Full Minor League Experience in RTTS
Where's the Single A Minor league teams at?? Isn't about time we get the full minor league experience in RTTS???
People already complain that it takes too long to get called up and you want to extend it another season?
Adding A Ball means double the minor league teams, meaning double the uniforms, meaning double the licensing issues. (Not double the stadiums, but I'll bet those complaints would be sure to follow.)
If he wants the real experience they need to add high A, single A and rookie league.
Imagine the amount of players on each organization in RTTS and franchise.
In my early twenties, I was waiting tables at a TexMex restaurant. We catered one of the season openers for the Inland Empire 66ers. (It was on Route 66) The low A ballclub put out a nice spread. I'm sure there were more than a few future MLBers. (Angels had a good farm system way back then) I didn't recognize a single person there, even though I've always been a big baseball fan. I just don't see anyone really getting excited to play with Joe Schmo, the eighteenth round pick, out of East St. Louis City college. I think the allowance of 98? players per club is pretty good. You can still use the "future stars" you want while being able to manage a reasonable amount of players. I normally argue money, but I think @SaveFarris_PSN argued that well.