Customization thread
We can put all our ideas on how to improve the customization settings. It would be nice to have a stadium creator, more logos, font and number styles etc...
Anyone else has any idea on how to improve this?
CAP needs a cup depth bar. Left for a non existant bulge, slide right for the illusion of a maximum priapism
They need to overhaul CAPS. They need to open up the ability to customize ALL players height and weight and head size, spine length thighs, waist, arms, everything. Open up customization and give us the same options we have for caps. Every year there are players with tiny heads, giants heads, terrible body models etc. we could fix all of that. Just look at Acuna this year. AMAZING face scan, but his body is tiny and too thin, he looks terrible. Miggy has a tiny head. Theres no reason they can't do this and it would be great if they did.
I also want to be able to fully customize ALL players in RTTS and Daily rosters thing.
add more brands for equipment like new balance or Jordan
@bugsilly9 said in Customization thread:
add more brands for equipment like new balance or Jordan
They have New Balance equipment in the game..
Let us create our own logos in Illustrator and upload them. The logo creator inside MLB:TS is a nightmare to work with.
I want my 'Chico's Bail Bonds' logo on the back of my jersey instead of a number.
I really hope we can wear real mlb uniforms in diamond dynasty, or we could upload online logos
@bugsilly9 said in Customization thread:
add more brands for equipment like new balance or Jordan
Amen! How cool would some Sperry Docksider cleats look?
@SchnauzerFace said in Customization thread:
Let us create our own logos in Illustrator and upload them. The logo creator inside MLB:TS is a nightmare to work with.
I agree. It takes ages to create a logo there, we should have something more user-friendly, or at least upload some logos from the internet
Customize ALL players bodies in all the ways we can with caps! Allow Pitchers to wear compression sleeves or undershirts... Need to overhaul CAP, hairstyles, facial hair options.... REALLY?! Need new nike cleats this year, they pretty much all looked bad last year. And fully open the color options on cleats. Again with nike last year it was bad. Please bring back last years nick Ahmed stance- leave it in as a generic or whatever- It was so good and great to use for many other players.
Allow us to import SDS players from one year to the next for when there are missing players.