothing except add time outs to the game.
No balks automatically. Every pitcher comes set on every pitch with a runner on base. Put an end to quick pitching and bring back the cat-and-mouse aspects of the running game.
Home run robbing and jumping… these could be triggered animations, with the success rate correlated with the player’s fielding attributes.
Brightness and contrast need adjustments to prevent the ball from being practically invisible when pitched in certain locations at certain parks under certain conditions. Remove this exploit from the game.
Stolen base call outs need to be consistently called out every time.
An option to turn off the environment sounds separately from the rest of the sounds: airplanes, subways, sirens, any personalized sounds of an opponent… if someone wants to be able to play the game with only the sounds of the ball, bat, players and umps (maybe because they’ve got a sleeping spouse or child) they should be able to do so.
What the heck does Kaiju mean and where did it come from? How did lizard-type animals get integrated into this game?
I thought warnings and suspensions were being issued to those who dashboard out of games, most often while a homer is mid-flight… is this being enforced? I’ve had a ton of games dashboarded on me. I thought SDS was cracking down hard on this?
MLB eliminated the shift, why isn’t it coded into the game?
New Card Art
SDS should refund everyone's early-access money...
How many of these people who have Ruth spent real money?
How many of these people who have Ruth spent real money?
How many of these people who have Ruth spent real money?
Opponent mid-play quit to avoid a loss leaves me stuck in game
Opponent mid-play quit to avoid a loss leaves me stuck in game
Opponent mid-play quit to avoid a loss leaves me stuck in game
Jerks That Taunt
So they changed how throw sinkers Pinpoint
Battle Royal is ruined… WHY SDS???
Why do players with horrible records always pick horrible MLB pro parks?
Moonshot Event
Best possible line up?
Best possible line up?
Top 10 majorly flawed aspects of this game and their fixes
What’s the origin of Kaiju?
Dashboarding: Why is it still a thing?
The shift - Why still able to do it?