After playing a week of Madden
Agreed with everyone about Madden. I played it a ton about a decade ago and even got ranked in the top 1%. I started to spend money because I don't mind paying for entertainment. But at the time, I paid because I wanted to. Over the next few years, you couldn't field a competitive team UNLESS you spent money and more and more players became packs only. All the changes in MUT were based on pay to play, while they continued to not address exploits in the game. It got to the point where my entire strategy was stopping cheese plays, never playing SIM. I slowly walked away these past few years and didn't even buy it this year.
Sadly, I also agree that MLB is going the same way with these NAT cards and sets. I wanted that Mickey Mantle Card, but he was too much, I don't play online and I couldn't flip as easy this year. Now, even if I got him, I can't use him. It's weird.
@SnakeEyes187_XBL said in After playing a week of Madden:
Madden 5 years ago wasn’t Madden today. The “pay 2 win” aspect didn’t appear day one. It was implemented over time. If you can’t see near identical tactics in MLB you aren’t paying attention. Yes, MLB ‘23 is much less pay 2 win than Madden ‘24. MLB ‘23 is also significantly more pay 2 win than MLB ‘22. SDS didn’t lock the best cards and most popular player names behind chase packs out of the kindness of their hearts. They didn’t remove sellable program cards because they want you to be able to earn more stubs. They didn’t make program and event rewards 95 and 97 overalls while dropping weekly 99s in packs because they despise how EA runs Madden. It’s about profit and never in history has a corporation said, “we made enough money last year, this year let’s shoot for the same or less”.
This right here. Nothing to do with lineup diversity. About the
@LuvMyXBOX_XBL said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ive come to appreciate this game so much more.
This game is on another level.
For the ones that sometimes get tired of it since it's all you play - go play an EA game and come back - you'll just appreciate this game so much more.
when it comes to Madden I mainly stick to Career Mode and sometimes jump into Franchise... I barely touched Ultimate Team last year after launch... as bad as I wanted to play with Honors GW and Sauce I just couldn't bring myself to go into the mode.
MUT is awful, Haven’t even touched it this year. But Madden is great this year! The gameplay is the best it’s been in years…Having a ton of fun playing regs online.
this game isnt perfect, but end of the day its a game. I can say they were bold this year with the 99 early, and nonsellable stuff and grind 97 but atleast theyre certianly trying? gameplay is the next to be revamped hopefully, but has madden even changed much? I played a the gronk cover and bought the lamar cover a few months ago for cheap and it felt the same. I can say mlb does try albiet with some misguided attempts and mistakes that idk how they got through but I can see the gears in motion
@LuvMyXBOX_XBL said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ive come to appreciate this game so much more.
This game is on another level.
For the ones that sometimes get tired of it since it's all you play - go play an EA game and come back - you'll just appreciate this game so much more.
Well said. Madden is a mess. Sure there are things SDS can improve on, but the two games aren't even close right now.
@nymets1987_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ea has major issues with many things on madden this year and I am usually an optimist and they lack a lot of offline content too like mlb has this year
You think mlb lacks offline content this year? How?
Majority of the content is offline
The best players in the game, collections, are earned by playing offline
@aware_ward13_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
@nymets1987_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ea has major issues with many things on madden this year and I am usually an optimist and they lack a lot of offline content too like mlb has this year
You think mlb lacks offline content this year? How?
Majority of the content is offline
The best players in the game, collections, are earned by playing offline
Let me be more clear the number retirement program is a joke
It's funny how people are content by comparing a mediocre product to an absolute garbage product. "Oh but this product isn't as garbage as the other, therefore I appreciate it more". Simpleton logic. No offense.
@nymets1987_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
@aware_ward13_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
@nymets1987_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ea has major issues with many things on madden this year and I am usually an optimist and they lack a lot of offline content too like mlb has this year
You think mlb lacks offline content this year? How?
Majority of the content is offline
The best players in the game, collections, are earned by playing offline
Let me be more clear the number retirement program is a joke
Umm yea ok.
@raesONE-_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
It's funny how people are content by comparing a mediocre product to an absolute garbage product. "Oh but this product isn't as garbage as the other, therefore I appreciate it more". Simpleton logic. No offense.
Not just that, they fail to acknowledge the steps this game is taking RIGHT OUT OF THE EA PLAYBOOK.
It will be the same next year and the year after and so on. As long as Madden keeps that ~5 year head start on monetization they will be content. MLB ‘28 will be a carbon copy of Madden ‘24, “but at least SDS doesn’t charge $5 each time you start the game like Madden ‘29”.
@SnakeEyes187_XBL said in After playing a week of Madden:
@raesONE-_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
It's funny how people are content by comparing a mediocre product to an absolute garbage product. "Oh but this product isn't as garbage as the other, therefore I appreciate it more". Simpleton logic. No offense.
Not just that, they fail to acknowledge the steps this game is taking RIGHT OUT OF THE EA PLAYBOOK.
It will be the same next year and the year after and so on. As long as Madden keeps that ~5 year head start on monetization they will be content. MLB ‘28 will be a carbon copy of Madden ‘24, “but at least SDS doesn’t charge $5 each time you start the game like Madden ‘29”.
One thing that I did always love about MLBTS is that the best cards are available without the use of a credit/debit card. If they will ever stray from that path, they're done.
@nymets1987_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ea has major issues with many things on madden this year and I am usually an optimist and they lack a lot of offline content too like mlb has this year
Every year there are issues with Madden. I just wish people would stop buying the game and quit spending money on MUT. That franchise is straight up broken. I haven't bought that game for almost 10 years.
I stopped playing Madden after they took away user custom formations and plays (maybe 2007 with Ray Lewis on the cover)? While you could not use them online H2H, it was a really cool feature to use in franchise mode or vs your friends offline.
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL said in After playing a week of Madden:
@nymets1987_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
Ea has major issues with many things on madden this year and I am usually an optimist and they lack a lot of offline content too like mlb has this year
Every year there are issues with Madden. I just wish people would stop buying the game and quit spending money on MUT. That franchise is straight up broken. I haven't bought that game for almost 10 years.
I am nms like I am but I’m an offline player so build the squad offline
Thats a very low bar, but yes I'm glad MLB at least plays like the real game, unlike NHL, NFL & UFC. nms 99 squads are also cool
I just tossed $25 bucks at Legend Bowl. It’s about what I’d expect but was only $25 bucks. I’ll stick to my Genesis and Tecmo Bowl for football.
There was a great game way back on the pc that would allow you to create the best plays. I remember their being a QB named Joe Dakota. I made a play called the Center Bomb lol it broke all of the eligibility rules of football but there was nothing like airing the ball out to a Center streaking down the middle of the field untouched on a fly route while a 350lb nose guard tried desperately to drop back into pass coverage!
ps it was called Front Page Sports Football Pro 98
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
There was a great game way back on the pc that would allow you to create the best plays. I remember their being a QB named Joe Dakota. I made a play called the Center Bomb lol it broke all of the eligibility rules of football but there was nothing like airing the ball out to a Center streaking down the middle of the field untouched on a fly route while a 350lb nose guard tried desperately to drop back into pass coverage!
In those days that play was definitely legal.
@SnakeEyes187_XBL said in After playing a week of Madden:
@raesONE-_PSN said in After playing a week of Madden:
It's funny how people are content by comparing a mediocre product to an absolute garbage product. "Oh but this product isn't as garbage as the other, therefore I appreciate it more". Simpleton logic. No offense.
Not just that, they fail to acknowledge the steps this game is taking RIGHT OUT OF THE EA PLAYBOOK.
It will be the same next year and the year after and so on. As long as Madden keeps that ~5 year head start on monetization they will be content. MLB ‘28 will be a carbon copy of Madden ‘24, “but at least SDS doesn’t charge $5 each time you start the game like Madden ‘29”.
Lmao. Nothing in this game is original besides showdown, it’s all a copy cat.
“Timed” Programs are Fortnite battlepasses.
Ranked seasons rewards came from EA.
Captains came from EA.
Moments came from EA.
Conquest is a 50 year old board game.
Anytime you mention something EA does that should be in the game you get flamed then all of a sudden “Parallels” becomes the “best thing SDS has ever come up with” lmao