Shippett broke The Show this year
@MarinerMatt01 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@mitchhammond24 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@MarinerMatt01 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@kingss35 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
Shippet has always been OP and MLB stadiums have always been frowned upon when playing online. Considering how many people play at shippet I doubt we’ll see any of the minor league stadiums change any time soon if at all.
I think the fact that so many people play at Shippett versus all the other stadiums shows that a change needs to be made.
Or a change needs to be made to the game and other stadiums. The hitting in game is very inconsistent with exit velos. Shippett maximizes the chances of a good/okay center pci hit to go out, which is what skilled hitters want. It’s unbelievably frustrating flying out on perfect pci placement. Why is shippett the only minor league field with a great batter’s eye? Why not make other minor league fields more appealing by giving them better batters eyes?
You said “maximizes” which is the key word. Shippett at its elevation, short fences and warm climate maxes out the hitting to an unrealistic level. It’s not the batters eye.
As long as it’s as easy as it is to place the pci and time up pitches, the hitting is gonna be unrealistic
I thought everybody knows Shippett is a launching pad.
I notice a significant increase in homeruns for both myself and my opponents versus any other stadium or park that I play at. This seems to be consistent enough for myself to believe that it's not pure coincidence.
Would you guys rather every well-hit ball be a home run, BUT many balls that should be fly outs are home runs as well? Or not every well-hit ball leaves the yard, but there are no cheap/undeserved home runs? Because that is the quandary of Shippett in my estimation.
@mitchhammond24 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@MarinerMatt01 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@kingss35 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
Shippet has always been OP and MLB stadiums have always been frowned upon when playing online. Considering how many people play at shippet I doubt we’ll see any of the minor league stadiums change any time soon if at all.
I think the fact that so many people play at Shippett versus all the other stadiums shows that a change needs to be made.
Or a change needs to be made to the game and other stadiums. The hitting in game is very inconsistent with exit velos. Shippett maximizes the chances of a good/okay center pci hit to go out, which is what skilled hitters want. It’s unbelievably frustrating flying out on perfect pci placement. Why is shippett the only minor league field with a great batter’s eye? Why not make other minor league fields more appealing by giving them better batters eyes?
I don’t know. If I was a top player with the ability to square up pitches consistently (like some people I know), I think I might want to play at big parks that aren’t forgiving. Let the more consistent player win rather than one who gets the most pop ups to carry out for dingers.
@maurice91932 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@mitchhammond24 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@MarinerMatt01 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@kingss35 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
Shippet has always been OP and MLB stadiums have always been frowned upon when playing online. Considering how many people play at shippet I doubt we’ll see any of the minor league stadiums change any time soon if at all.
I think the fact that so many people play at Shippett versus all the other stadiums shows that a change needs to be made.
Or a change needs to be made to the game and other stadiums. The hitting in game is very inconsistent with exit velos. Shippett maximizes the chances of a good/okay center pci hit to go out, which is what skilled hitters want. It’s unbelievably frustrating flying out on perfect pci placement. Why is shippett the only minor league field with a great batter’s eye? Why not make other minor league fields more appealing by giving them better batters eyes?
I don’t know. If I was a top player with the ability to square up pitches consistently (like some people I know), I think I might want to play at big parks that aren’t forgiving. Let the more consistent player win rather than one who gets the most pop ups to carry out for dingers.
I don’t think you would. Because as a top player (not saying I am one) you’re obv going to square way more pitches up than most of your opponents. At shippett, most of these get rewarded so you can pretty much outhit everyone else, except for other top players. There generally are only 1-2 actual fluke home runs at shippett, if that. At other stadiums, particularly mlb stadiums or parks with big dimensions, it can be hard at times to scratch across a few runs due to lag or difficulty seeing the ball, so bloopers and bad animations can have a much bigger impact on the game.
@MarinerMatt01 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@kingss35 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
Shippet has always been OP and MLB stadiums have always been frowned upon when playing online. Considering how many people play at shippet I doubt we’ll see any of the minor league stadiums change any time soon if at all.
I think the fact that so many people play at Shippett versus all the other stadiums shows that a change needs to be made.
True, but It could go work both ways. Obviously by now everybody knows minor league stadiums play better than MLB stadiums. And Shippett along with several other minor league stadiums make the ball absolutely fly. It’d be nice to have a themed team and be able to play at their respective MLB stadium without having balls die on the fly all the time. Not asking for a HRD either like last year but somehow make it in between SDS
I think I agree with Mitch on this one. If it were possible to locate your pitches without random hangers, Shippett, and too much offense in general, would be less of a problem.
@halfbutt said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I think I agree with Mitch on this one. If it were possible to locate your pitches without random hangers, Shippett, and too much offense in general, would be less of a problem.
I don't think anyone is disputing that it would be less of a problem, that's pretty much an indisputable fact, but the two main issues presented here don't have to be mutually exclusive, both can be true to an extent.
@eatyum said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@halfbutt said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I think I agree with Mitch on this one. If it were possible to locate your pitches without random hangers, Shippett, and too much offense in general, would be less of a problem.
I don't think anyone is disputing that it would be less of a problem, that's pretty much an indisputable fact, but the two main issues presented here don't have to be mutually exclusive, both can be true to an extent.
Yeah, fair.
@halfbutt said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@eatyum said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
@halfbutt said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I think I agree with Mitch on this one. If it were possible to locate your pitches without random hangers, Shippett, and too much offense in general, would be less of a problem.
I don't think anyone is disputing that it would be less of a problem, that's pretty much an indisputable fact, but the two main issues presented here don't have to be mutually exclusive, both can be true to an extent.
Yeah, fair.
I do think Mitch is right about Shippett and top players. When you have two top players going at it, a fluke home run here or there isn't going to determine the game and both will be better rewarded for their consistent input
But in a game where it's an average player versus an average player, suddenly that one or two fluke home runs can easily determine the game.
I can't hit my way to victory, so those fluke home runs are devastating to me, which is why I despise playing there
I think Shippett delivers the best game experience of any stadium in the sim.
I see a lot of comments about the pitching as if everyone expects to throw two-hitters every game... it's either the pitching or the hitting that has to give to allow for the other, and would the game really be more fun if it was the pitchers who were programmed to be more dominating than the hitters? Heck no, you'd all be furious at the difficulty involved with hitting and stop playing the game entirely if you could barely score any runs.
Want to give up fewer homers, start playing at Forbes... but it won't last, you won't like it when you smash a bomb to left center only for it to be caught 25 feet short of that deep wall, then you'll head back to Shippett and realize this place isn't so bad after all.
MarinerMatt01replied to a761506 on Dec 8, 2020, 9:10 AM last edited by MarinerMatt01_PSN Dec 8, 2020, 9:28 AM
@a761506 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I think Shippett delivers the best game experience of any stadium in the sim.
I see a lot of comments about the pitching as if everyone expects to throw two-hitters every game... it's either the pitching or the hitting that has to give to allow for the other, and would the game really be more fun if it was the pitchers who were programmed to be more dominating than the hitters? Heck no, you'd all be furious at the difficulty involved with hitting and stop playing the game entirely if you could barely score any runs.
Want to give up fewer homers, start playing at Forbes... but it won't last, you won't like it when you smash a bomb to left center only for it to be caught 25 feet short of that deep wall, then you'll head back to Shippett and realize this place isn't so bad after all.
14 combined home runs a game is not realistic baseball. Constant 17-15 games is not realistic baseball. We are asking for a balance and whether people like playing in Shippett or not, they have to admit it makes the game very unbalanced and unrealistic, more akin to slow pitch softball than baseball. Why not just play a nine inning home run derby if people just want to bash dingers.
Can't break what's already broken
@a761506 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I see a lot of comments about the pitching as if everyone expects to throw two-hitters every game... it's either the pitching or the hitting that has to give to allow for the other, and would the game really be more fun if it was the pitchers who were programmed to be more dominating than the hitters?
I think that you as pitcher want be rewards whit a good-perfect input pitch as well when you hit a perfect-perfect, this years we all know that even when you have a good release ball hang down on middle. If you miss you spot on the pitch that ball will fly even if you opponent hit whit an early-9 PCI. I think that give the possibility as user of have a good input be more rewords, will be better, hey!! if you have the skill that hit a good-good, perfect-perfect in a ball that a throw whit a good release and went actually where I aim, well gg and you well deserve that hit
@a761506 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I think Shippett delivers the best game experience of any stadium in the sim.
I see a lot of comments about the pitching as if everyone expects to throw two-hitters every game... it's either the pitching or the hitting that has to give to allow for the other, and would the game really be more fun if it was the pitchers who were programmed to be more dominating than the hitters? Heck no, you'd all be furious at the difficulty involved with hitting and stop playing the game entirely if you could barely score any runs.
Want to give up fewer homers, start playing at Forbes... but it won't last, you won't like it when you smash a bomb to left center only for it to be caught 25 feet short of that deep wall, then you'll head back to Shippett and realize this place isn't so bad after all.
Lmao, that's the truth
@a761506 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I think Shippett delivers the best game experience of any stadium in the sim.
I see a lot of comments about the pitching as if everyone expects to throw two-hitters every game... it's either the pitching or the hitting that has to give to allow for the other, and would the game really be more fun if it was the pitchers who were programmed to be more dominating than the hitters? Heck no, you'd all be furious at the difficulty involved with hitting and stop playing the game entirely if you could barely score any runs.
Want to give up fewer homers, start playing at Forbes... but it won't last, you won't like it when you smash a bomb to left center only for it to be caught 25 feet short of that deep wall, then you'll head back to Shippett and realize this place isn't so bad after all.
As someone who thinks they are a much better pitcher than hitter, but feels like pitching sucks this year worse than even 18 and 19, here's my thoughts.
Perfect hitting should beat perfect pitching every time. If my input on a pitch is truly perfect and it goes where I want, but it's still a strike and my opponent makes perfect PCI placement and swing timing, it should be a hit for them more than not.
This is where I think The Show screws up though. It's WAY too easy to foul off really goo and perfectly located pitches when you're fooled. Pitches that are 50% of the ball or more is in the zone/on the black are almost never strikes and should always be strikes. Multiple check swings per at bat are rarely called strikes. Call strikes if the pitch is in the zone or on the black. Reduce the vision size for foul ball ability and have more swing and misses on a ball that isn't even touch any of the PCI. If someone check swings at 3 balls, for the love, ring them up! No MLB player is going to check swing more than once or twice an at bat without getting rung up the next time.
If they did those things, pitching could still dominate when someone is doing well, but still be punished by an opponent who squares balls up with good timing.
I just dont see how thye broke pitching so badly this year. Last year I would strike out well over 10 a game and maybe give up one run this year its maybe 6-8k and 3-4 runs and that is with better guys than I had last year
@Boneman05 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I just dont see how thye broke pitching so badly this year. Last year I would strike out well over 10 a game and maybe give up one run this year its maybe 6-8k and 3-4 runs and that is with better guys than I had last year
Strikeouts are way up over 19, i never maintained any pitcher with a k/9 over 9 in 19, now I have guys that have 12-14 K/9 stats.
@Boneman05 said in Shippett broke The Show this year:
I just dont see how thye broke pitching so badly this year. Last year I would strike out well over 10 a game and maybe give up one run this year its maybe 6-8k and 3-4 runs and that is with better guys than I had last year
Idk what types of players u were playing last year, but I think strikeouts were actually way harder to come by last year without outlier and with bigger pci. Last year, when really locked in, I’d strike out maybe once a game on legend and sometimes none. This year I def strike out way more and I think my opponents strike out more too. Just my experience tho. I think the pitching was atrocious last year too
Last night I threw Sale against a team of all prestiged cards, plus 99 Belli and 99 Seager, all with .300+ averages outside of one card. He was the home team and picked Coors and I recorded 17 K's, 3 hits, and 1 ER (Seager HR). You can get K's this year, but you've gotta be fooling guys on the pitch mix and location really good. Oddly though, it was one of the rare games that my input was going where I wanted 95% of the time. I probably had 3 hanging pitches and they weren't terrible hangers dead center. His HR was actually on a well located pitch.