Universal Pitch Speeds
I know it makes a certain kind of sense to make pitch speeds faster as difficulty levels increase and vice versa from a game progression standpoint.
The thing is, timing is such a huge factor in hitting a baseball, and IMO, changing overall pitch speeds ends up having a really negative impact on hitting for everyone.
It would be great if the range of pitch speed, from the slowest Claudio changeup to the fastest Graterol sinker was constant throughout the difficulty levels.
Obviously there needs to be difficulty levels, but I think we need to find another way to achieve this.
I agree. 90 mph in AA is same as 90 in mlb
Seconded. I’d say something between god and legend would be good. Not too fast but not tee ball
I need a pitch speed level above Legend, I'm that good.
Don’t disagree, I actually find it harder going down I’m difficulty on challenges, etc. cause you’re so far ahead of everything. PCI sizes already change. I really don’t understand how anyone has issues below HOF with the relatively slow pitch speeds and huge PCIs.
That’s exactly it. It’s like how Jaimie Moyer had like, changeups off his changeup, you know?