Time/Weather Preferences not saving
In previous Show iterations, if I were to choose a month, time, and weather for a single-player game, those choices would carry over to the next game. (Until I played a game at Tropicana, where they would re-set.)
This year's game did the same thing ... until yesterday's update. Any chance we can get that back?
@SaveFarris_PSN Your right, I noticed that when I was playing DD last night in MLB 24 I had it set to September 7pm and then after I beat the Rays it went back to June
Yeah, it is annoying having to change that on every single conquest game that I played.
I noticed that too. It's a little thing but annoying
There was probably an update or server change because it worked for me prior to Sunday.
Does it save for individual places? I've had it save sometimes and then not another time.
@yankblan_PSN yeah, it’s been since the patch and server maintenance yesterday.
Has this been addressed anywhere? It's lame and, we're spoiled, but I want to not have to change it every game, again.
Made me think I as crazy. I was thinking to myself "maybe I did choose the time and weather every time before" lol
That and the announcers saying base hit to right field when it's a ground ball to the shortstop or third baseman