Pls Fix Commentary
@OakFan89-_MLBTS couldnt agree more. Its unbelievable how many times a groundball in the infield is referred to as a line drive base hit to the outfield. Worst flaw ive seen in the game thus far.
Every year I play RTTS only, the commentary in the minor leagues from Ben Gelman is so much better than these two clowns that do the show. When I play in the Yankee Stadium, I am so tired of hearing about the two freaking free suits, we’re growing up in New York and being a Phillies fan you’d be burned at the steak. I usually leave it on for a couple of games, but I got promoted to the Yankees and a ground ball to the outfield and then I hear you’re out, I was like ? I played a few innings and it kept happening. I had to turn it off, but that’s what I usually do every year anyway as soon as I get to major leagues, I always turn them off because you can only hear about two free suits and growing up being a fan of a different city only so often. Besides Ben Gilman is actually interesting to listen to, I do love his commercials this year, though I almost spit my drink out the first one with the cows.
@MAINELYBOSTON_PSN jealous about a glitch? That's weird
I was obviously being facetious but you took a moment to post this lol. Ironically enough I finally heard it last night for the first time, I had that coming lol.
I keep hearing the same line about throwing a pitch high in the zone. Something something "if you miss in the zone, it's gonna hurt." Gave up and turned my audio settings to "on the field."
@MAINELYBOSTON_PSN obviously knew you were. But still was weird
This is driving me nuts!!! Line drive to short stop and it's "ground ball, base hit to right field." Over and over and over again!
I get it on pop fly outs, line drives, doesn't matter. I get it all the time. Based on the commentary, all my dudes are hitting a 1000 and they are all great at hit and runs!
@Reggie_Golds_PSN said in Pls Fix Commentary:
I get it on pop fly outs, line drives, doesn't matter. I get it all the time. Based on the commentary, all my dudes are hitting a 1000 and they are all great at hit and runs!
Don’t forget, this guy is really good at two strike hits so you have to be careful or something like that. I turned them off lol.
@MAINELYBOSTON_PSN said in Pls Fix Commentary:
Hoping next year we finally get a new commentary team, least it will be fresh for a few games.
It's not the team! LOL!!
Boog Sciambi has zero control over what recording is played out. If avoiding glitches like this one is your goal, then you don't want a new commentator team as that would require an entirely new set of recordings that all have to be linked properly to the game code for enunciation.
@The_Joneser_PSN 100% this. The first thing I do after loading up the game each year is put the commentary slider to zero.
“ being a Phillies fan you’d be burned at the steak”Nice! Snuck in the best pun I’ve ever seen on this forum
Well done
@Tandil1368_XBL lol I know right!!
@BroncosAlwayz58_XBL I agree the worst flaw I’ve seen in a long time going back to mlb the show 13
I hate Chris Singleton. Wish we had John Smoltz or Keith Hernandez as color commentators. I also want Matty V back, he was so good
@Bruinboy20_PSN I've also had it on fly balls to center and right field. And if your RTTS player hasn't made the MLB roster yet, they say it's their debut at the end of every Spring Training game.
Anyone but Ron Darling.
His commentary ... is like William Shatner ... he pauses ... between each statement ... for affect.
It is ... incredibly ... annoying.
Try playing with the D-Backs.
Every time Corbin Burnes pitches, you will hear about how he had to ditch his 4 seam fastball and go with the cutter.
Every time.
Commentary is supposed to add immersion. Atm it takes it away
I don’t know how the “base hit, right field” audio glitch got by the programmers -it’s not like it only happens in certain circumstances - it happens ALL the time, no matter where the ball is hit (or if there’s an out or not). Why we’re a week in and it hasn’t been corrected in a patch is anyone’s guess.