br troll
Hold. L2 and r2 to hold runners
After dropped 3rd
he’s not tagging them so i can’t get out. any tips for lining out?
No mercy rule?
Eventually you'll get it. He'll get bored.
just lined out twice. i’m good now
Man, wish I'd get matched up against that guy. I'll take that xp all day long.
I played a guy like that once last year. Luckily he got tired of watching me hit inside the park home runs and eventually quit.
Try bunting 3rd strike? Wouldn’t that count as a strikeout that cannot be fudged?
Just keep boosting them stats lol
@CLEtheLAND34 said in br troll:
Just keep boosting them stats lol
Right. I had a guy like this and did that. Won 30-0 in 4 and finished some missions lol. I think knit you walk to many in a row it forfeits doesn’t it?
Replay all your HRs when you hit them. Should be tons of fun.
Get a runner on first and keep him there , dropped third strike won't work until 2 outs
@soxfan2625 said in br troll:
I’m in a battle royale game up 19-0 because my opponent won’t get me out, can i report him or something i don’t want to sit here all day
There is no Mercy Rule in BR?