Field of Dreams Program
@savefarris_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
Last year was the first of its kind. Unless it’s Aliens, T2, Dark Knight, Empire or Wrath of Kahn, the original is always better than the sequel.
Heh, Wrath of Kahn was a sequel. When he drops that caterpillar thingy with the claws in the there is a moment.
@ericulous1_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
Interesting how SDS is keeping the FOD program close to the vest. There hasn't been any mention of bosses, how many, who etc. Usually by the day before we know who the bosses are. Anybody have any guesses?
I imagine it will be similar to the All Star game. We'll see more content after the game than before it.
@cosmic_wonders said in Field of Dreams Program:
Last years program was the same way honestly and the reward was 99 Roberto Clemente so it was a W either way
True. I guess the big difference was, last year the program was like an 'Other Program'. It was a total surprise and that was really cool. This year it's the main feature program even so far, every program has had hints and teasers prior to release. Even the Halladay and Friends program which was suppose to be a big reveal had a bunch of hints. It's just odd that aren't mmmmm
@savefarris_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
Last year was the first of its kind. Unless it’s Aliens, T2, Dark Knight, Empire or Wrath of Kahn, the original is always better than the sequel.
You will get an argument from a lot of people about Alien over Aliens, however not from me.
I will disagree about T2 though. It's essentially a remake with CGI instead of practical effects, I pick the original every day.
10 day program we know
There will be 2 bosses both 99s
- Earnie Banks
- Johnny Bench
The overall structure will be more like the Halliday program where the henchmen will be player items along the path an it will be a mix of Cubs and Reds Players
2 conquest maps
2 showdowns
The event which likely will give xp for each win. The event will include 2 reward of course being a Reds and Cubs player.The next 10 days will be alot of Cubs and Reds content so buckle up
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Field of Dreams Program:
10 day program we know
There will be 2 bosses both 99s
- Earnie Banks
- Johnny Bench
The overall structure will be more like the Halliday program where the henchmen will be player items along the path an it will be a mix of Cubs and Reds Players
2 conquest maps
2 showdowns
The event which likely will give xp for each win. The event will include 2 reward of course being a Reds and Cubs player.The next 10 days will be alot of Cubs and Reds content so buckle up
Did they post this somewhere or is this just your guess?
I know it was only a 93 but Ernie Banks was already a boss so I'm hoping it's someone else.
Ernie’s already been a boss this year. I’d proffer it’d more likely Sandberg.
@ericulous1_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Field of Dreams Program:
10 day program we know
There will be 2 bosses both 99s
- Earnie Banks
- Johnny Bench
The overall structure will be more like the Halliday program where the henchmen will be player items along the path an it will be a mix of Cubs and Reds Players
2 conquest maps
2 showdowns
The event which likely will give xp for each win. The event will include 2 reward of course being a Reds and Cubs player.The next 10 days will be alot of Cubs and Reds content so buckle up
Did they post this somewhere or is this just your guess?
I know it was only a 93 but Ernie Banks was already a boss so I'm hoping it's someone else.
Not posted somewhere just guesses
You are correct Banks has already been a boss so that is my bad so need to switch him out
WoodThere is alot of options but Sandberg likely makes the most sense
@savefarris_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
Ernie’s already been a boss this year. I’d proffer it’d more likely Sandberg.
Give it to the new guy. I vote for a 99 Ron Santo. Like his 92 card and since he is new to the game it would be nice to have a better card.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Field of Dreams Program:
@ericulous1_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Field of Dreams Program:
10 day program we know
There will be 2 bosses both 99s
- Earnie Banks
- Johnny Bench
The overall structure will be more like the Halliday program where the henchmen will be player items along the path an it will be a mix of Cubs and Reds Players
2 conquest maps
2 showdowns
The event which likely will give xp for each win. The event will include 2 reward of course being a Reds and Cubs player.The next 10 days will be alot of Cubs and Reds content so buckle up
Did they post this somewhere or is this just your guess?
I know it was only a 93 but Ernie Banks was already a boss so I'm hoping it's someone else.
Not posted somewhere just guesses
You are correct Banks has already been a boss so that is my bad so need to switch him out
WoodThere is alot of options but Sandberg likely makes the most sense
Hahaha, not your bad. It's very possible they still throw an Ernie Banks at us. I agree with @TEXAS10PT_PSN , would love to see a solid Santo. I enjoyed his 92 when it came out.
Just saying Griffey was a Red
@styxx22_psn said in Field of Dreams Program:
Just saying Griffey was a Red
Griffey program comes on Friday and appears to be separate.
@samguenther1987 said in Field of Dreams Program:
All I know is it will center around the Cubs and Reds.
Interesting that the current Mini Season already has goals with the Cubs and Reds...
@arvcpa_mlbts said in Field of Dreams Program:
@samguenther1987 said in Field of Dreams Program:
All I know is it will center around the Cubs and Reds.
Interesting that the current Mini Season already has goals with the Cubs and Reds...
I don't believe that's a coincidence, SDS planned this.
Retro Cubs finest Lee Smith or Ron Santo would be awesome
McGwire & Sosa!
@arvcpa_mlbts said in Field of Dreams Program:
@samguenther1987 said in Field of Dreams Program:
All I know is it will center around the Cubs and Reds.
Interesting that the current Mini Season already has goals with the Cubs and Reds...
Heyyyyy, welcome back. Where have you been?
Maybe we get a new pack called F.O.D.'
"F Outta (here) Dawg" packs as lame as Big Dog packs were -
I know a lot of people want Ron Santo but I really would much rather have a juiced Ryan Sandburg,Mark Grace or Ernie Bamks for the Cubs. I don’t think they have the rights for Mark Grace and Ernie already has a decent card
As for the reds I’d love a good Barry Larkin,Joe Morgan or Rob Dibble card.
@samguenther1987 said in Field of Dreams Program:
@arvcpa_mlbts said in Field of Dreams Program:
@samguenther1987 said in Field of Dreams Program:
All I know is it will center around the Cubs and Reds.
Interesting that the current Mini Season already has goals with the Cubs and Reds...
I don't believe that's a coincidence, SDS planned this.
They should have locked the current Mini Season into FOD. I would have enjoyed watching the Forum lose their collective mind.