10th inning predictions
Just one card - a 1997 MVP Award Griffey.
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@ComebackLogic said in 10th inning predictions:
@SJR15ITFC said in 10th inning predictions:
Can see the 10th inning drops on 30th October with 'can't talk about it yet' as the teaser clue. Could this be pitchers who have thrown no-hitters or perfect games as the bosses, given the unwritten rule of not talking about a no-no whilst it's in progress? or is it something else do we think?
My guess is one boss only and it’s Ken Griffey Jr.
JuSt OnE bOsS?! ThAt'S rIdIcUloUs BrO, tHeY'rE oBvIoUsLy NeVeR dOiNg ThAt.
Its gotta be 3 different versions of Griffey bro /s
I saw Koogs do a video on that. Would be interesting to see how those card would differ from one another.
3 different card arts obviously, but I imagine the Awards version would be the best version making the other 2 completely worthless. Prime could compare, but everyone that has an awards card instead of a sig from last year except for Ruth has had a better awards card
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@ComebackLogic said in 10th inning predictions:
@SJR15ITFC said in 10th inning predictions:
Can see the 10th inning drops on 30th October with 'can't talk about it yet' as the teaser clue. Could this be pitchers who have thrown no-hitters or perfect games as the bosses, given the unwritten rule of not talking about a no-no whilst it's in progress? or is it something else do we think?
My guess is one boss only and it’s Ken Griffey Jr.
JuSt OnE bOsS?! ThAt'S rIdIcUloUs BrO, tHeY'rE oBvIoUsLy NeVeR dOiNg ThAt.
Its gotta be 3 different versions of Griffey bro /s
I saw Koogs do a video on that. Would be interesting to see how those card would differ from one another.
3 different card arts obviously, but I imagine the Awards version would be the best version making the other 2 completely worthless. Prime could compare, but everyone that has an awards card instead of a sig from last year except for Ruth has had a better awards card
You think they'd just do different card arts or also do different attributes? Attributes would be interesting, I think a prime card would be insane. His 10 year span with the Mariners is out of this world.
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@ComebackLogic said in 10th inning predictions:
@SJR15ITFC said in 10th inning predictions:
Can see the 10th inning drops on 30th October with 'can't talk about it yet' as the teaser clue. Could this be pitchers who have thrown no-hitters or perfect games as the bosses, given the unwritten rule of not talking about a no-no whilst it's in progress? or is it something else do we think?
My guess is one boss only and it’s Ken Griffey Jr.
JuSt OnE bOsS?! ThAt'S rIdIcUloUs BrO, tHeY'rE oBvIoUsLy NeVeR dOiNg ThAt.
Its gotta be 3 different versions of Griffey bro /s
I saw Koogs do a video on that. Would be interesting to see how those card would differ from one another.
3 different card arts obviously, but I imagine the Awards version would be the best version making the other 2 completely worthless. Prime could compare, but everyone that has an awards card instead of a sig from last year except for Ruth has had a better awards card
You think they'd just do different card arts or also do different attributes? Attributes would be interesting, I think a prime card would be insane. His 10 year span with the Mariners is out of this world.
I would imagine both just because the difference in how attributes are calculated for each series. A prime card would stack up with his 1997 Awards card pretty well. The sig would easily be the worst version though IMO. Especially because for all repeat sig cards from last year have had the same attributes(except for Hanley) apart from vision and Outlier. Griffeys attributes were quite underwhelming on his sig card last year compared to what his Awards/Prime cards would likely look like
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@the_dragon1912 said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
@ComebackLogic said in 10th inning predictions:
@SJR15ITFC said in 10th inning predictions:
Can see the 10th inning drops on 30th October with 'can't talk about it yet' as the teaser clue. Could this be pitchers who have thrown no-hitters or perfect games as the bosses, given the unwritten rule of not talking about a no-no whilst it's in progress? or is it something else do we think?
My guess is one boss only and it’s Ken Griffey Jr.
JuSt OnE bOsS?! ThAt'S rIdIcUloUs BrO, tHeY'rE oBvIoUsLy NeVeR dOiNg ThAt.
Its gotta be 3 different versions of Griffey bro /s
I saw Koogs do a video on that. Would be interesting to see how those card would differ from one another.
3 different card arts obviously, but I imagine the Awards version would be the best version making the other 2 completely worthless. Prime could compare, but everyone that has an awards card instead of a sig from last year except for Ruth has had a better awards card
You think they'd just do different card arts or also do different attributes? Attributes would be interesting, I think a prime card would be insane. His 10 year span with the Mariners is out of this world.
I would imagine both just because the difference in how attributes are calculated for each series. A prime card would stack up with his 1997 Awards card pretty well. The sig would easily be the worst version though IMO. Especially because for all repeat sig cards from last year have had the same attributes(except for Hanley) apart from vision and Outlier. Griffeys attributes were quite underwhelming on his sig card last year compared to what his Awards/Prime cards would likely look like
Agreed, last year he was buns.
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
His 10 year span with the Mariners is out of this world.
10 year WAR for Seattle years: 70.7
10 year WARs for ...
Ruth (19-28): 103.4
Mays (54-63): 92.8
Bonds (95-04): 88.4
Pujols (01-10): 81.4
ARod (96-05): 81.2
Trout (11-current): 74.4
Ripken (82-91): 69.8 -
@SaveFarris said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
His 10 year span with the Mariners is out of this world.
10 year WAR for Seattle years: 70.7
10 year WARs for ...
Ruth (19-28): 103.4
Mays (54-63): 92.8
Bonds (95-04): 88.4
Pujols (01-10): 81.4
ARod (96-05): 81.2
Trout (11-current): 74.4
Ripken (82-91): 69.8Don't throw facts and figures at me bro, Ken Griffey Jr. was the second coming of Jesus Christ and he deserves 125 across the board.
@SaveFarris said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
His 10 year span with the Mariners is out of this world.
10 year WAR for Seattle years: 70.7
10 year WARs for ...
Ruth (19-28): 103.4
Mays (54-63): 92.8
Bonds (95-04): 88.4
Pujols (01-10): 81.4
ARod (96-05): 81.2
Trout (11-current): 74.4
Ripken (82-91): 69.8Think this just highlights more how much Ruth got shafted on his already ridiculously good hitting stats. He should always have max stats across the board, period.
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
Don't throw facts and figures at me bro, Ken Griffey Jr. was the second coming of Jesus Christ and he deserves 125 across the board.
Vision, Discipline, and Clutch are all maxxed out.
But Stealing and Power vs. Lefties...
@SaveFarris said in 10th inning predictions:
@raesONE said in 10th inning predictions:
Don't throw facts and figures at me bro, Ken Griffey Jr. was the second coming of Jesus Christ and he deserves 125 across the board.
Vision, Discipline, and Clutch are all maxxed out.
But Stealing and Power vs. Lefties...
Yeah he had a hardware card in 17 of his 97 MVP year that looked like that.