Diamond Quest could really use some improvements
To expand on more choice:
Its fine for some squares to force a moment or mini boss on us, but I think having a choice between two or three options for at least some of the square is better. A lot of people would rather play a 3 inning game than a moment, so give that choice sometimes (I can understand not forcing more games on people as some may prefer DQ because there are fewer games). -
I enjoyed diamond quest fine but I feel like there is no guarantee that my time will be rewarded so I'm not really doing it...i feel confident I'll beat all showdowns and get the breakout pack at the end.
I can do quest and maybe get this or they card at the end (maybe) or I can buy card off the market for cheap once it's been out a while.
I've I'm playing the online programs, player programs, conquest, mini seasons, etc I'm knocking out alot of things at once but also guaranteed to get pxp, xp, stubs, packs, etc.
I want to keep progressing along the xp path in an efficient way
Imagine being a newby to the series and you land on the sweeper and accept the game, not knowing it’s on legend.
For those that have played DQ a bit, does the Sweeper follow a set path and just repeat it? I avoided it while playing the Tutorial, but followed him around to back track and clear some spaces near the start. When I got back up towards the top of the board I got into a situation where I could go Down or Left. Sweeper could go Up and Meet me, Right and Meet me or Down and continue the same path it had already taken. It went down basically ignoring me...didn't know if this was just random luck of the draw or if it has a pattern it follows.
Yes, it just goes in the same pattern on repeat.
@T4RbRuSh_XBL said in Diamond Quest could really use some improvements:
Imagine being a newby to the series and you land on the sweeper and accept the game, not knowing it’s on legend.
I'm not new to the game but I got the sweeper on legend and was quite dumbfounded about my bad luck lol
To me it’s the least enjoyable mode and I was done with it after playing it a few times. It’s just not rewarding or particularly fun, so what’s the point?
@GoozeFn_PSN said in Diamond Quest could really use some improvements:
To me it’s the least enjoyable mode and I was done with it after playing it a few times. It’s just not rewarding or particularly fun, so what’s the point?
No it's at least better than regular Showdown because you should be able to earn at least something for your time. With Showdown I often lose an hour of my life if I make it near the end and then get defeated. Worst feeling in all of MLB The Show.
I don't know if I am just getting really lucky or what but I have not had as many problems or issues with DQ as some of the people here. I've done each of the maps twice, going through each space and only failing a few moments and showdowns each time. Doing it this way and playing the stadium games on hall of fame gave me around a 70% chance at the high tier rewards and I got 3 of the 4 so far. So in theory it seems to be playing as intended.
My only wish is that Pxp was earnable during the showdowns. But that is not too important to me.
Conquest is loved by "offline" players who want to play low-stress games to finish stat missions and level up cards.
DQ doesn't do that. The stakes seem too high and the reward too RNG for the time invested. Lots of people don't want to play on Legend or GOAT.
@T4RbRuSh_XBL said in Diamond Quest could really use some improvements:
I don’t like going all the way through and only having a chance to get one of two cards.
Yup, I tried DQ last night (sadly, not the yummy ice cream) and was whelmed. This in particular irked me a bit enough to not wanna do it again, at least not right away.
I covered all of the spaces, lost only one or two of the challenges and played both stadium games on Veteran.
I got like 15-20 assorted packs and pulled Crochet for 11k all within an hour. It's better time spent than grinding Showdown - which is a mode I don't entirely hate - for an hour only to lose on the final boss.
The odds need some work too. IMO, playing on GOAT mode should always be 100%. It makes no sense to me that there’s a, for example, 2% difference in odds from playing all star or legend.
My first (post tutorial) Diamond Quest experience (on Switch): I go through every square on the board to increase my odds, I get into the stadium game, the game becomes very very laggy, I lose, I get nothing from an hour of gameplay. Cool beans.
Idk if the game wasn't really to handle 15 active perks (as opposed to 3 in showdown) or what. Seems bad if you have to do the whole board to get good odds. The pitching challenges were a decent change of pace.
The previous post points to another problem -- if the connection craps out during that last game, you lose EVERYTHING.
That alone gives me pause.
I gave DQ another shot earlier today. My point still stands. I ended up with 7 bronze packs and none of the reward players. Lost one Showdown, and beat both Stadium challenges. In my opinion, it’s not worth the time. At least with Conquest and Mini Seasons the rewards are guaranteed.
@T4RbRuSh_XBL Hopefully they make some adjustments. 40+ minutes for a maybe at a card worth 10k just isn’t worth it for me.