All this grinding for what
Very true.
There's a reason for that, you know.
If you make it impossible for late adopters to compete, then guess how many late adopters you're going to get in this and future versions.
Late adopters help keep this game alive as they help the market keep moving late in the game cycle.
TheMoShow__replied to spatial_coffee10 on Sep 14, 2020, 1:06 PM last edited by TheMoShow___PSN Sep 14, 2020, 1:06 PM
@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
only way for you to build quickly in those games is to break out the CC. the show does it wallet free....
come back later and try again
@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
yeah...not sure if srs.
Tops Now cards will give way to easily earned 'Finest' cards in a few weeks. Late in the cycle it will not be uncommon to see a complete team of finest players capable of outperforming a legendary team you have done all the hard work to put together.
And that is OK. Did you have fun putting together the team you wanted? Did you have fun collecting the cards?
Late adopters may have a harder time getting Mantle, Biggio, and Trout on their teams. Late adopters have no access to the free Boss level cards you earned through the Innings Programs because without the vouchers there is no way to earn enough stars...It's OK. Newcomers need a way to compete or they won't stick around. If you want the same juiced high end cards, you have just as much ability to acquire them.
Last year this game was fun to play all through the winter.
What's wrong with them adding good usable cards all year?
You don't want people to pick up the game today and be completely overmatched, to the point they give up. This gives new players a good team they can put together right away. Keep new players coming back.
There definitely should be more grinding options for offline people.
I can definitly see them doing the show for free again this october
I actually do a agree for some strange reason those cards don't play the same
Honestly this is a good thing.
I've got Trout, Mantle, and Ruth which are endgame cards which take alot of grinding. Their stats are still far better than any Topps Now cards in terms of end game. Consider these Topps Now cards. What do most of them all seem to have in common?
They all hit for power. Tons of 100+ power cards, often for both sides.
That's a smart move from SDS considering that most players - specifically newer ones - find it very rewarding to hit a homerun even if they lose. It's the perfect incentive for new players and casuals who might not necessarily be huge baseball fans. They might actually just stick around to play another game of RS or events if they at least feel like they have a chance to score some runs.
At this stage in the game, those are probably the exact players SDS wants to get in here. If these new players get hooked somewhat and invest some more time, they'll find a huge wealth of content for them to grind. However, they won't get to that point if they can't compete in the slightest against grinded God squads that trounce them and make them simply say, "forget it" and just exit the Show and play a different game.
Give em a carrot and perhaps they get the incentive to dig around the rest of the garden.
@Mis_Ter_Bulldops said in All this grinding for what:
You can just put a Topps now team together. What a waste leaving up. Topps cards. Are over kill
Came for the nihilism.
Left disillusioned.
Yes the topps now card plays above their stat sometimes. Still, they are not Trout, Babe level, the pitcher is also not Kluberish or Orel-ish good, they are just kinda good.
The Topps cards are more for fun and squad builders.
@TheMoShow__ said in All this grinding for what:
@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
only way for you to build quickly in those games is to break out the CC. the show does it wallet free....
come back later and try again
Lol this is the only game that allows you to convert real money to fake currency and buy whoever you want for a dollar sign.
Topps now have actual good quirks on them!! Based on there live series cards! Probably a big reason they hit so well !!
@Some_Schmuck_22 said in All this grinding for what:
Tops Now cards will give way to easily earned 'Finest' cards in a few weeks. Late in the cycle it will not be uncommon to see a complete team of finest players capable of outperforming a legendary team you have done all the hard work to put together.
And that is OK. Did you have fun putting together the team you wanted? Did you have fun collecting the cards?
Late adopters may have a harder time getting Mantle, Biggio, and Trout on their teams. Late adopters have no access to the free Boss level cards you earned through the Innings Programs because without the vouchers there is no way to earn enough stars...It's OK. Newcomers need a way to compete or they won't stick around. If you want the same juiced high end cards, you have just as much ability to acquire them.
Last year this game was fun to play all through the winter.
@Some_Schmuck_22 said in All this grinding for what:
Tops Now cards will give way to easily earned 'Finest' cards in a few weeks. Late in the cycle it will not be uncommon to see a complete team of finest players capable of outperforming a legendary team you have done all the hard work to put together.
And that is OK. Did you have fun putting together the team you wanted? Did you have fun collecting the cards?
Late adopters may have a harder time getting Mantle, Biggio, and Trout on their teams. Late adopters have no access to the free Boss level cards you earned through the Innings Programs because without the vouchers there is no way to earn enough stars...It's OK. Newcomers need a way to compete or they won't stick around. If you want the same juiced high end cards, you have just as much ability to acquire them.
Last year this game was fun to play all through the winter.
Really well said man. Def got my money’s worth
@Spyacht said in All this grinding for what:
Yes the topps now card plays above their stat sometimes. Still, they are not Trout, Babe level, the pitcher is also not Kluberish or Orel-ish good, they are just kinda good.
@Spyacht said in All this grinding for what:
Yes the topps now card plays above their stat sometimes. Still, they are not Trout, Babe level, the pitcher is also not Kluberish or Orel-ish good, they are just kinda good.
Agreed they are more like window dressing or eye candy. Don’t play like the big boys do though
@ChArTeRBuS said in All this grinding for what:
@TheMoShow__ said in All this grinding for what:
@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
only way for you to build quickly in those games is to break out the CC. the show does it wallet free....
come back later and try again
Lol this is the only game that allows you to convert real money to fake currency and buy whoever you want for a dollar sign.
So you never played madden then??
@ChArTeRBuS said in All this grinding for what:
@TheMoShow__ said in All this grinding for what:
@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
only way for you to build quickly in those games is to break out the CC. the show does it wallet free....
come back later and try again
Lol this is the only game that allows you to convert real money to fake currency and buy whoever you want for a dollar sign.
How much real money do I need to convert to fake currency to buy Babe Ruth? I want Babe Ruth for $!
@dap1234567890 said in All this grinding for what:
@ChArTeRBuS said in All this grinding for what:
@TheMoShow__ said in All this grinding for what:
@spatial_coffee10 said in All this grinding for what:
Meh, most people have stopped playing anyway (you can look up server activity, it's down 70%). With Madden dropping, and FIFA on it's way, the show will die a slow death this year.
Those other games give you way more ways to play the game offline, grind for great awards, etc. Heck, at least on FIFA you can play their BR mode offline and pick your difficulty. The show has a long way to go.
only way for you to build quickly in those games is to break out the CC. the show does it wallet free....
come back later and try again
Lol this is the only game that allows you to convert real money to fake currency and buy whoever you want for a dollar sign.
How much real money do I need to convert to fake currency to buy Babe Ruth? I want Babe Ruth for $!
Yea see that can’t happen. Another solid point sir