MLB The Show ‘21 Wishlist
With all the conquest maps that we have this year, if that returns in 21. I'd like the option to customize. If I'm lets say playing the 7th inning conquest map, and we're in the 11th inning, let me move the 7th inning conquest map to the front of the line.
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in MLB The Show ‘21 Wishlist:
I would like a hair-growth mechanic like in RDR2. Hair grows overtime and you have to cut it once in a while to maintain or style, or grow it out if you want a longer style.
This. I've been on this for years. It would be a fantastic feature. As a Sox fan I play a lot of games against thr Yankees. Who obviously have the hair policy. Its so weird when they trade for a sign a guy with a beard. To bearded pin stripes in the batters box or on the mound against me doesn't feel right. On the flip side. When a player is traded or signed from the Yankees the option to grow the hair.
Also 3 team trades would be a great feature
@halfbutt said in MLB The Show ‘21 Wishlist:
I wish that if nothing else changes, that I can at least have the option to mute my opponent’s DJ horn at my own home ballpark.
I realize there are kids and teenagers that play this game but I don’t want to hear their sound effects.
I don’t play online personally but I fully support this. There is no reason for a person to have to put up with a random opponent’s choice of sound effects, or choice of anything that can be used as a tool to be obnoxious. If anything it’s more work for a developer to add in code that ensures consistency in presentation between the two systems. And when it’s something that makes the playing experience less enjoyable, why put it in? (Home run replays, speaking to you).
Like I said I don’t play online so I’m just going with the flow here.
No doubt home run camera option to turn it off
My wishlist is for it to be on PC with ultrawide support, allow it to be modded so stadiums could have RL ads and mod makers can make custom stadiums like all Spring Training parks and equipment. And also to change the name Diamond Dynasty to Diamond Noob Dynasty.
improve AI logic with baserunning:
a) baserunners not taking appropriate number of bases on a hit, the runners will stop mid way between the bases to ensure the ball drops when it's CLEARLY an extra base hit
b) lead runners stopping at second when clearly they should have gone to third bc the ball was in the gap for what should have been a double -
3D grass DURING all gameplay: something like the grass in EA Sports games (Madden, FIFA)
Cleveland Municipal Stadium
Tiger Stadium
era-specific uniforms design templates (baggy early 1900s, collared jerseys, pullover jerseys, real sleeveless jerseys)
as always, more brands and models of equipment (big push for Nike catchers equipment)
classic equipment such as those used throughout the "golden age" of baseball (classic cleats, gloves, helmets, hats, catchers' gear, eyeglasses)
Better atmosphere/interaction across the board. I'd love to see a wide range of fan and crowd noise/reaction. Think about a middle of the summer, lazy afternoon game atmosphere (where the fans are just chilling more than anything)... and then a postseason, winner take all game atmosphere (where the crowd noise is crazy loud).
Along with this, more eruption of emotion from the crowd after a huge go ahead homer from the home team, or big strikeout to get outta a bases loaded jam from the home team. Conversely, a sudden hush/silence if the above situations happen AGAINST the home team.
How about bringing back the option to set season at x# of games.
For me, the biggest change I want to see is RTTS actually becoming a mode worth playing. As of now, I do 1-2 seasons and I'm bored. Adding one or two things like "instant gains" and calling it improved is unacceptable.
For starters. Do something different with the "showcases" games. It's been the same boring thing for years and years. Have us go through drills, do interviews with teams maybe even play a few college games. Something. The current set up is just so boring.
Stop saying you're trying to make it realistic by having us go in the later rounds. I want to be picked based on how I do. Be it first pick or last.
Make the minor leagues interesting!!! Again, do something similar to 2k. Have a little mini story leading up to our major league career.Little cut scenes or something. Give us different situations to face. GET REAL STADIUMS IN THE GAME. Or at the very least CREATE A BALL PARK. And then we can create the minor leagues stadiums and assign them to the teams we want.
Let us pick and sign our own agent. Give the agent value. Maybe Agent X is great a getting your endorsement deals while Agent Z is better at getting you paid. And Agent ZY is good at both, but not great at either. Let us call our agent any time we have an issue. Want trade, want to complain about money, want a new endorsement.. Want to set up a press conference to make a major announcement.
They claim this mode is suppose to be RPG like. Well it's not. Not even close. Give our player a character/personality. And have that effect how the baseball world around us views us. Maybe we are a great teammate and make the players around us better. Maybe we are a fan favorite and that helps get deals done quicker. Or makes the more fans show up. Maybe we are cocky and the media hates us.
Speak of, have us do freaking interviews. I think I've done a total of 4 in my 4 year career on MLB the show 20. And they are meaningless. Have zero effect on anything. The "social media" tab is pointless. Again, zero effect on anything. Frankly its laziness on SDS part. I'd rather it not be there, then putting there and doing a half [censored] job. Let us do a interview once a week. Have those choice effect stuff. Let us interact on social by giving us 3-5 choices that we can answer on certain messages. Allow us to have better dialog with teammates. Yeah it's there now. But again, it;s just lazy and half done. And give us off the field choices to make. I'm sure with MLB rules, our players can't be out drinking and chasing women then drag racing our cars. But simple things that effect how our characters are viewed would be fun.
Make contracts matter. Give us stubbs in replace of the money. X million could equal so many stubbs. Anyone remember " The crib" from old 2k games. Why that went away is beyond me. Something like that would be awesome to see in sports games again. We start in a apartment and can work our way up to a mansion. Filling it with little mini games, trophies, screen shots etc. Big ask, but would be a super awesome additions
Saving the best for last. A freaking online RTTS. How fun would it be to create a league with a couple buddies. You each go through the draft, the minors etc together. Maybe your best friend is ripping up in the majors while you are stuck getting bounced around AA ball. Maybe your teams are in the same division and you face each other. How awesome would it be to have say my cousin playing pitcher and I'm at the plate. This would take RTTS to a new level.
NON RTTS stuff.
- One thing I do love about the show is a the presentation. But it could be better. More broadcast teams and packages. Sound like a broke record. But be more like 2k and less like EA. Multiple broadcast teams for different situations. Cut scenes of the stadium. Cut scenes of fans getting hotdogs, cut scenes of homerun celebrations at certain stadiums. Just add a little more to what you already have,
I'm drawing a blank. But that new mode they added... I really enjoyed it. To a extent. I love Franchise mode. But it hasn't been touched in years. So combined the two. Let me make trades, set open day roster, control the minor league system, etc. Give me the speedy quick season stuff with full control.
Notice I didn't post any DD stuff. There are plenty of us who still enjoy the offline solo stuff. Or only want to play against friends. I am sick and tired of being forced fed these card packs and trying to be pushed into playing a mode that really can only be enjoyed if you like playing against random people. SDS needs to stop heading down the path of Madden. DD gets 90% of it's attention these days it seems like. And like Madden, this game is soon to be a bargain bin purchase at best for myself and many other gamers. Sure DD is fun. Just like MUT. But it seems everything is geared towards it. That new mode is a perfect example. The whole purpose to to play through, to earn points to unlock cards. Why not include that mode inside Franchise? I'll buy this game on next gen regardless. Gotta have a new gen baseball game. But if I don't see improvements, I'll be sure to buy used.
Get rid of the pause button while playing online. Max 2 min. Why do you need to pause frequently??
- In franchise and Diamond Dynasty we need to have the choice to customize 3 or more jerseys instead of 2 jerseys.
2.There should be a mode like postseason or franchise called World Baseball Classic so we can play with teams from all over like Venezuela,Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
3.We should get the choice to challenge plays instead of waiting for the game to challenge the plays.
4.In RTTS we need to be able to talk to the manager and be able to call our agent at anytime we need.
5.In Diamond dynasty and franchise we should be able to customize our field and play where ever we want not just major league places.