Gotta love the sophistication
KILLERPRESENCE4replied to PennStateFencer on May 26, 2021, 4:58 PM last edited by KILLERPRESENCE4_PSN May 26, 2021, 5:01 PM
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
COD4 released on November 5 2007, which is 13 years ago (14 in November). As others have mentioned, millennials are 25-40, which means that youngest millennials were probably the 12 year olds sending those types of messages.
Millennial has just become another word that fools love to throw around even though they have no idea what it actually means. It's also kind of ironic that the people that try to blame millennials for everything are also the ones that are "shaking uncontrollably" and "drowning in their own tears" anytime something like simple math is involved.
Uhh, you defend the term millennial yet don’t ask why they have been generalized and stereotyped. All I need to say on this is, you don’t see other generations acting like spoiled brats as much as that particular generation has done. I’m not going to get into politics but those making news generally speaking aren’t adults 40+ years of age and younger than 25 years old. And this is a generalization!!! It’s a big picture statement not a statement about outliers. I’m not going to argue politics so if you respond, please respond apolitically please.
I actually didn't defend millennials. I said fools throw that word around when they have no idea what it actually means. They hear it once or twice and then regurgitate it over and over because they can't think for themselves.
There are spoiled brats/idiots in every age bracket. How many 40+ year old Karens and Kevins have been immortalized in videos throwing a hissy fit over something stupid like wearing a mask?
I’m just pointing out that the actions of the woke mob have given millennials this label as a bunch of immature crybabies who can’t accept criticism but ironically spend their lives doling out that same criticism especially when your opinions don’t align with their agenda. And remember that I pointed out that outliers do exist within all generations and that my statement was a generalization or big picture observation.
"I dont want to get political"
someone disproves his point
"Time to get political" -
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
COD4 released on November 5 2007, which is 13 years ago (14 in November). As others have mentioned, millennials are 25-40, which means that youngest millennials were probably the 12 year olds sending those types of messages.
Millennial has just become another word that fools love to throw around even though they have no idea what it actually means. It's also kind of ironic that the people that try to blame millennials for everything are also the ones that are "shaking uncontrollably" and "drowning in their own tears" anytime something like simple math is involved.
Uhh, you defend the term millennial yet don’t ask why they have been generalized and stereotyped. All I need to say on this is, you don’t see other generations acting like spoiled brats as much as that particular generation has done. I’m not going to get into politics but those making news generally speaking aren’t adults 40+ years of age and younger than 25 years old. And this is a generalization!!! It’s a big picture statement not a statement about outliers. I’m not going to argue politics so if you respond, please respond apolitically please.
I actually didn't defend millennials. I said fools throw that word around when they have no idea what it actually means. They hear it once or twice and then regurgitate it over and over because they can't think for themselves.
There are spoiled brats/idiots in every age bracket. How many 40+ year old Karens and Kevins have been immortalized in videos throwing a hissy fit over something stupid like wearing a mask?
I’m just pointing out that the actions of the woke mob have given millennials this label as a bunch of immature crybabies who can’t accept criticism but ironically spend their lives doling out that same criticism especially when your opinions don’t align with their agenda
I get what you are saying, but the millennial thing was brought up because some guy said "you millennials don't know about modern warfare lobbies" when millennials were 95% of the people that played that game. Nothing political about it
KILLERPRESENCE4replied to Kovz88 on May 26, 2021, 5:03 PM last edited by KILLERPRESENCE4_PSN May 26, 2021, 5:05 PM
@kovz88_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
"I dont want to get political"
someone disproves his point
"Time to get political"Just curious as to what you considered political in any of my statements. And the point that I was making was not a point needing to be proved. I actually prefaced my comment by saying that it was a generalization not a statement of fact
@kovz88_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
I know Millenials are last decades "easy target" but just to be clear a large portion of millenials were around for and even before what you speak ofHaha I used to be a little embarrassed to be a millennial (I’m 35) but these younger generations - xyzlgbtq whatever you want to call them have really turned the millennial label into a badge of honor by comparison
@the_dragon1912 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@pennstatefencer said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@snakeeyes187_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
You millennials would still be locked in your closets shaking uncontrollably and drowning in your own tears if you had been around for Xbox 360 original modern warfare lobbies.
COD4 released on November 5 2007, which is 13 years ago (14 in November). As others have mentioned, millennials are 25-40, which means that youngest millennials were probably the 12 year olds sending those types of messages.
Millennial has just become another word that fools love to throw around even though they have no idea what it actually means. It's also kind of ironic that the people that try to blame millennials for everything are also the ones that are "shaking uncontrollably" and "drowning in their own tears" anytime something like simple math is involved.
Uhh, you defend the term millennial yet don’t ask why they have been generalized and stereotyped. All I need to say on this is, you don’t see other generations acting like spoiled brats as much as that particular generation has done. I’m not going to get into politics but those making news generally speaking aren’t adults 40+ years of age and younger than 25 years old. And this is a generalization!!! It’s a big picture statement not a statement about outliers. I’m not going to argue politics so if you respond, please respond apolitically please.
I actually didn't defend millennials. I said fools throw that word around when they have no idea what it actually means. They hear it once or twice and then regurgitate it over and over because they can't think for themselves.
There are spoiled brats/idiots in every age bracket. How many 40+ year old Karens and Kevins have been immortalized in videos throwing a hissy fit over something stupid like wearing a mask?
I’m just pointing out that the actions of the woke mob have given millennials this label as a bunch of immature crybabies who can’t accept criticism but ironically spend their lives doling out that same criticism especially when your opinions don’t align with their agenda
I get what you are saying, but the millennial thing was brought up because some guy said "you millennials don't know about modern warfare lobbies" when millennials were 95% of the people that played that game. Nothing political about it
No big deal, not trying troll but I get it when people make statements about millennials when pointing out how sensitive our culture has become to everything.
Noone says 'woke mob' without meaning liberals/democrats. Also while I think 'cancel culture' is a bit rabid at times and tries to get rid of people before giving them a chance to speak on their actions I agree with the principle of calling people out. If people do some racist messed up stuff in their past it should be called out. Give them the chance to own up to what they did and show how they've changed. If they show remorse, great, second chance. If they show no remorse and don't understand what's wrong with 2hat they did, bye. I feel like most people would agree that people need to be held accountable for their actions -
@kovz88_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Noone says 'woke mob' without meaning liberals/democrats. Also while I think 'cancel culture' is a bit rabid at times and tries to get rid of people before giving them a chance to speak on their actions I agree with the principle of calling people out. If people do some racist messed up stuff in their past it should be called out. Give them the chance to own up to what they did and show how they've changed. If they show remorse, great, second chance. If they show no remorse and don't understand what's wrong with 2hat they did, bye. I feel like most people would agree that people need to be held accountable for their actionsThis happens in many scenarios but I'll choose one....
If most people would agree that people need to be held accountable for their actions, then why women who wrongfully accuse a man of sexual/physical abuse, never have to own up to their deceit? It just gets swept under the rug for them. MEANWHILE..the guy that was WRONGFULLY accused STILL gets looked at differently like he actually did something wrong?
@kovz88_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Noone says 'woke mob' without meaning liberals/democrats. Also while I think 'cancel culture' is a bit rabid at times and tries to get rid of people before giving them a chance to speak on their actions I agree with the principle of calling people out. If people do some racist messed up stuff in their past it should be called out. Give them the chance to own up to what they did and show how they've changed. If they show remorse, great, second chance. If they show no remorse and don't understand what's wrong with 2hat they did, bye. I feel like most people would agree that people need to be held accountable for their actionsFair enough but I use the term “woke mob” to refer to cancel culture. A culture which transcends both major political parties. My point is apolitical.
@mattman122882_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@wargazsem-_mlbts said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Of The Show players... notice the racial slurs...
First online game? If not "which everyone knows it isn't" then grow up and get thicker skin.
The real world doesn't come with safe spaces, stress cards or whatever the next fad will be.
Reaching with the "Show Players" as if
Are you saying this to me? I turn down a FQ, he then proceeds to call me a puss (ironic) and I need to grow up? You’re weird...
Not really. People are a--holes. Learn to deal with it. That's what I got out of his message, and it's honestly a good message. Sitting there and getting bent out of shape over an idiots messages is kinda moronic.
.Who's getting bent out of shape? Have you seen the tone of the exchange? Does it play into your insecurity?
You're cherry picking. I think most sane people would agree there needs to be some form of punishment for women who wrongfully accuse someone. The hard part is you would have to prove that it was a purposeful malicious act instead of a case of mistaken identity. -
No. And you are getting bent out of shape again. You'll feel a lot better once you realize people are a--holes and you are better off paying them no mind. I don't accept messages from non friends, why, because it's either a spam bot or someone wanting to be toxic. I don't sit there and whine about it on forums, I simply prevent the messages from even happening in the 1st place.
@mattman122882_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
No. And you are getting bent out of shape again. You'll feel a lot better once you realize people are a--holes and you are better off paying them no mind. I don't accept messages from non friends, why, because it's either a spam bot or someone wanting to be toxic. I don't sit there and whine about it on forums, I simply prevent the messages from even happening in the 1st place.
Alright, thought it was funny. You do you and stop giving me intent I don't have.
@wargazsem-_mlbts said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Of The Show players... notice the racial slurs...
First online game? If not "which everyone knows it isn't" then grow up and get thicker skin.
The real world doesn't come with safe spaces, stress cards or whatever the next fad will be.
Reaching with the "Show Players" as if
LoL.. Fort Jackson
Honestly.. how do you think French is a race?? And you're even doubling down smh.
@whiskeyone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Honestly.. how do you think French is a race?? And you're even doubling down smh.
Creed, nation, ethnicity, whatever floats your boat. There was a revolution here in the 60’s and 70s because of the way we were treated. 8 million on a continent of 400M is a minority. A lot better today, but to see this as the automatic response of a dumb guy who gets refused a FQ is hilarious (and sad for that moron, TBH). It was a failed attempt at humour, so what. The telling part is that it triggers you so much.
I got banned last year because of a remark I made about Americans and gun control; you think I’m thin skinned lol?
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@whiskeyone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Honestly.. how do you think French is a race?? And you're even doubling down smh.
Creed, nation, ethnicity, whatever floats your boat. There was a revolution here in the 60’s and 70s because of the way we were treated. 8 million on a continent of 400M is a minority. A lot better today, but to see this as the automatic response of a dumb guy who gets refused a FQ is hilarious (and sad for that moron, TBH). It was a failed attempt at humour, so what. The telling part is that it triggers you so much.
I got banned last year because of a remark I made about Americans and gun control; you think I’m thin skinned lol?
Don’t you mess with my second amendment rights!!!
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@whiskeyone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Honestly.. how do you think French is a race?? And you're even doubling down smh.
Creed, nation, ethnicity, whatever floats your boat. There was a revolution here in the 60’s and 70s because of the way we were treated. 8 million on a continent of 400M is a minority. A lot better today, but to see this as the automatic response of a dumb guy who gets refused a FQ is hilarious (and sad for that moron, TBH). It was a failed attempt at humour, so what. The telling part is that it triggers you so much.
I got banned last year because of a remark I made about Americans and gun control; you think I’m thin skinned lol?
Don’t you mess with my second amendment rights!!!
Yeah, when they created the first, someone said « we’re going to need guns! »
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@killerpresence4 said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@whiskeyone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Honestly.. how do you think French is a race?? And you're even doubling down smh.
Creed, nation, ethnicity, whatever floats your boat. There was a revolution here in the 60’s and 70s because of the way we were treated. 8 million on a continent of 400M is a minority. A lot better today, but to see this as the automatic response of a dumb guy who gets refused a FQ is hilarious (and sad for that moron, TBH). It was a failed attempt at humour, so what. The telling part is that it triggers you so much.
I got banned last year because of a remark I made about Americans and gun control; you think I’m thin skinned lol?
Don’t you mess with my second amendment rights!!!
Yeah, when they created the first, someone said « we’re going to need guns! »
Truer words have never been spoken
@yankblan_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
@whiskeyone_psn said in Gotta love the sophistication:
Honestly.. how do you think French is a race?? And you're even doubling down smh.
Creed, nation, ethnicity, whatever floats your boat. There was a revolution here in the 60’s and 70s because of the way we were treated. 8 million on a continent of 400M is a minority. A lot better today, but to see this as the automatic response of a dumb guy who gets refused a FQ is hilarious (and sad for that moron, TBH). It was a failed attempt at humour, so what. The telling part is that it triggers you so much.
I got banned last year because of a remark I made about Americans and gun control; you think I’m thin skinned lol?
It's cute you think I was triggered. I'm a combat vet, takes alot more than that to "trigger" me
And based on you making this post and all your responses, yes I would dare say you are very thin skinned. Have a nice night.