10-0 BR Reward Controversy
I hate to say it but they might be onto something but just doing it in the wrong way.
I mean BR costs 1500 per entry right ?? .. so if players have to re-enter over and over this takes stubs from the player and they might be more willing to BUY them. I think the problem is they gave no warning and the solution might be too punishing or something for players. I am not a BR player but why did SDS not go to the player base and get advice on what they could do. -- but not being a BR player maybe I am totally wrong
SDS gratz on first messing over offline players ... now you have moved unto the online players. -- my only question is this --- Did EA pay you to tank this years game to drive MORE over to NCAA ?
@blitz77tw said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
Why do people keep bringing this up? Its like all the people who brought up Mega Baseball 4 last year. It makes you look like a Karen honestly.
The people that move to NCAA were going to do so anyway. College football fans were going to check it out either way, and non college football fans aren't going to say 'Wow, since Sony is doing some bad [censored] in MLB I'm going to play an...EA game...of a sport I don't even care about...'
People will find another game to play when they've reached their own limit with or without NCAA. For some people this latest BR thing may be the limit, and I cant fault anyone for that. Even if it doesnt impact 99% of the population (except for slightly higher live series card prices) its still raises eyebrows given that this has been going for over 5 years so its nothing remotely new.
@Teak2112 I don't agree at all. There are people that love both NCAA and MLB equally. Choosing will be difficult. However, I don't love the idea of giving EA a dime because for as bad as SDS is becoming, they still have a quite of bit to go before becoming EA. EA is simply the worst with all their Ultimate Team games. Madden and EA FC being the worst of the worst. I am just about ready to give them all up and go back to old school games in which you purchased them and you got all the content instead of microtransactions every single weekly reset for cards you'd like to play with. The greed in corporate America has to break at some point. But, it won't. They only see billion dollar profits as the way forward. Gouge the customer as much as we can, don't have expendable cash, just give us your VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMERICAN EXPRESS please. They won't be happy until all of America goes bankrupt. People fight over which politician to elect when they don't run even really run the USA. Corporations really run this country the politicians are just the puppets doing their bidding.
I think the majority of people are NMS. So really who cares, it's not much of a brag.? I'd rather be a top tier player than NMS since anyone can be NMS. FYI I'm NMS because I play this game for fun and the challenge for me is card collection with NMS, but I don't expect anyone else to care other than me.
@aaronjw76 said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
The only people who wear NMS as a badge of honor are broke boys.
I say this with respect because I usually do agree with most of your takes....But maybe it's that people feel that paying $100+ for a video game(if you got the deluxe versions) is more than enough money given away for what is essentially a quarter time hobby. I take pride in it because A) its tougher to complete the collections et al, and B)...I've got things I actually NEED to pay for, mortgage, two cars, insurance for said cars, fuel for said cars, bills, food for my pantry, whatever fresh he11 of a DIY project my wife has for me on weekends. Not meant to sound like a flex, just the reality of why people go NMS.
I'll keep it a buck, this 10-0 problem is a problem for like 1 percent of the community.
@Sarge1387 said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
@aaronjw76 said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
The only people who wear NMS as a badge of honor are broke boys.
I say this with respect because I usually do agree with most of your takes....But maybe it's that people feel that paying $100+ for a video game(if you got the deluxe versions) is more than enough money given away for what is essentially a quarter time hobby. I take pride in it because A) its tougher to complete the collections et al, and B)...I've got things I actually NEED to pay for, mortgage, two cars, insurance for said cars, fuel for said cars, bills, food for my pantry, whatever fresh he11 of a DIY project my wife has for me on weekends. Not meant to sound like a flex, just the reality of why people go NMS.
Like I said, I am NMS too but it's not some badge of honor nor should it be. But, I feel like NMS people try to belittle people who choose to spend and think they are somehow better than those that do.
My issue isn't about NMS. It's about people who feel think it means something.
I get collections done early every year and have millions of stubs left over (less than usual this year but still plenty to get me through until I stop playing) and big whoop. No one cares and it's not impressive lol
Just like those morons who get TA1 done in a weekend or the bigger morons who got multiple XP bosses already. It's not impressive but they like to brag and chest puff as if it is lol
@chucky97___ said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
I'll keep it a buck, this 10-0 problem is a problem for like 1 percent of the community.
I got to answer this, because we do agree 100% for the first time
I do not get the outrage. The 90+ LS rewards were imo not there to get ppl more stubs but to give an award for a really awesome accomplishment. The way I read all those comments and tweets (even the best players complaining) is because they cannot easily farm stubs to buy every player they want.
Everything else is secondard imo … Less 90+ LS series for other players to buy (or in another view: to get the seller more stubs so spend), that could drive up to price of them (Ohtani went up a little bit in the last few days … about 10K).
The way SDS explained it is (again, to me) pretty clear. Some ppl oviously quit early because the reward did not match the value on time spent and redrafted (because they had the stubs to do so). SDS wants to keep everything in their hand. That is comprehensible from their view.
But again, if people tried to think, then lots of them would understand that this only effects the goons who make tons of stubs for them to buy all the cards they can use afterwards. But maybe SDS did enough bad things (the packs), that ppl jump on every thing they do now without trying to think.
@chucky97___ I'll say and admit it's lame but 10-o isn't 12-0, if you're good enough to go and farm 10-0's stubs is the least of your worries.
Here is the thing --- NCAA was going to take fans away -- fact but IF the game ( SHOW) is engaging players would return but IF the game remains as is then that might not happen is my point. The whole NCAA swipe was just done in jest cause the game changed directions so fast from last couple years to this that outside of just greed no other reasons made sense.
Teak -- this was my point so your little swipe at me just stop cause I like debating you -- I could say more but will leave it at that
@blitz77tw said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
Here is the thing --- NCAA was going to take fans away -- fact but IF the game ( SHOW) is engaging players would return but IF the game remains as is then that might not happen is my point. The whole NCAA swipe was just done in jest cause the game changed directions so fast from last couple years to this that outside of just greed no other reasons made sense.
Teak -- this was my point so your little swipe at me just stop cause I like debating you -- I could say more but will leave it at that
I agree. There is still a good chance NCAA won't be all that we hope. Also while it likely drops this summer it could get pushed to fall and or others may wait til football season starts to buy it. If SDS is just chalking it up already, that's really poor thinking. They should be thinking about what can they do to prolong people from making the switch.
I know personally, I'm excited about NCAA, but if the Show can really grab me between now and then, I could wait on NCAA, but right now that doesn't seem likely.
@blitz77tw said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
Here is the thing --- NCAA was going to take fans away -- fact but IF the game ( SHOW) is engaging players would return but IF the game remains as is then that might not happen is my point. The whole NCAA swipe was just done in jest cause the game changed directions so fast from last couple years to this that outside of just greed no other reasons made sense.
Teak -- this was my point so your little swipe at me just stop cause I like debating you -- I could say more but will leave it at that
NCAA was going to take people away no matter what.
@chucky97___ said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
@blitz77tw said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
Here is the thing --- NCAA was going to take fans away -- fact but IF the game ( SHOW) is engaging players would return but IF the game remains as is then that might not happen is my point. The whole NCAA swipe was just done in jest cause the game changed directions so fast from last couple years to this that outside of just greed no other reasons made sense.
Teak -- this was my point so your little swipe at me just stop cause I like debating you -- I could say more but will leave it at that
NCAA was going to take people away no matter what.
Right, but how many and can that number be lowered?
@Sarge1387 said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
@aaronjw76 said in 10-0 BR Reward Controversy:
The only people who wear NMS as a badge of honor are broke boys.
I say this with respect because I usually do agree with most of your takes....But maybe it's that people feel that paying $100+ for a video game(if you got the deluxe versions) is more than enough money given away for what is essentially a quarter time hobby. I take pride in it because A) its tougher to complete the collections et al, and B)...I've got things I actually NEED to pay for, mortgage, two cars, insurance for said cars, fuel for said cars, bills, food for my pantry, whatever fresh he11 of a DIY project my wife has for me on weekends. Not meant to sound like a flex, just the reality of why people go NMS.
Once i get married i straight will not be playing mlb the show anymore lmao, if i do the game being difficult would be the least of my worries.