Runner at 2nd Pickoff
I had a runner on 2nd with a one step lead with 2-outs. My opponent paused the game mid-count, shifted his SS over to shadow/cover the bag, unpaused the game immediately picked off my runner at 2nd. I could see this happening in the pause screen so I hit R1 and also tried to gain time with my batter immediately after the unpause. This did not register and he was out. Has anyone had this happen with similar feedback?
Hope everyone is safe and hanging in there.
He was probably changing his defensive positioning because he knew you were taking an extra step.
That is awesome, I am glad to know that I can do that when my opponent takes a step at second
I never take a lead unless I have a runner at 2nd with two outs and it is always one step. There is no point in taking the a lead at 1st with most speedy runners making it anyway. Simply trying to give my 36 speed Matt Olson the extra step to score the tying run with two outs.
Are we going to discuss the fact that being almost automatically picked off when taking a one step lead is not even remotely realistic? Guys take leads all the time in the real sport and are not routinely picked off. I could understand being picked off most of the time with a 2-step lead, but 1 step, especially at 2B? Yet another flawed feature that needs to be fixed.
Just made a post in the DD section of this detailing my experiences getting picked off 4 times in 1 game lol
@Ron_DiGittie said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
Just made a post in the DD section of this detailing my experiences getting picked off 4 times in 1 game lol
And I have to be honest here, I was up 1 run in the 9th inning of an online game. My opponent got his first 2 guys on. After striking out the next hitter, I proceeded to pick off BOTH of his runners on consecutive attempts to win the game.
Did I do anything wrong? No. Should that be part of the game? Probably not.
@NatsChampions19 said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
Are we going to discuss the fact that being almost automatically picked off when taking a one step lead is not even remotely realistic? Guys take leads all the time in the real sport and are not routinely picked off. I could understand being picked off most of the time with a 2-step lead, but 1 step, especially at 2B? Yet another flawed feature that needs to be fixed.
Pickoff only usually works if the hitting team has taken an extra step AND pressed L2 to tell their player to steal. A step alone isn't usually enough to lead to a pickoff. When that is done, yes the pickoff rate might be unrealistic, although I would argue that the success rate on steals is also unrealistic if a runner has 1 extra step. And the implications of trying to counteract it via slidestep (significant increase in PCI size, chance of meatballs) is unrealistic. So in my opinion, they sort of offset. And it is why you see players pick off/step off so much if someone takes an extra step.
I've been picked off 2B several times without initiating a steal. All I did was take a step.
in 19 you could not pick anyone off, In 20 it is easy to pick people off. It usually takes more than one throw over to pick someone off.
I was picked off 4 times on 4 attempts lol. Only the first one I took an extra step and learned my lesson to not be bothered. Still happened. Trash schitt
@Ron_DiGittie said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
Just made a post in the DD section of this detailing my experiences getting picked off 4 times in 1 game lol
Dont take the extra lead....
2 years ago, the developers had said in a pre launch stream that you already start with an extra step. If you take another, it's on you to risk being picked.
@flamexJD20 said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
@Ron_DiGittie said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
Just made a post in the DD section of this detailing my experiences getting picked off 4 times in 1 game lol
Dont take the extra lead....
3/4 times I didn’t....
Sorry, but i doubt that happened without an extra lead...
How are people successfully doing this? I step off the mound every single time someone takes the extra step because I have thrown over 100s of times in the last couple years and have never once gotten anyone out? How is this done?
@Warpedzilla said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
How are people successfully doing this? I step off the mound every single time someone takes the extra step because I have thrown over 100s of times in the last couple years and have never once gotten anyone out? How is this done?
2nd base is easy to pickoff just have your SS hold at 2nd
@HustlinOwl said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
@Warpedzilla said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
How are people successfully doing this? I step off the mound every single time someone takes the extra step because I have thrown over 100s of times in the last couple years and have never once gotten anyone out? How is this done?
2nd base is easy to pickoff just have your SS hold at 2nd
I wish there was a quick menu or adjustment to do this. Because now if your opponent sees this they might just try and slap it through that huge void instead.
@Warpedzilla said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
@HustlinOwl said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
@Warpedzilla said in Runner at 2nd Pickoff:
How are people successfully doing this? I step off the mound every single time someone takes the extra step because I have thrown over 100s of times in the last couple years and have never once gotten anyone out? How is this done?
2nd base is easy to pickoff just have your SS hold at 2nd
I wish there was a quick menu or adjustment to do this. Because now if your opponent sees this they might just try and slap it through that huge void instead.
lmao most arent that skilled