MLB API Showcase
We'd love to see how the community is using the APIs. Please share here. Thank you!
For consistency, please follow this template:
- App Name: What is the name of your app?
- URL: Share the link to your app.
- Platform: Web/Mobile/CLI/script/etc
- Code: What language did you use (Ruby, Python, etc)?
- Functions: What does your app do?
P Pat_SDS_PSN pinned this topic on
I have a spreadsheet that I've created that uses the API database. I also copy/paste my inventory into it. I started it last year and keep updating it to make it more automated and easy to use. It is not an end-user application, but I use it every time I play The Show.
I have a YouTube channel where I have shown it off (in some rather long, boring videos) if you'd like to see it:
App Name: Lineup & Depth Chart
Platform: Excel
Code: None (Excel formulas)
Functions: Provides lineups of Live teams and teams I create (My Squads). Provides a depth chart (by position and attribute) of my inventory. Keeps track of the players I have leveled up with PXP (and uses the updated attributes in My Squad teams).It's been a couple of months since I've added a video with my updates to the workbook (we've recently gotten a new lab puppy which makes it difficult to stream), but you'll get the idea of what I've done.
App Name: ShowStat
Platform: Web
Code: public site itself is static for performance but using python to do the calculations, generation, analysis. Normal web tech otherwise: sql, sqlite, html/css, jquery, chart.js.
Functions:Graphs a players attributes progression from the updates. I then overlay with the correlated real life stat of the attribute using a trend formula I've come to via analysis of data.
The Progression give insight into cards that may be catching up to thier reallife stats and it's interesting to see. I use this to predict card updates for investing. I sporadically update the public side of site.
Right now i haven't updated the site with the latest update from 8/19, so you can compare what it's predicting for 8/19 vs the actual update to confirm the predictions.
We're late to the party!
App Name: ShowZone
Platform: Web and mobile (Android app already released; iOS in the works)
Code: The backend is mostly in Python with a few microservices in jS/Node. Front-end is React/NextJS.
Functions: It does a little bit of everything. We have tools for Flipping, tracking collection costs, tracking your collection progress, team builder, advanced data (True Overall & Meta Overall), card builder, and SO much more. -
B Blind_Bleeder_PSN referenced this topic on
I don't know if this is looked at anymore, and I posted this in the DD section of the forum, but I thought I'd share here since it's relative to this topic.
I created a tab in my Lineup & Depth Chart spreadsheet that enables me to search for players by position and division (NLE, NLC, ALW, etc.).
I'm working on Team Affinity and was tired of searching for positions by team, so I took an hour and created this tab. To be fair, I used my depth chart tab that can search by position and attribute as my template.
Any suggestions on how to create a custom iOS app that can authenticate and retrieve listings? Just looking for some sample swift code