I’ve had good luck with offset zoom but mainly use strike zone. If I feel like I’m going into a slump I’ll switch between the two
I've used show 15 camera since the show 15.
@niatstihs86 said in Hitting:
I started out the year with strike zone hitting view. I started noticing that I was always late on fastballs. I messed around on practice mode and weekly challenges to find that The Show 15 hitting view has pretty much made me early on everything, even when I play online. I know I suck at the game but I'm wandering if anyone else has found this or is using this hitting view?
Picking up the fastball this year when using SZ is absolutely brutal. People just spam fastballs up and slow junk below the zone. Trust me I get it, and I’m not hating on it, but the 100 MPH FBs that pretty much every pitcher throws, get old after a while. It’s really not that fun to have 10-15 strikeouts per game.
I have been all over the map with trying to find a view to help offset the broken timing window but nothing really works. I’m trying zoom out at the moment with ok success.
I suck at hitting so I try everything, but nothing works.
I've struggled more this year than last with hitting in SZ so I went back to TS 15 as well. Thinking back on it, I think I actually start with TS 15 view every year as I pick up the way the pitches are going and do better zooming in more and more. I play on a 70" TV that has pretty bad input lag even in game mode though.
I wish they would revert the game back to how it was in the beta. The game played great for me then. Now it’s a high inside fastball cheese festival online with people using ohtani Pearson kopech
They really do need to do something with the timing on fastballs. In the past my K/BB ratio was a batter was fair. Not great, but fair. Now I’m striking out 10 times a game minimum. Sometimes 15 or more. And all they are doing is throwing high fastballs. You can’t even foul them off unless you’re sitting on them or the pitcher is out of energy and like someone said earlier, if you sit high fast ball you basically just swing as soon as the ball gets out of the pitchers hand to time it right. And if you guess wrong, you’re looking like a complete moron at the plate.
What i want to understand is how is A fastball online from Kluber with allstar settings faster than a fastball offline from Ozuna with legend settings?
What I would like to know from any good hitter is how are you able to move the PCI and place it while timing the pitch. This is what I struggle with. I understand how to follow the pitch, etc.
The thing I struggle with is that unlike real life baseball it's the added element of moving a target in addition to timing, I've never seen this explained, it's always just move it here and swing. Ummm, no it's not that easy. What is your timing mechanism, where is your focus and what determines whether you see a ball or strike.
I played baseball for the better part of 30 years and for the life of me it makes no sense that placing a PCI would be so difficult in determining a hit or out. Strikeouts in this game are way out of line because PCI Placement has to be so good. -
@elway7751 said in Hitting:
What I would like to know from any good hitter is how are you able to move the PCI and place it while timing the pitch. This is what I struggle with. I understand how to follow the pitch, etc.
The thing I struggle with is that unlike real life baseball it's the added element of moving a target in addition to timing, I've never seen this explained, it's always just move it here and swing. Ummm, no it's not that easy. What is your timing mechanism, where is your focus and what determines whether you see a ball or strike.
I played baseball for the better part of 30 years and for the life of me it makes no sense that placing a PCI would be so difficult in determining a hit or out. Strikeouts in this game are way out of line because PCI Placement has to be so good.Don't question it man hitting is completely broken this year
I figured as much. It's super annoying. I know I'm not a great hitter, but this is easily my worst year ever. I must average 12 strikeouts a game. I just hate it
I just played a ranked DD game, it went 14 innings. It was tense. But I can’t even say it was exactly fun. There were 52 strikeouts 98 at bats. More than half the at bats were strikeouts. A man on 3rd with no outs doesn’t even score half the time anymore. It’s ridiculous. And I’m not swinging at “bad pitches” really. Pitches in the zone that you can’t even put in play.
I played a game the other night and we had a combined 35 strikeouts and 10 hits total in a very exciting 3 runs combined. Pitching is almost mindless and so very boring.
@niatstihs86 said in Hitting:
I started out the year with strike zone hitting view. I started noticing that I was always late on fastballs. I messed around on practice mode and weekly challenges to find that The Show 15 hitting view has pretty much made me early on everything, even when I play online. I know I suck at the game but I'm wandering if anyone else has found this or is using this hitting view?
I might try this out. I usually stay away from other cameras and work with sz exclusively. Can't hurt to try it. Whatever works best for the individual should be what they work with.
I switched over to strike zone high. I'll see how that works.