Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.
TA seems daunting because it’s planned out for the whole year and you look at your percentage and it’s like 3% when you get to the “captain”. Don’t worry about TA at all unless you want some favorite players in there. It will all come naturally. Focus on the programs which are laid out nicely (except doing the spring out breakout showdown 4 times). SDS can always find ways to help us out throughout the year. They want us to experience the content that they’ve worked on.
It’s only day 3 today and there’s obviously the rest of the year left so for anyone feeling discouraged just enjoy the game and take it slow. You’ll get everything you want in the game.
@Teak2112_MLBTS said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
@trfatboy22_PSN said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
This is why I think Diamond Quest is an L. The RNG to get the rewards makes me not even want to spend the time trying. I'm ok having to achieve things to get rewards. But achieving them and still not getting them while also NOT getting PXP or Missions Advancement for most of the effort makes me wanna avoid the mode entirely.
I thought this is how i would feel, but if you blitz the two stadiums youll at least get 2 packs, plus any packs for mini boss stages along the way. Completing the full board to me is NOT worth it.
Note that the mini boss showdown stages count towards mission goals so you can use them for that (within reason, you dont want to be bringing bronzes)
The good thing is that these will ultimately be dirt cheap since they are easy to obtain for people that can hit high difficulties who will flood the market.
What's Crochet selling for now?
I failed the Spring Breakout Showdown 2 more times this morning. Maybe I have just gotten bad at the game in my old age
After I lost the second attempt I exited the game and fired up The Crew Motorfest to check out the island of Maui which they added for free. I'll go back to The Show after lunch and start another conquest map. My biggest decisions will be who to put on the squad in order to slowly progress missions while trying to keep in a few Cardinals that I would like to keep using (Edmonds & Beltran)
@Dolenz_PSN said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
I swear you guys drive me nuts sometimes…I think people like saying “Let’s Grind!” But what they mean is “I want EVERYTHING completed & done day 1!”
And while it looks daunting, It’s really not. Once you start hitting milestone stats, It’s going to fly.
Well, in my defense I have never been one who wanted to see huge grinds come back. I don't mind some some grind but with the time I invest in the game each year (roughly 300 hours) I don't necessarily want 250+ hours to be spent grinding with cards and players I don't care about in order to earn a few cards that I do want.
While I mentioned mentioned Team Affinity, my post was not entirely about team affinity.
It is also not just about me as I have stuck with the game through the good and bad years (and will usually be called an SDS shill at some point every year).The point of the thread kind of boils down to 2 points for me.
I grow tired of grinding for cards that I want to use only to be asked to take them out if I want to efficiently grind for my next target. I am happy that I got my Jim Edmonds card, Cradinals Carlos Beltran, Bob Gibson, Quinn Mathews, etc. But now it is better if I take those guys out so that I can earn stats with other teams or PXP with other cards to earn JJ Weatherholt.
I see the starting programs and grinds as something new players will struggle with immensely. The moments, Showdown and Diamond Quest are difficult for beginners. New players who get the game on Tues will receive 5 packs (20 player cards) they will not have the player pool needed to grind Team Stat missions for the Spring Breakout program.
I totally understand what you’re saying bud. Just remember - You don’t have to have every card. There’s nothing wrong with letting a couple hard to earn cards go. What I love about DD is you can compete & win without needing the best cards. Play at your speed & what you enjoy playing and everything will fall into place. Try it & see! No need to get stressed, This is for fun & enjoyment!
@Dolenz_PSN Well the dirt cheap AI, all of the opposing defense making gold glove plays with 100% precision, The RNG, the sliders make it so you're swing a noodle...sure to fire anyone up
I want to press X when I boot up the game and have everything handed to me.
@Dolenz_PSN I still get the point you are saying … but you kinda generalized this post a little too much. I understand, that the tasks sometimes may be too hard for you. But if you do them too easy other people will complain that there is nothing to do for them. It looks like you have to let out some obstacles you will face. I am also over the half-century-mark … and I will gladly face any challenge, as long as there is one
… I have not touched this year‘s game but from watching everything on streams I suppose that only time will be the biggest challenge for me, since I can only start this thursday.
Last thing: Give everything some time. You are one of the very good ones here, just trust the process -
They come from beating the showdown. You have to beat the showdown 4 times to get all the cards for the Spring Breakout collection. Showdown is the most frustrating mode ever created as you get literally nothing if you fail after hours of work. I really hope they either eliminate the mode or implement a '3 strikes' policy to make showdown actually more achievable for casual players. I know I won't be beating the showdown at all (simply not worth the time and frustration) and will just have to grind pxp to beat the mission and give up on the collection. -
@yankblan_PSN said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
I want to press X when I boot up the game and have everything handed to me.
Anybody who has been around these forums knows that I have never been one who has had that mindset.
I finished most of the showdowns people complained about last year. I have already done all of the Spring Breakout and Pipeline moments. I have completed several Conquest maps.
I still believe that new players are going to struggle and be frustrated. I could say the same thing about Elden Ring. That does not mean that I am saying that they are bad games, just frustrating for a portion of the player base.
@coyoteofthewind_MLBTS this showdown will not take hours, there are 6 bosses… I know it will not help, but … best advice for showdown. Be patient, you will get one meatball in mostly every at bat. Hit those and do not swing at litches on the corners or outside the zone
@coyoteofthewind_MLBTS said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
They come from beating the showdown. You have to beat the showdown 4 times to get all the cards for the Spring Breakout collection. Showdown is the most frustrating mode ever created as you get literally nothing if you fail after hours of work. I really hope they either eliminate the mode or implement a '3 strikes' policy to make showdown actually more achievable for casual players. I know I won't be beating the showdown at all (simply not worth the time and frustration) and will just have to grind pxp to beat the mission and give up on the collection.Yeah…I don’t do showdowns, so I’ll never see those cards.
I don't do showdowns either, just not worth the aggravation of loosing when you get close to finishing. To make it like that just to get those cards is crazy and to have to do it 4 times just to get all of the cards is also crazy
Showdowns are really easy if you use directional hitting
I mean if casual players don't like grinding then they shouldn't play DD. That's the entire point of the mode. They don't have to finish it in one week. Also, those casuals aren't god-squadding so they don't need to do all 32 team affinities or get every single card. It appears that, after 55,000, that most of TA is excess waste or vouchers that you can't immediately use.
It’s the worst Team Affinity of all time no question. Name one that was longer for less? This is the longest AND has the worst rewards ever. I’m all for splitting the divisions back to teams but forcing you to essentially do TA-TA4 in its entirety for a single finest come November is strange. I dunno though, you do get that one single choice pack right before Finest which should really help the pipeline collection come….November.
I thought the same thing until a YouTube streamer said this morning that they will add more cards in TA throughout the year. He also said that TA is NOT meant to finish right away
Clearly you all who are still complaining just skipped through the post explaining this (mine) in order to keep complaining that it’s “too long”. It’s only “long” if you think of it as “season 1”, when clearly this is meant to be an entire years’ worth. Captains (Jolt cards) for each team should be the goal. I accidentally got two of them just doing other things. It takes hardly any time to get them if you focus on them. The start here mission, getting the IP and strikeouts stats, combined with the PxP of the silver and gold rewards for each team gets you there. Maybe a couple hours per team. Spread that out a month, it’s a few weekends maybe? You know… roughly the same amount of time the normal “season 1” would take.
TL;DR - quit looking at the 350000 TA goal; that’s for the entire year. Aim for the captains.
So basically heres my approach so far. I pick starters for a few teams, i went in to the conquests and i only used those starters. Pitch one for 2 innings, another starter for an inning. I grinded out wins (3 wins gets you 5000, 2 more after that gets you 10,000), IP (12 for 5000, 30 for 10,000). By the time i hit the 30 innings, id have 50Ks for another 5000. With the 5000 for the moment and 20K for the 2 pxp missions, that gets you at 65,000.
Im not even focusing on hitting missions because those will come naturally thoughout the course of the game. Im grinding 9 inning games now solely for pitchers and pxp missions. That said, without even trying, i almost have the Twins captain because i had 4 Twins in my lineup racking up doubles/hits
Really the main issue here is the spring breakout program requires either the showdown or a quite large amount of pxp (4,000 to skip the showdown). That showdown is very easily the toughest one in 2 years (aside from extreme). On top of that, many of the stat missions are unrelated to any of the cards in the program as well. I personally did the showdown 4x to get it over with, but I understand the frustration here.
Had the end reward Cardinal been in Pipeline (which is a significantly easier program) Dolenz wouldnt be as frustrated
He was fine with the path to get the Jolt card, and the concerns about TA were hypothetical
Funny thing is I have the Pipeline program done, the Spring breakout almost done, about half of the silvers p1'd and the rest halfway there, have done every TA moment and have a total of 3 TA golds and 0 Jolts because I am just playing a card until its p1 and moving on. Im in no rush for the captains at this point personally.
@Teak2112_MLBTS said in Early thoughts - DD is going to frustrate the more casual and semi casual players.:
many of the stat missions are unrelated to any of the cards in the program as well.
Thats misinformation.
Ks w/ Dodgers - Jackson Ferris
XBH w/Pirates - Konnor Griffin
Hits w/Padres - Ethan Salas
Ks w/Rockies - Chase Dollander
XBH w/ Tigers - Max Clark
Hits w/ Cardinals - JJ WetherholtThey also have pxp missions. 1000pxp isnt a lot when you have 2 batters and a pitcher.