LouBob goes to 87… LMAO
That's why you should've sold at 4k. His price was already a diamond. I never keep investments that go diamond price because the updates have been far and few between and sometimes random.
Is this the same issue?
Or is it the result of this that’s caused the complaint?
I’m not saying it’s fishy. I do not invest but I know a ton of people investing in him. I’m not saying SDS did it on purpose to hold off cause there were so many people investing in him. But they have made it pretty clear this year they want you buy stubs not earn them JS
@LIONED-33_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I’m not saying it’s fishy. I do not invest but I know a ton of people investing in him. I’m not saying SDS did it on purpose to hold off cause there were so many people investing in him. But they have made it pretty clear this year they want you buy stubs not earn them JS
I have a tendency to believe it was not intentional even though I know they have tried to slow down stubs being injected into the game.
This is not like the first player that the MLB community have heavily invested in over the years, or even this year.
@Dolenz_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
@LIONED-33_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I’m not saying it’s fishy. I do not invest but I know a ton of people investing in him. I’m not saying SDS did it on purpose to hold off cause there were so many people investing in him. But they have made it pretty clear this year they want you buy stubs not earn them JS
I have a tendency to believe it was not intentional even though I know they have tried to slow down stubs being injected into the game.
This is not like the first player that the MLB community have heavily invested in over the years, or even this year.
Still if I were OP I'd be pretty pissed as well. Of course nobody "forced" him to sell all his dupes, but if people would think about it as if they themselves were in his situation it does kinda make sense.
There are a lot of stubs tied up into a big investment like that, sometimes you need the cashflow for something else or sometimes you just take your losses and cash out. Since he didn't get the upgrades you were hoping for initially, you ask yourself the question "how often does it happen that SDS makes changes after the fact"? I don’t think I've seen that happen once since I started playing MLB The Show 15.So yeah, could OP have been a bit more patient? Sure. Did someone force him to sell? Nah. But I for one completely understand his thought process for doing so and for having the feeling of being "cheated".
It's called an investment, you're not guaranteed to make stubs, while some people can accurately predict when a card will rise in value, most of you have zero idea of what you're doing.
So yes, the people who called you out for saying SDS forced you to sell are completely right.
People make mistakes, own up to them rather than blame everyone else.
@robby1156_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I sent them a ticket they will not compensate me. But I am confident they did this on purpose since Robert was such a popular investment.
Yeah there's a growing number of people who believe this. As much as I'm not a fan of the tin foil hat nonsense, this year especially there's a bit more credence to those ideas.
@tybud_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
It's called an investment, you're not guaranteed to make stubs, while some people can accurately predict when a card will rise in value, most of you have zero idea of what you're doing.
So yes, the people who called you out for saying SDS forced you to sell are completely right.
People make mistakes, own up to them rather than blame everyone else.
I mean...SDS 100% pooched the upgrade...yeah the guy made a mistake but the decision was based on the complete and utter dogpoke of a foul up SDS made. Two wrongs dont make a right...but if SDS is on the ball here, he likely doesnt lose out
@tybud_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
It's called an investment, you're not guaranteed to make stubs, while some people can accurately predict when a card will rise in value, most of you have zero idea of what you're doing.
So yes, the people who called you out for saying SDS forced you to sell are completely right.
People make mistakes, own up to them rather than blame everyone else.
Except they’re not right, SDS screwed people out of stubs with this.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I’m not saying it’s fishy. I do not invest but I know a ton of people investing in him. I’m not saying SDS did it on purpose to hold off cause there were so many people investing in him. But they have made it pretty clear this year they want you buy stubs not earn them JS
I have made around 700k stubs in the past 2 weeks after not playing for the entirety of season 2.
@cjhanz84_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
Who is Loubob and why did he upbruptly get an 87?
Luis Robert, he went diamond but was omitted from the update on Friday. Now the crybabies who sold him back before today are crying that they lost out on the extra stubs instead of being patient and waiting til the next update.
@tybud_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
It's called an investment, you're not guaranteed to make stubs, while some people can accurately predict when a card will rise in value, most of you have zero idea of what you're doing.
So yes, the people who called you out for saying SDS forced you to sell are completely right.
People make mistakes, own up to them rather than blame everyone else.
You clearly missed the subtle detail that his attributes should've been raised with the initial update, making it a successful investment if SDS hadn't screwed up.
@TubbyMcLumpkins_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
@BaratBarrage-_MLBTS said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I had 300 of him. It's one thing if it was an offensive update and we decided to sell him and miss out on him going diamond but when there's one defensive upgrade a year and they somehow "forget" him, I know there's a lot of people who did the same.
Absolutely!!! I opened a ticket in hopes I can get the stubs that were lost. But this is a sad situation, and shouldn’t have happened based on the amount of time they’ve been doing this.
Lol, SDS admits the mistake because they’re human after all and as fallible as any of us. And you expect that they should offer you a handout because of your impatience and itchiness to sell him back because he was never going diamond. GTFO kiddo. In real life you don’t get a mulligan on the stock market and hiccups do happen on the market. Go cry in a corner!!!
@robby1156_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I sent them a ticket they will not compensate me. But I am confident they did this on purpose since Robert was such a popular investment.
I’m fairly confident that the Lord almighty did not bless you with an above average intellect either!
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
@robby1156_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I sent them a ticket they will not compensate me. But I am confident they did this on purpose since Robert was such a popular investment.
I’m fairly confident that the Lord almighty did not bless you with an above average intellect either!
Says the guy who claims that Germany has monuments and statues of the Nazis.
I have absolutely no idea what ya'll are complaining about . What should Loubob be rated at?
@jaychvz_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I have absolutely no idea what ya'll are complaining about . What should Loubob be rated at?
Lots of people had him go up on friday, which did not happen. It cost me 200K stubs … but: errors happen
@TubbyMcLumpkins_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
SDS, I would like my stubs please… I want the difference between what I was forced to sell him at and what you out of nowhere today decided to move him to.
Man, that
was a cold, cold move. Could have at least waited until the typical Friday update.