Another DQ is not good thread…
I was very excited when watching the stream.
.Well I’m not anymore. Great idea, bad execution. I understand they can’t give super cards for free, but if we come back later with better squads like they suggested, then the rewards will be already devalued by then with still low odds, so who will bother except those who really want to complete their collection. Might be better to buy.
The Showdowns vs 90+ pitchers need better balance: either more outs, runners on, tie game and so on, or lower rated pitchers;
the perks are bad, really really bad: most are bronze and some silver, and most are ones we never pick in showdown runs; too many affect pitchers;
the % rewards for success is way too low;
I shouldn’t have to play on HoF to have a barely >50% at the top tier reward; I already had the lower one from a pack so I had to go for it (yes I’m bitter);
which brings me to the next point: who will bother if we can just buy it, as opposed to CC and Braun in MS;
by the same token, when I beat that first stadium, that reward should be protected, so if I lose the 2nd stadium, I lose only the bronze packs but keep that first reward;
we don’t even have lineup restrictions yet; imagine when that will be the case.
Now the good (to me):
team objectives like score a run or get 2 hits or 1 XBH are not bad; build an alternating L/R/L/R lineup and get one of both on your bench to pinch hit since it’s always half inning, and you go against a LS mid pitcher as opposed to showdowns;
pitching moments are pretty easy so keep them;
Now I feel like the majority of reviews on this are either negative or at least underwhelming; I fear they will over correct based on this. I think it needs a bit of tuning but it could be really fun with still an element of risk.
I think the rewards were decent for the two maps that the game launched with (doesnt include the Soto and judge map). I agree the % rewards are a tad low but It takes about an hour or so to complete each map. To get Braun and eventually CC that took about 7 hours. I get the point of you can just buy the rewards from DQ and you save an hour maybe 2 if you need to complete the map again. I think if they bump the % a little that takes care of all the issues.
The #1 biggest thing they can do is increase the % for each run you dont get the tier of rewards. That way the RNG can only help you
And I think its been fairly well received by its target audience (which wasnt people who like conquest and ms in the first place), but that doesnt mean they cant improve it for others
@BnK-24 said in Another DQ is not good thread…:
I think the rewards were decent for the two maps that the game launched with (doesnt include the Soto and judge map). I agree the % rewards are a tad low but It takes about an hour or so to complete each map. To get Braun and eventually CC that took about 7 hours. I get the point of you can just buy the rewards from DQ and you save an hour maybe 2 if you need to complete the map again. I think if they bump the % a little that takes care of all the issues.
All good points, except in MS you DO get the rewards. You could possibly do 3, 4, 5+ runs on All Star and still end up with the base rewards every single time. That’s the part that makes me not want to go through it again.
I'm still confused as to who this is actually for. If you can win on Legend, aren't you good enough to compete online and wouldn't your time be better spent there? If you excel at moments and showdowns, wouldn't you prefer to just play those and get rewarded? Who, honestly, does "play multiple showdowns and moments, each with only one shot, between random conquest games, and sometimes play a conquest game on Legend" actually appeal to? Who cares how many stubs you make. Someone was bragging they made 8k an hour. Congrats, you spent an hour playing an unfun mode for like $6. Honestly asking here, does anyone actually ENJOY this and, if so, why? I'm not even trolling. I legitimately can't imagine the person this is for.
@mietha said in Another DQ is not good thread…:
I'm still confused as to who this is actually for. If you can win on Legend, aren't you good enough to compete online and wouldn't your time be better spent there? If you excel at moments and showdowns, wouldn't you prefer to just play those and get rewarded? Who, honestly, does "play multiple showdowns and moments, each with only one shot, between random conquest games, and sometimes play a conquest game on Legend" actually appeal to? Who cares how many stubs you make. Someone was bragging they made 8k an hour. Congrats, you spent an hour playing an unfun mode for like $6. Honestly asking here, does anyone actually ENJOY this and, if so, why? I'm not even trolling. I legitimately can't imagine the person this is for.
'If you can win on Legend why dont you play online"?
People enjoy different things. In fact a very large portion (very possibly a majority) of players prefer offline to online, even if they are good at the game.
@yankblan Yeah your point is valid that the MS cards are guaranteed. I think it’s a time/value thing. If they do make All Star or even Hall of Fame difficulty 100% for the epic rewards then the card rewards are just going to be a lot lower (85s) and then no one will play DQ at all since you can buy the 85s for 3-4k in the market. Like you said, it needs a little tuning just not exactly sure how to tune it to where the mode is enjoyable and rewardable besides increasing the % a little. Theoretically it would take less attempts to get the epic card.
I'll be trying another poster's idea which was to head straight to the 2 stadium matchups, forfeiting everything else, and just farming packs.
@dbub This, to me, is why DQ is such a failure. This likely IS the best way to play the mode, if you so choose to. So... they've created a mode where the best way to play it is to literally not interact with the majority of it. The "risk/reward" thing is, frankly, incredibly dumb as has no business in a baseball game. You should get rewards when you, you know, GET them and not if you manage to clear the stadiums (and, more importantly, if the game doesn't crash/glitch/freeze before then). The idea, itself, isn't horrible, but the concept of having to play multiple showdowns (or any) between games I'm pretty sure is a violation of the Geneva Convention, and the game simply isn't stable enough to support the concept of delayed rewards. It could be morphed into something viable, but, again, just in my opinion, as it is, it simply isn't worth the time and frustration.
They made this mode for me .
@mietha I think this is a little short-sighted. I don’t think they made the mode with the intention of it to be “grindable”. The mode is exactly what they wanted it to be, which is risk/reward. And you have to play it to be increase the chance of the reward. The post I made (the one to which @dbub is referring) is just a way to make it replace the grind of a repeatable conquest.
Honestly, if you look at it that way, it sort of gives more options for more people. I’m not a big fan of the DQ the way SDS intended, but since I can play it the way I enjoyed grinding conquest maps, and others enjoy the new mode, it’s probably a net win.
I think the intent was for it to be grindable as well, but for the higher skilled people who did need some offline love.
And i don't think the drop off in mini season packs compared to classic at release last year is as drastic as people think, especially considering it has xp and stubs as well. Granted 22 games for 5k xp and 2k stubs isnt very efficient, but its more than you get elsewhere. Lets not forget that the player base last year made it seem like xp was their primary driver for playing the game and that nothing else in the game mattered at all.
I love it. It’s their first run. It’s going to be great
I played through a DQ map and was entirely underwhelmed. If I’ve gotta go through that nonsense of a map etc, there better be a decent chance at a reward…right now it’s utterly not worth the time.
@YOSHI24 I ended up redoing the map shortly after my post; about 2 hours for both base rewards playing the stadiums on Allstar.
I had two pitching moments and a showdown repeating themselves in that second run; annoying.
On my way to the second stadium, I rolled a one that gave me “massive exit velocity reduction with no one on base”. Great. So now I know to keep one or two events between the stadium games to get rid of the penalties.
The penalties are often crippling as opposed to the boosts. Coach’s cart has one good perk and two meh or useless ones.
All things being equal, if they keep odss the same, it should take less time to clear the map. I really want to like this mode, but the second map with base rewards being Ballin is a Gold packs? No motivation at all.
I just started the first where I will do every square… see how it feels
Too much RNG with boss and challenge selection/placement. Just ran a map with 4 consecutive Roger Clemens boss showdowns. It wasn't hard, just boring to face the same boss. One run yielded the RBI challenge against Nolan Ryan with a guy on first, again, 4 consecutive times (sub Justin Crawford, steal 2 bases, hit him home, rinse repeat).
The irony is that you hate DQ because you’ve sat around and played MS and conquest on rookie for over 5 years. Shockingly others have advanced passed conquering territories with an X button. The cards are 10k. Thousands of people are having no issue.
The only annoying thing is when you a lose a multiple inning pitch mission on a fluke hit with the last batter.