What time is the video stream today?
No stream today. Today is the day they give us a rundown on what Thursdays stream will be about.
Boo, I was excited for a minute.
@d_money2309_PSN here's a link to the YouTube video:
@d_money2309_PSN said in Streams:
What time is the video stream today?
Here is the schedule
It has icons to the left of the dates showing what platforms.
Twitch Streams are
2/13 - Feature Premiere: Gameplay
2/20 - Feature Premiere: Road To The Show
2/27 - Feature Premiere: Storylines Season 3 and Franchise
3/6 - Feature Premier: Diamond Dynasty
3/11 - Dev Tourney
3/13 - Feature Premiere: Live ContentTBD - Ratings Reveal
A few things to note.
Franchise sharing a stream with Storylines does not bode well for big changes in franchise. My guess is that Storylines gets more attention.
Ratings reveals, if I am not mistaken, are usually for Franchise and do not correspond 1:1 with DD ratings.
First Stream today, 11 AM PT
I doubt I watch it live because if it is like the last few years it will just be a pre-recorded video and not an actual live stream. I'll check it out later when I can skim through it faster.
@Dolenz64_XBL you’re in luck, this year they are doing both live and prerecorded
@Red_Ted_is_back_PSN said in Streams:
@Dolenz64_XBL you’re in luck, this year they are doing both live and prerecorded
I saw a few minutes of it. To be honest nothing greatly excites me in these features. The rob HR might be useful and I am glad guys like Ozzie Smith should be better in the infield that some random shortstop on some random team.
None of these features scream rush out and buy it this year. I need to see the DD streams before I make that call.
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Streams:
Franchise sharing a stream with Storylines does not bode well for big changes in franchise. My guess is that Storylines gets more attention.
I wouldn't read into them sharing the same day. It was more of just a scheduling thing to have streams on Thursdays.
@Collin_SDS_PSN said in Streams:
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Streams:
Franchise sharing a stream with Storylines does not bode well for big changes in franchise. My guess is that Storylines gets more attention.
I wouldn't read into them sharing the same day. It was more of just a scheduling thing to have streams on Thursdays.
Looking forward to being proven wrong. The Franchise folks need some love too.