*List of Removed Legends for 2025*
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
If Banks is gone, we riot!!!
Gonna miss Fergie & Mariano, Those guys were always on my end game team.
losing more relievers than we gain is a big L
If they start cycling legends a bit to keep things fresh thats at least a compromise, but Schmidt and Rivera are inner circle elite guys and Banks is the face of a franchise. I feel those three guys should have been kept (though I get everyone hates Schmidt cards...surely they can tinker with the swing a little?)
I’m sure Rivera is gone because of the scandal he’s in right now. I wonder if he’ll be treated like another pitcher who was involved in a scandal a couple years ago.
If Schmidt is gone I will be extremely happy
Schmidt I doubt cause I'm pretty sure this was the same case last year and then he reappeared
As an Angels fan, Salmon and Percival hurt. Percivals OOP card killed for me last year
@Joeflakes_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
I’m sure Rivera is gone because of the scandal he’s in right now. I wonder if he’ll be treated like another pitcher who was involved in a scandal a couple years ago.
This is exactly my thought. If so I commend SDS for being consistent.
@SakAttack87_PSN Rivera is the only big loss. Net improvement for sure.
@Joeflakes_XBL Rivera is gone over his scandal just as they add Rocket despite his? Seems unlikely.
@Hokius_PSN what’s Roger’s scandal? If it’s roids I don’t really think that’s a big scandal compared to one involving a church and children.
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
I've seen an Ernie Banks card in a reward path somewhere, it's an 84 OVR though
Smoltz and Schmidt gone is a blessing. Hated the 6 Smoltz yearly cards nobody used, same with that 99 Mike Schmidt, nobody used him either.
@Sarge1387_PSN said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
I've seen an Ernie Banks card in a reward path somewhere, it's an 84 OVR though
There is no Ernie Banks card in the game.
Possibly mistaken for the 84 McCovey.
@iBonafideScrub__PSN Used them both
@SakAttack87_PSN said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Sarge1387_PSN said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
I've seen an Ernie Banks card in a reward path somewhere, it's an 84 OVR though
There is no Ernie Banks card in the game.
Possibly mistaken for the 84 McCovey.
or the 83 Billy Williams
@Sarge1387_PSN said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
I've seen an Ernie Banks card in a reward path somewhere, it's an 84 OVR though
For reals???
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Sarge1387_PSN said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
I've seen an Ernie Banks card in a reward path somewhere, it's an 84 OVR though
For reals???
No hes not for reals. He confused him for the 83 Billy Williams in the Cubs path.
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Sarge1387_PSN said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
@Cubsfan217_XBL said in *List of Removed Legends for 2025*:
Yea if Banks is gone that just fudging blows
I've seen an Ernie Banks card in a reward path somewhere, it's an 84 OVR though
For reals???
No, as @Easy_Duhz_It__PSN and a couple people pointed out, in my casual glance I 100% mistook the Billy Williams car for Ernie Banks. My bad y'all