The Goods and the Bads …
I just saw the „complaints“-Thread ( …
To me, this is just one-dimensional … there are two sides of the medal …
After 2 near-full-days of playing (I missed the first week) and close to 300K XP … here are my …
The Good:
- I experienced zero fluke homeruns due to bad stadiums (this is my major W)
- Fielding matters … It is helluva fun to experiment a good lineup, weighing out the pros and cons of each player in my binder
- Programs … we got 3 for early access and another one this week (with the next just around the corner).
- TA is (although it is a pretty long grind) very well designed. I only know TA since 21, but this way there is way more focus on each team. The silver/golds are very nicely chosen (and are extremely good for BR-purposes)
- Multiplayer Program: I am (just) at 10 points, but it looks pretty challenging
- Diamond Quest: It is very challenging … you have to focus on each challenge and take it seriously (bc in contrast to the moments in programs there is no restart). I did Schultz/Bazzana on Goat and had a very heavy bunt/squeeze nailbiter. That made it pretty rewarding … I will have to take a few tries and figure out another way
- Ambush … I like that you can gamble with the opponent‘s pitch sequencing …
The Bad:
- Commentary: It is the first time since 21, where I am close to turning it off. It is not just the „base hit to RF“-bug, but it is way too repetitive and just stale
- Menu freezing (I had close to 25 freezes … in 2 days), where I had to restart the app
- You have to pay 1500 stubs for BR although you may never go flawless. Why not 0?
- The attributes in the lineup screens are broken and not correct. e.g. you can switch players out-of-position and they do not get a fielding penalty (at least in the lineup screens)
Overall: Good job @SDS … I am pretty satisfied, although it is just 2 days . My main wish (no fluke homeruns in bad stadiums) is fulfilled
I am pretty interested in your positive things (it is way easier to complain
Positive -
TA grind being so long is a huge positive for me as well as being team specific. All good things as far as TA goes.
The amount of programs in general and how they all take more than 20 mins to complete.
The live series collection having relevance again
No BR specific program anymore. I love playing br but I’m only making it to 6 wins on a good run. I’d always be challenged to hit the 4000 xp mission and I liked how that mission made me pay attention to each at bat, now there to reason for me to play BRNo event rewards. This one is puzzling to me how that was even thought of as an option, there’s literally no point of playing events.
The online program was an ok thought but it seems to have whiffed on achieve the intended purpose of being” play your way “ if they bring back rewards for event wins this wouldn’t be a bad idea
I’m just going to stay positive for now because I love it despite some flaws that need to be addressed.
- Love how there are few players with secondary positions. This forces me to get creative with my lineup.
- Obtaining cards is a fun grind. I feel like early on no matter what you do you’re getting something at the end of a game.
- The CC mini seasons was more rewarding than I thought it would be. Lots of XP, packs, and collection cards.
- All the conquests give me something to do to grind PXP while earning more stuff. I haven’t played a single Play vs CPU yet.
- If/when I get some of these high live series cards, they are going to play for a while especially with the superfractor.
- Hitting is tuned just right for me. I don’t want perfect/perfect HR all the time. I like how it depends on the pitcher, pitch thrown, and other factors. Plus with the creep it’s rewarding to hit a bomb right now.
I think 1500 stubs is a good move. We have enough ppl that quit because they are down a run and ppl would be more abusive with quitting if BR were free.
-High end cards (87/88) in multiple modes, its not just the BR, WS, and shop cards anymore
-Pipeline program, which I suspect is the blueprint going forward, is a very well done program. Quite a few cards earned throughout it. Player pxp missions are back, but optional.
-As much as I don't like Showdown, I actually like what they did with spring breakout De Vries. Its a good card, but have to jump through some hoops to get
-Frequent conquest releases so far, keep this up!
-The concept of single online path, and especially the removal of wins being only progress.Jury still out but probably positive:
-New shop packs, while no longer choice packs, are more frequent and with a little market swapping can be effectively choice packs anyway
-At the end of the day I think DQ, while flawed, will have value as something different to doNegatives-
-While it doesnt personally bother me, I will say there should be a repeatable conquest. You can get faster rewards elsewhere so whats the harm in a map like the Jazz map 2 years ago?
-The online path needs a LOT of tweaking.
--BR costing stubs is pointless, just get rid of the pack guarantee and the stub entry
--BR henchman were actually fun, for me at least (until they screw up defensively int he bottom of the third...).
--I would love to see innings played, or better yet games completed, be a factor in the tracks more so than get a [censored] ton of hits and Ks.
--Get rid of the staggered drops. We have the voucher system now, and the WS rewards wont be available until the following seasons for normal people. The two reasons for the staggered drops in the first place are now gone.
--while I said that removing wins as only condition was a good move, I think it would be cool to have a repeating reward for every x wins in online play (ranked counts triple). Just packs/ballin/deluxe. Maybe a one time live series reward too? Something that casuals wouldnt miss but would keep the competitive people going -
The positives for me:
Power creep: nice to not have 99’s day 1 that just mash, makes me enjoy and appreciate small ball again.
No shortage of things to do: I haven’t been sitting here wondering what to do, there’s CONSTANTLY been stuff to grind and get done.
Stadium creator feels like it’s the 2023 bug filled version again
CPU defence is back to doing superman 30 foot dives, and chasing down gappers regardless of their speed ratings. Overall CPU D needs nerfing right now.
Exit velos are far too low: way too much “weak”contact on batted balls that should result in sharper results. Not saying they need to be hits, just need to hit a bit harder based on the contact
CPU pitchers in moments don’t throw enough strikes, especially in “get x amount of xbh” type moments…not saying they need to throw meatballs, but I’m tired of failing moments because I’m getting the “unintentional” intentional walk in four straight at bats
DQ was underwhelming…the fact you can play through the board only for a “chance” at the reward, not really worth the time.
In the vein of CPU defence, when they field a ball in the gap, and spin making a backpedaling off balance throw that’s an absolute strike to throw you out at second…that needs nerfing. I get trying to make the throw, but man it shouldn’t be anywhere near as accurate. They have also ZERO reaction time to batted balls…I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of the same delay that human users see
There still seems to be zero urgency from fielders when throwing, even the higher fielding rated players are doing it
Too many pitches get past the catcher, regardless of defensive skill level.
The good:
- TA format. It's a grind, but it should be. I have 6 or 7 of the Jolt cards. Last year I would have had all of them by now. Focusing on the pitching missions really helps progress the early stages. My only gripe is that the "quick" hitting missions are too much. 50 hits is a lot for the first tier.
- Program format. The pipeline program was fun. I also enjoyed the player evolution programs. You could skip a moment or mission and still be able to complete everything. That's a W.
- I haven't been bored with the amount of content yet. There are a lot of conquest maps and the 2 Mini Seasons. I haven't dabbled a lot in online yet, but I also haven't had to play a vs. CPU game to try to accomplish anything yet. Huge W for me.
- The power creep feels good. I like not having all of the 99s day 1. Hitting can be a little frustrating since we're all used to playing with higher rated cards, but I've adjusted back to it pretty well.
- I have no idea what everyone is talking about in regards to the commentary. The first thing I did this year was turn off all commentary and music options. I hated the announcers before and since they didn't change them this was an easy call.
The bad:
- CPU fielding is absolutely cracked. Every players makes insane dives and catches.
- The pitcher wall seems to be worse than last year. I can't tell you how many hits I've lost because the pitcher gets hit in the knee and the ball bounces perfectly to an infielder.
- Foul balls, again. At least vs. the CPU there's always a batter every inning or two that fouls off 8 pitches. It's really annoying in Conquest since your pitcher is immediately drained after that. It seems like that got better midway through last year's game, but it seems to have reverted back.
- DQ. There's basically no point in me doing this. I can win on Hall of Fame but the percentages for getting the top cards are still too low on that level for me to worry with it. If I want the cards I'll just buy them on the market and play other modes that are better and more rewarding.
I'll just point out with DQ that a card as good as Bazzana shouldn't be an hour of work guarantee. The chance is fine if the reward is good, and you can always just buy it. The low odds is fine, but they should go up on a failed run so you feel like you made progress toward the card
I just think pitching is too easy now. Dot after dot after dot. When Matt Waldron is hitting every corner like prime Greg Maddux, you know there is a problem