Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
I, for one, appreciate this gesture towards transparency. Hopefully you guys can resolve the issues and we can all move on to enjoying all the new content.
This kind of communication goes a long way, so keep it up!
@kar2oon32_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
I just want to know what’s gonna happen to everyone that lost all progress in the game. All my stubs are gone and players and DLC from the Jackie Robinson edition ($99).
Unlink your account
@locutusofburg said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
50k xp, 25k stubs, 10 TA vouchers, and maybe 10 packs for everyone and maybe a 42 pack?
I think that is more than fair. I lost at least one showdown run and had to redo conquest games because of this. I paid 100 for the prerelease and bought 100 dollars in stubs so really this has been a horrific experience.
This seems fair.
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
I spent my hard-earned money on your game. I got the deluxe Jackie Robinson edition and bought stubs. I can't tell you how disappointed I am in the release of this game. This has to be the worst release I've ever experienced, and it makes it worse since I spent so much on it. Your team needs to make this right for everyone, but especially the people that paid extra money for the Jackie Robinson editions. Make this right. Make it right.
Pimpin' Ain't Easy
Can we fix the jacked up rank season records please
@ny_giants4_life said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@lazy_toast_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
@smokey43_mlbts said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
@smokey43_mlbts said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
Been playing this for years and years, beta tester, etc. It is always the same when a new game launches, takes weeks to work it out. You would think by now they SDS would finally get this all worked out. Probably be more buggy with cross-play, come on SDS!!! get this resolved for god's sake.
Wait, this happens every year and they do nothing to fix it? What is this company doing with its money?
Yes!!! Every year is the same, for about the first few weeks, I'm curious now that there is cross-play if it will be even longer.
How have they not learned to plan for it? Just rent extra servers with all the money you got from pre orders. You would literally have to like not have a memory to not plan for that as a business. Either that or they know the servers will be flooded on release, but don't want to pay extra after traffic dies down.
Trust me they know and don’t care. They have our money and in a few days they will be giving out XP and stubs and everyone will be happy. And they still have our money
I'll tell ya what. I'm not going to be happy. I paid money for something (Jackie Robinson edition) that didn't work. I'm gonna need that cash back or I'm not gonna be satisfied. I wish people realized that we are stronger together. If we all aren't satisfied with being placated, then they will have to do something.
THIS!!! we allow them to pull off this BS every year
We could really spit in their morning coffee, and organize on their own website.
@locutusofburg said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@kingakp_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Do your thing.. I actually appreciate the fact you guys are working on a fix for the issues people are having instead of answering every single ridiculous thread on the forums. Good vibes comin from NY!
Say what you want. I'm an adult and this is a video game. If this affects your life this greatly, you have bigger problems. Those are humans you guys are trashing all over the internet and I would put a months pay that says they work twice as hard as you. Maybe get a life and this stuff won't bother you so much.. The game is amazing when its running properly. They will iron things out. Its only been a couple days..
@ny_giants4_life said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@lazy_toast_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
@smokey43_mlbts said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
@stubbierkarma93_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
@smokey43_mlbts said in Server Stability 4/21/21:
Been playing this for years and years, beta tester, etc. It is always the same when a new game launches, takes weeks to work it out. You would think by now they SDS would finally get this all worked out. Probably be more buggy with cross-play, come on SDS!!! get this resolved for god's sake.
Wait, this happens every year and they do nothing to fix it? What is this company doing with its money?
Yes!!! Every year is the same, for about the first few weeks, I'm curious now that there is cross-play if it will be even longer.
How have they not learned to plan for it? Just rent extra servers with all the money you got from pre orders. You would literally have to like not have a memory to not plan for that as a business. Either that or they know the servers will be flooded on release, but don't want to pay extra after traffic dies down.
Trust me they know and don’t care. They have our money and in a few days they will be giving out XP and stubs and everyone will be happy. And they still have our money
I'll tell ya what. I'm not going to be happy. I paid money for something (Jackie Robinson edition) that didn't work. I'm gonna need that cash back or I'm not gonna be satisfied. I wish people realized that we are stronger together. If we all aren't satisfied with being placated, then they will have to do something.
THIS!!! we allow them to pull off this BS every year
Agreed, and they dont even explain or make amends, see no evil hear no evil with this team
Down again for me.
I played games before the crash and after and NO progress bar movement no parallel points... I mean since the 16th this has been infuriating...
@victor_sds_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Hey folks-
We're aware of slow and/or unstable server performance many of you have experienced and brought to our attention. Our team is working to diagnose and resolve the underlying issues, more updates to come. Thank you for your patience.
Update 7:19 PM PT 4/21/21
Servers are now back online. We will continue to monitor and work to improve stability.Well as of 9:43 Pacific time they're broken again
@Victor_SDS_PSN any chance of maybe getting update on the roster vault issue?
Can't log in to events but everything else is working fine. Anyone else?
That was a fun 2 hours. Our trial is over
Well it's nice to see that these servers are about as stable as the Pirates playoffs hopes
Servers are down again, just finished a 3 inning game and got an error message
Won 2 showdowns in a row and both ended up being Ls due to server crash. I give up.
@mike-forbes101_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Down again for me.
Down for me as I finished the last territory on the West TA Affinity Conquest map
Welp. That didn't last long. Just got cheated out of Conquest win, 3 Yankees pitchers innings, and XP. This is growing f#$&!ng old.
@ronniegant1992 said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@mike-forbes101_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Down again for me.
Down for me as I finished the last territory on the West TA Affinity Conquest map
Back up now and of course I didn't get the win for the last conquest game....prob better I didn't since I probably woulda lost all the rewards
@xsawxsaw2121_psn said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
Well it's nice to see that these servers are about as stable as the Pirates playoffs hopes
I'd argue the Bucs are doing better than these servers.