This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.
Not to pile on but you hit my my favorite thing right on. If we have this pci to line up and have to time the swing but good/squared up is an out and early/okay with the pci off the ball is a homerun. What’s the point. I need a long break from this game. Think I got my money’s worth and time to call it a year and play something fun. Lol.
Would it be too much to ask to just have a chart or something that says:
Good/ok: x% chance of hit
Good/good: y% chance of hit
Good/squared: z% chance of hit
Perfect/perfect: a% chance of hit?I mean, we all know dice rolls are happening. We have pack odds published. Why not let us know the odds of getting a hit with the various degrees of placement and timing?
The problem right now, to me, is that you have multiple layers of RNG. Even a perfectly executed swing only gives a chance of a hit.
I'm hitting balls out that have no business going out. It doesn't feel good to be honest.
You hit the nail right on the head. Nothing has fundamentally changed. There are still good/okays on perfect PCI placements and good/goods on poor PCI placements. Only difference is now there is more room to put the PCI on the ball, which never was a problem in the first place. The problem was the contact result we get for actually putting the PCI on the ball
@BigKJ8923 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
This is by far the worst iteration of the show.
2018 might have been the worst game I've played period. This doesn't even come close
I’m so lost. Ever since the patch I haven’t given up more than 4 runs in my rs grind. I’m at 849
@get-peened said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
Pitching is literally impossible now. It is so extremely easy to hit in this game and it’s literally ruined. I haven’t played a game where both teams had less than double digits. Now, you get rewarded for swinging at bad pitches and having okay pci placement. It takes skill to have perfect swings, but they are useless when they get rewarded just as much as anything else.
I appreciate the effort put in by SDS to fix things, but a failed attempt is still an attempt. This just didn’t work well. The issue wasn’t the pci size or the timing window. I still have no clue what differentiates perfect and good/good or good/okay results. At this point it’s just random.
I respectfully disagree with this. It’s just not fun to strike out to prospects. I’d rather lose 6-5 than win 1-0.
I’m done online this is an absolute joke at this point. Remove all user input and skill gap.
Timing window was a great change, pci size not so much. If they wanted to change this they should’ve slightly made legend pci what HoF was and made HoF a middle ground between allstar and it’s previous size.
All their patches are bad because they don't address the root of the problem. You can have a great house (code) but if the foundation (connections) is screwed you don't really have much of a house. When I get better results on my mobile hot spot than with wired fiber, there is a problem. Soon as my good/good+ hits don't fall or my pitchers throw everything out of the zone or down the middle, I know it will be very hard to win. Basically need to face someone that can't hit middle pitches which my daughter could do.
Weird I’ve played some of the lowest scoring games all year so far, on AS to boot.
@CEZdominatesAD said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
I’m so lost. Ever since the patch I haven’t given up more than 4 runs in my rs grind. I’m at 849
Played 15 games since patch - I Gave up 7 runs once the rest 4 and below - all on all starOP needs to stop playing at shippett
I just lost to a subpar opponent because I hung two pitches on good release. My good goods and up were outs. 5 perfect perfect one hit. My opponent had a just early put in front bounce over my 1st basemen, next pitch hung and homerun. If you keep defending this game your a joke and so is sds
It seems great to me.
@JrMeTs92 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
I respectfully disagree hitting needed to be made easier. I agree with you timing is highly flawed. Way too many good okay and perfect/perfect outs especially on moments and showdown. I do not play PVP as I am horrible and do not enjoy lag.
Moments have been awful for me lately. Like miserably bad.
@BigKJ8923 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
This is by far the worst iteration of the show.
You never know 1.12 could be worse lol
@tomivory23 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
@BigKJ8923 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
This is by far the worst iteration of the show.
You never know 1.12 could be worse lol
With the way their patches have been I think it’s safe to say it will be worse lol
@James97M said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
@BigKJ8923 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
This is by far the worst iteration of the show.
2018 might have been the worst game I've played period. This doesn't even come close
That's what I'm saying. Like I was pretty fed up with The Show 18 by this point in 2018. By June, I gave up playing it altogether.
I will say that I thought The Show 20 played so well out of the box. I really don't know why they changed it so much. I really hate the constant patching non-sense.
@BodamEscapePlan said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
@James97M said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
@BigKJ8923 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
This is by far the worst iteration of the show.
2018 might have been the worst game I've played period. This doesn't even come close
That's what I'm saying. Like I was pretty fed up with The Show 18 by this point in 2018. By June, I gave up playing it altogether.
I will say that I thought The Show 20 played so well out of the box. I really don't know why they changed it so much. I really hate the constant patching non-sense.
Do all sports games patch the core aspects of gameplay this much?
@James97M said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
@BigKJ8923 said in This Patch is Bad. Here’s why.:
This is by far the worst iteration of the show.
2018 might have been the worst game I've played period. This doesn't even come close
This one is getting closer to 18 with each patch.