Hitting Works as Intended
@Disturbed_S_O_B said in Hitting Works as Intended:
That made me laugh so hard when they said game is working as intended lol they are full of it now your overall record doesn't even show what a joke
Or more accurately they are basically telling their customers "shut up and keep paying"
So glad I didn't buy the new game.
They have definitely embraced that slogan. They know people are ripping them with it and yet they will continue to say.
In a nutshell....they're saying "stop complaining. It's not gonna change. This is how we want it to work."
@jake98833_PSN said in Hitting Works as Intended:
@theu715_PSN said in Hitting Works as Intended:
Carry on.
Forget about hitting can they address every defender looking like a gold glover with perfect reaction time on every play
Amen !!! I second that !!!
"Working as intended"...yeah, ok. Sounds like they've gone the EA route of consumer treatment
I would say that they did make great games at one time up until 18 came out. Since 18 its been a runaway train. They found out how Player Retention works and how it keeps people engaged and spend more money. With that said, it is playing as they intend it to play. Its just not about hitting stats.
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Hitting Works as Intended:
I would say that they did make great games at one time up until 18 came out. Since 18 its been a runaway train. They found out how Player Retention works and how it keeps people engaged and spend more money. With that said, it is playing as they intend it to play. Its just not about hitting stats.
Back in, I believe 17, they touted they had revamped the hitting engine completely prior to launch. There was huge thing about getting so many new types of hits with the ball taking slicing or hooking curves around the baselines and into the corners. They explained that prior to that point the bat in the game played like a wall and when you hit a flat wall type bat on the ball, the ball tended to go in straighter lines and lead to less hit variety. Now the bat was round shape and thus a round ball and round bat would lead to more types of hits.
The problem they had was at launch, everyone and their mother was blasting HR with players who had no power. People complained left and right and that there were also too many slicing/hooking hits down the lines. After less than a month, I feel like it was maybe two weeks, they came out and said they had patched hitting and it would feel more natural. It went on to feel different from 16, but from that point on, they tried tinkering with things each year and it made hitting feel more and more random, and less user based.
They tried saying in 18 that they fixed hitting by making pitches float into the zone so people couldn't spam breaking pitches, because the community whined too much about strikeouts and not being able to have a good eye. Then they tweaked it again in 19 and they game became more and more about HR or bust. The biggest issue is that SDS can't seem to figure out how to make the game be truly user input reliant. They add so many random background perks and stats that mean stuff and stats they say means nothing. Then they say the PCI isn't the actual bat, it's just a repression of where the bat is traveling on a swing. This all means that the game is random, but we don't really know what matters the most and we have the problems we have.
That's long, sorry, but that's what I've seen playing this game since 09 and when it started to turn.
Hitting is not the problem in this game, everyone is hitting like .500 or better. Pitching and defense in this game is the worst out of every MLB the Show game I have ever played. You can hit the corners perfectly and it is called a ball every time forcing you to throw hittable pitches (the reason everyone is hitting .500 or better) and can someone tell me why every time someone bunts, which is literally about 20 times a game for you [censored] bunt cheesers, my defender acts like he has never fielded a bunt in his life? He runs no where near where the ball is gonna land and I pretty much break the analog stick trying to get him to change directions to get the ball, meanwhile the hitter is heading to second for a bunt double. This is by far the worst edition of the Show I have ever played. It's pretty bad that I am actually hoping 2K starts making baseball games again.
"Hitting is not the problem in this game, everyone is hitting like .500 or better. "
Sorry, but I am barely hitting .200. Almost every matchup I get is with Ryan, Degrom, or someone else with 100 MPH fastball and a 70 MPH offspeed pitch. For me it is a guessing game, but with that much difference, if I guess wrong, there is literally zero chance for me to adjust and still make contact.
"Pitching and defense in this game is the worst out of every MLB the Show game I have ever played."
My problem is the mechanics suck on this game. I feel like the AI pre determines the winners and even if I hit a perfect release point the pitches go all over the place, forcing me to go deeper into the zone so the person they want to win gets to hit homers all day long.
"can someone tell me why every time someone bunts, which is literally about 20 times a game for you [censored] bunt cheesers, my defender acts like he has never fielded a bunt in his life? He runs no where near where the ball is gonna land and I pretty much break the analog stick trying to get him to change directions to get the ball, meanwhile the hitter is heading to second for a bunt double. "
I don't get this happening, but at least every third game I face a guy who has a 200-100 record, but everyone on his team is hitting .175, but has 100 SB. They just bunt, bunt, bunt all day long, even with guys who are not good bunters, but because there is a glitch in bunt defense, there is literally no way to stop them.
But because
EA SportsSDS won't fix that, or the fact that it is nearly impossible to stop the steal cheesers online play is totally unenjoyable for me. Once I grind out enough to get the cards I have to play online to get I will NEVER play online ever again.For clarity, I am playing the 20 and 21 versions of this game. So glad I didn't get this years game.
If it is working as intended many heads should roll, actually vrs non human opponents the game is very good. Nothing messes up a game more than 2 humans trying to play it. Everyone must go undefeated. Cheese will not work vrs CPU controlled teams ,that is why so many dont play the CPU. Onlinne play is the Show most advertised assett and its largest failure. Can I get some Amens my brethren?
Did they intend for foul balls that are hit with good timing to go straight up and the catcher doesn’t have to do anything but stand up and catch them. A 94 mph fastball, in the zone and I timed it good but got just barely under it and it popped out to the catcher? Come on now…that ball should have been 30 rows behind the plate. The amount of pop out foul balls in this [censored] game is ridiculous…