Prestige Cards for the Collection?
Mentioned this in another thread, but I really, really hope they don’t do this. I can see the complaining about dashboarders getting really out of hand. It would kind of be like SDS sticking their heads in the sand. Terribly misguided to include prestige for the collection reward if prestige is online only.
If the prestige path guys count, that’s good. But how many people will really have multiple of those guys? I play a lot and have one.
If they changed prestige to offline too, would people that have prestiged others complain because it’s now easier?
Tomorrow is going to be interesting.
I doubt they will be required (I saw the video), but they will be ALLOWED as a card for the collection. I bet it is an overall flashbacks and legends card collection (everything but live series). It could be tiered with rewards at collect 100, 200, 300 and then 400 for the big one.
My guess is 5. Same reason as the above guy, prestige path gives you 5. Maybe they make it 6 just to make people have some kind of effort lol
They said in stream that a new space to collect those cards with no spot yet will be coming. It is prestige for sure, there is a blank spot waiting. There is no other type of card without a category. I bet it’s like 10-15 of them. They want people playing online
If they require prestige collection without any offline ability to prestige, they will anger so many players that throw money into this game.
Besides that, you guys think it's bad right now with people asking for stats? Most online games will devolve further into hit and quit fests.
Online play is horrible, but pitchers are super easy to Prestige online if you can stomach it long enough, because it is just IP and Ks. IPs obviously are easy, and Ks aren't that bad with a lot of people chasing bad pitches.
Prestige for position players is a nightmare on the other hand, unless you are a good online player.
@formallyforearms said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
If they require prestige collection without any offline ability to prestige, they will anger so many players that throw money into this game.
Besides that, you guys think it's bad right now with people asking for stats? Most online games will devolve further into hit and quit fests.
I agree if they make prestige a part of this every single game between the events and Battle Royale and ranked seasons will be nothing more than sending messages or having stupid team names of "three home runs and I quit"
I said this in another post but I think each series will have a master reward card like the HRD has Griffey. Those master cards will then be the cards you have to collect in the BIG collection which means you will have to collect a certain amount of those master cards to unlock the new card with some additional rewards for collecting everything. Now when it comes to prestige cards they will not be required however I do believe this is where the Pretige version of Thames, Ramirez and Springer come in as the will be the rewards for collecting 5, 10 and 15 prestige cards
@xM1SFiiT said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
I don’t even have one prestiged card yet...and if they’re going to be a requirement then that’s going to be tough. I do have most of the collections completed but I simply don’t have time nor can I bare playing online that much to complete a prestiged card. I play between 1-4 ranked games per week if even that...
I understand lack of time to play. Im married with 2 kids and work 10 hours per day. Thats more ranked than me and I have 20 total prestige diamonds. Its all about playing events. I've only made championship series twice in 4 years playing this game so don't have to be good. Just need to have the desire to get it done.
@MaxHarvest said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
They said in stream that a new space to collect those cards with no spot yet will be coming. It is prestige for sure, there is a blank spot waiting. There is no other type of card without a category. I bet it’s like 10-15 of them. They want people playing online
The gold Prospects and POTM cards shown in the video also do not have a collection space... I’m still going with a collection for any flashback and legend. I would put money that they would not require prestige cards, but will help.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
I said this in another post but I think each series will have a master reward card like the HRD has Griffey. Those master cards will then be the cards you have to collect in the BIG collection which means you will have to collect a certain amount of those master cards to unlock the new card with some additional rewards for collecting everything. Now when it comes to prestige cards they will not be required however I do believe this is where the Pretige version of Thames, Ramirez and Springer come in as the will be the rewards for collecting 5, 10 and 15 prestige cards
I don’t think we will see Prestige versions of Thames, Ramirez and Springer. At least not here at least. Someone could easily have 15 prestige cards without having at least one of Thames, Springer, and Ramirez. Hell I have like 11 prestige cards and only have JRam of those 3
If they require prestige cards the market is absolutely going to crash tonight because everyone that does not play online will know they’ll never get the card and will sell off all of the stuff they bought for it.
@DBBG1515 said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
If they require prestige cards the market is absolutely going to crash tonight because everyone that does not play online will know they’ll never get the card and will sell off all of the stuff they bought for it.
Even if they aren’t required either the card won’t live up to players too high expectations or the requirements will be to much for anyone to handle and everyone sells anyway lol. There are quite a few regulars around here that will get it done no matter who or what is required but I see a lot of new players interested in the collection that I don’t think quite know what they are up against
With 14 non-LS collections, I think it will probably be about 75-85% of 10-12 of those collections. That should keep it exclusive enough for players without penalizing players who play offline.
@EvylShaun said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
Nope. They'll cover themselves by saying you only need 5 prestige cards. You can get 5 in the prestige xp reward path.
Yup I think this is highly likely . this way offline players who grinded the game like crazy offline will still have the required cards from the XP path . -
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
@chrishayduk said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
Time to open up the prestige program to offline play.
Is this something that has been said by them or just speculation? And if it was stated by them, can you please provide a link?
They just showed a picture of cards that we assume we will need, It could just be collect so many cards and not sets so all cards would be included you would not need cards from every set. We will see today
@Crimson_Monk said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
My guess is 5. Same reason as the above guy, prestige path gives you 5. Maybe they make it 6 just to make people have some kind of effort lol
Why 6? Just getting through the prestige XP path IS enough effort.
@SaveFarris said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
The problem is if you add missions for offline play, then the collection requirement can be skipped.
You can skip it anyway. I have Chipper practically done, just not locked in.
@Ikasnu said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
@SaveFarris said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
The problem is if you add missions for offline play, then the collection requirement can be skipped.
You can skip it anyway. I have Chipper practically done, just not locked in.
Right, but imagine if they added offline missions and you could earn the prestige card, then sell the regular card on the market because it's not locked in.
@EvylShaun said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
@Ikasnu said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
@SaveFarris said in Prestige Cards for the Collection?:
The problem is if you add missions for offline play, then the collection requirement can be skipped.
You can skip it anyway. I have Chipper practically done, just not locked in.
Right, but imagine if they added offline missions and you could earn the prestige card, then sell the regular card on the market because it's not locked in.
I dont get this. Wouldnt "collecting" the card be part of the prestige path? Meaning, one would have to collect the prior card to get the prestige version. What specifically would change the collection aspect, just by adding the offline missions?