This won't be popular but....
I think the game is more fun without all the jacked up 99's. Just my opinion.
@rageincage007, I whole-heartedly agree. Much more like real baseball with the chance to play defense without all the nonsensical HRs.
Yeah i actually like manufacturing runs and not just hitting bombs with the whole lineup.
I concur
Hardly even comparable, just looking at actual cards instead of made up nonsense like Charisma and FOTF from day 1 is so much more fun as well. I can’t remember what the stupid nicknames cards were last year but that’s when I decided it wasn’t the year for me lmao. The +90 day one Joey Gallos should have been a fireable decision. And it was year after year.
I still think flashback and legend golds and silvers should be in the 4 player TA packs but I’ll take what I can get. They really seem to like those in BR now which is fine.
100%. I barely play DD now cuz of it. I really miss the days where each player had 1, MAYBE 2 cards instead of several and good players were actually good. Now it feels like I’m just using a player skin w random jacked up stats on a man candy Wednesday DJ LeMahieu or something
Definitely little bummed that I dont get to start with silvers and golds. That was always the most fun being able to start low and build up.
@ballneverlie i wish there was some kind of alternate mode where you use mostly silvers and golds and it was extremely hard to get diamonds somehow
Many diamonds would be golds and even silvers in previous games. Look at the stats. 85 = diamond. I see 87 rated diamonds with maybe one attribute stat at 85+.
These are called fraud diamond cards.
In previous years you would see silver and gold cards with actual diamond attributes/stats. -
@rageincage007 totally agree … it is so much more fun this way
Its a start we should barely have any diamonds to use right now.. half of us already atleast have completed an entire team affinity so far is my biggest issue im abour to have to change half my team because there not gaining anymore team affinity for me smh
The game was that way until last year. Now the only problem is everyone is running the buxton team because honestly the other cpts are trash
Absolutely ridiculous that by day 4 everyone's team, including mine, is all diamonds. I miss when grinding meant something