Ballin Is A Habit Pack = Gold Only
All gold cards from those packs this year
I pulled jram, but it was actually the second to last card that was the diamond. So, I got a diamond and a gold.
I’ve never pulled a diamond out of BIAH and I’ve played 17, 19, and 20.
All golds in 15-20 pulls
Not this year but I have in the past
Never a diamond in 3 years
They should sell them in the show shop, singles and 5 bundles
@allmustfall16 said in Ballin Is A Habit Pack = Gold Only:
@SIickRick15 said in Ballin Is A Habit Pack = Gold Only:
I don't know about anyone else, but is anyone pulling diamonds from these packs? I've opened 23 of them and haven't gotten one diamond.
Ive pulled about 30 of them this year and had all golds.
Dude how many bundles in packs do you buy? I know you get balling it is a habit with the 50 bundles and here and there on the reward paths but in order to open 30 of them you must have bought a boat load of packs.
Almost always diamonds, but earlier in this game's life I pulled a JT Realmuto and a Freddie Freeman out of the same BIAH pack
Pulled Acuna in the BIAH you get in the Jackie missions. Every other one this season has been gold. One was double golds tho, so that was nice.
I pulled a Bellinger and an Altuve from those packs this year.
Pulled a PS Morris in a BIAH back in 17, and 1 other think it was also 17, only golds since.
Lmfao 30 mins after i said i never pull a diamond from a ballin pack i pulled Cristian yellich
I do not believe the 1:10 diamond odds. I think in 5 years I've pulled one Diamond
I’ve gotten a gold out of every BIAH pack from 17-20
@T-Rox_09 said in Ballin Is A Habit Pack = Gold Only:
@allmustfall16 said in Ballin Is A Habit Pack = Gold Only:
@SIickRick15 said in Ballin Is A Habit Pack = Gold Only:
I don't know about anyone else, but is anyone pulling diamonds from these packs? I've opened 23 of them and haven't gotten one diamond.
Ive pulled about 30 of them this year and had all golds.
Dude how many bundles in packs do you buy? I know you get balling it is a habit with the 50 bundles and here and there on the reward paths but in order to open 30 of them you must have bought a boat load of packs.
It's from the team affinity stage 2 that I'm pulling them from
I pulled Verlander from one last weekend.
I've been playing since 17 and I've never pulled a diamond from a BIAH pack.
I’ve pulled a lot of packs. Like 3-4 thousand. A lot of 50 bundles and 20 bundles. I’ve pulled as many diamonds from gold toppers as balling is a habit pack. Go figure.
Ive gotten only gold in BITH, one diamond in TA in Sale