Why do people quit ?
@CCCStunna30 said in Why do people quit ?:
@Ewogimia365 said in Why do people quit ?:
It's a game yes. But quitting is a mentality. You quit in a video game you'll quit in real life when things get tough. Winners dont quit it's really that simple. I dont quit in a video game bc I dont quit in real life even when the odds are against you. Any1 thinking my way of thinking is way off clearly isnt an alpha, or a winner.
Ya I guess your right if you quit in a video game your clearly mentally weak which I guess I am. Never mind the fact that I tore my acl my senior year of high school, rehabbed went to a jc to then earn multiple d1 offers . Oh and then to have all that taken away cause the week before I made my commitment I was diagnosed with cancer and spent the next 3 and a half years going through chemo, which I am proud to say I’m a cancer survivor, but yes your right if I quit a game in a video game I’m mentally weak.....
Cancer gave you no choice, you either win that battle or you could die, so I’m glad you won... That’s not a sporting event though, that’s life or death, not comparable...
@Ewogimia365 said in Why do people quit ?:
It's a game yes. But quitting is a mentality. You quit in a video game you'll quit in real life when things get tough. Winners dont quit it's really that simple. I dont quit in a video game bc I dont quit in real life even when the odds are against you. Any1 thinking my way of thinking is way off clearly isnt an alpha, or a winner.
Lolll what an asinine statement, it's a video game it's not that serious, I had surgery 2 and a half months ago and got my stomach ripped open and now have what's called an ostomy, one of the most mentally tough things I'm facing in my life, there's no quit here, if I quit in a video game to save my bullpen once every like 30 games that does not equal quitting in real life. Take that nonsense somewhere else and get real.
@Ewogimia365 said in Why do people quit ?:
It's a game yes. But quitting is a mentality. You quit in a video game you'll quit in real life when things get tough. Winners dont quit it's really that simple. I dont quit in a video game bc I dont quit in real life even when the odds are against you. Any1 thinking my way of thinking is way off clearly isnt an alpha, or a winner.
You're a joke my guy, take that I'm an alpha winner BS somewhere else. Also, you play online rated, I didn't even know they had 100 people that played that. You don't want to play people in DD?
"Any1 thinking my way of thinking is way off clearly isnt an alpha, or a winner."
Is actually one of the most "beta" things I've heard said on here lol
Also to the point of "not getting the results you want" I quit my job working in pro football 4 years because I wasn't getting the results I wanted, in my personal life or professional life, now I have the results I want both professionally and personally at the job I've been at since then so tell me why quitting because I wasn't getting the results I wanted in that situation was a bad thing?
Quitting doesn't usually bother me because I'm not that good and I'll take the win. It does annoy me when I'm trying to get certain pitching missions done. Like last night, I got quit on twice when trying to get my second Treinen save.
@Ewogimia365 said in Why do people quit ?:
It's a game yes. But quitting is a mentality. You quit in a video game you'll quit in real life when things get tough. Winners dont quit it's really that simple. I dont quit in a video game bc I dont quit in real life even when the odds are against you. Any1 thinking my way of thinking is way off clearly isnt an alpha, or a winner.
haha, so you can't tell the difference between a video game and something more serious in "real life"?
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
Cancer gave you no choice, you either win that battle or you could die, so I’m glad you won... That’s not a sporting event though, that’s life or death, not comparable...
Yes I had no choice with cancer, but I guess you skipped over the first part where I said I tore my acl my senior year and went to a jc and earned d1 scholarships, I think that qualifies as comparable...
I only quit when I'm completely outclassed and its late enough in the game that there's no hope of victory. My time is valuable, and I'd rather not waste it playing every last out of a lost cause just so my opponent can stroke his ego by padding stats against an inferior player
Lol at applying life lessons to online video game playing. Lighten up, Francis.
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
@Crimson_Monk said in Why do people quit ?:
@mrcityofwin said in Why do people quit ?:
@Ewogimia365 said in Why do people quit ?:
Quitter suffer from THS....
Tiny heart syndrome......
If you quit you shouldnt be able to a diamond or reach world series.
Quitting is a terrible character trait. I've been beat 11-1 b4 its humbling you take it on the chin you get up dust off and move on. Learn. But do not be a quitter.One of the most far off posts I have witnessed on here. It’s a game homes.
Right... this is the guy that will ask a girl out 200 times, get a restraint order and still try to ask her out because “quitting is for tiny hearts”
Dude, did you really just compare playing a competitive sports game to asking a girl out ? LOL
.... Man if you even feel that’s close to being comparable, good luck out there...
Hey, just using the real world like he did.... he doesn’t quit in anything right? Lol
Quitting does not always = Failure in life
Quitting can = moving on to a better life and situation
@CCCStunna30 said in Why do people quit ?:
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
That's sports, someone wins someone loses and you try your best and if you lose at least you tried... What is the mind set of playing a sports game when you can't accept a loss? I can't even understand that mind set... Playing online is just hopeless with all the quitters...
I think this year it actually has more to do with strategy honestly, at least on my end. If your down a lot early you have to bring in relievers or a starter out of the pen, and with energy this year you can either tax your entire bullpen for a game your in reality not gonna win, meaning you have no arms for the next game, or coincide the game and save your arms and have a better shot at the next game.
I completely agree maybe they should implement this for mlb..it would save bullpens for many teams
@CCCStunna30 said in Why do people quit ?:
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
Cancer gave you no choice, you either win that battle or you could die, so I’m glad you won... That’s not a sporting event though, that’s life or death, not comparable...
Yes I had no choice with cancer, but I guess you skipped over the first part where I said I tore my acl my senior year and went to a jc and earned d1 scholarships, I think that qualifies as comparable...
Well, that’s an injury, you never quit a game because you were losing and didn’t like the result ...
@dbarmonstar said in Why do people quit ?:
Quitting does not always = Failure in life
Quitting can = moving on to a better life and situation
Well yeah, but not in the context of a sporting event... Quitting is fine if you like feeding wild Grizzly Bears Fig Newtons, you might live a longer life quitting that one ...
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
@dbarmonstar said in Why do people quit ?:
Quitting does not always = Failure in life
Quitting can = moving on to a better life and situation
Well yeah, but not in the context of a sporting event... Quitting is fine if you like feeding wild Grizzly Bears Fig Newtons, you might live a longer life quitting that one ...
Didnt you bring comparing quitting in a video to real life?
@dbarmonstar said in Why do people quit ?:
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
@dbarmonstar said in Why do people quit ?:
Quitting does not always = Failure in life
Quitting can = moving on to a better life and situation
Well yeah, but not in the context of a sporting event... Quitting is fine if you like feeding wild Grizzly Bears Fig Newtons, you might live a longer life quitting that one ...
Didnt you bring comparing quitting in a video to real life?
That debate holds no weight, obviously there are times when quitting is good, like if you're a heroin addict... But quitting is not good if you're swimming across a river, or running from a lion... So let's keep it in context... Quitting during a sporting event because it's not going your way is weak, and way too many people online do it, and I would say don't play sports if you can't handle losing, because it's gonna happen ...
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
@dbarmonstar said in Why do people quit ?:
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
@dbarmonstar said in Why do people quit ?:
Quitting does not always = Failure in life
Quitting can = moving on to a better life and situation
Well yeah, but not in the context of a sporting event... Quitting is fine if you like feeding wild Grizzly Bears Fig Newtons, you might live a longer life quitting that one ...
Didnt you bring comparing quitting in a video to real life?
That debate holds no weight, obviously there are times when quitting is good, like if you're a heroin addict... But quitting is not good if you're swimming across a river, or running from a lion... So let's keep it in context... Quitting during a sporting event because it's not going your way is weak, and way too many people online do it, and I would say don't play sports if you can't handle losing, because it's gonna happen ...
It has plenty of weight, go back and read what you said, If you quit in a video game you will quit your whole life and not be a winner, winners do not quit. Did you not say that. Would you like to make a new statement on quitting at a video game vs real life.
@boogiewithstu2 said in Why do people quit ?:
Well, that’s an injury, you never quit a game because you were losing and didn’t like the result ...
At this point your grasping at whatever you can to still think your right, give up... your talking about not quitting during a video game is more about ego then about being a winner. Your ego is what is making you still think your right, not your “winners mentality”. True winning at life is combing wisdom and mental strength. You not quitting a video game cause your getting blown out or no hope of winning is more about boosting your ego to be able to say “I never quit”, and not about an actual winners mentality
I used to never quit games even if i was getting blown out. I usually used those games to experiment. But lately if the game is getting too frustrating or im not feeling I just quit. The other day I quit a tie game in the 7th or 8th just because of how frustrating it was. So why spend my time doing something Im obviously not enjoying. When i can do something I will.
@XxDeathReyxX said in Why do people quit ?:
Lol at applying life lessons to online video game playing. Lighten up, Francis.
Stripes reference. Nice!