DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!
So far, so good!
Weekend league opens only at the last 4 days of each ranked seasons.
Ranked, BR and Events are all one program combined.
Team Affinity is back, they say new but I don't see what's different other than its each team and not entire divisions?
This game seems like MLBTS 20 remastered (which is fine w me) but no major changes that I can tell.
@bjd10048_MLBTS said in DD Deep Dive Video Just Dropped: Grade A-!:
So far, so good!
Weekend league opens only at end of each ranked seasons.
Ranked, BR and Events are all one program combined.
Combining Ranked, BR, and Events into one program is interesting. I wonder what that will do to the market. Presumably they will just add more cards into the reward path? I think this might help some of those cards stay a little lower in cost since everybody will be working toward them at the same time.
@SchnauzerFace_MLBTS I can't decide if I like it because it might water things down a bit....?
That being said, I never play BR so now I can get those same rewards by playing Ranked and Events like I always do?
No word on Co-Op being fixed or fine-tuned
Dynasty Quest sounds fun, seems like its replacing conquest (not confirmed) but that's my educated guess.
@bjd10048_MLBTS it’s not replacing conquest. You can clearly see conquest as an option in the menu.
@GradektheBard_PSN Nice find, so it intergrates its own 3 inning games.
Haven’t watched the video yet, but I like different things to work towards. I hope they have it packed with rewards and things to accomplish.
I do like the individual "Team Affinity" paths instead of "divisions". I think that's what I saw...
@MarioMendoza935_XBL I also like that change.
Welp the have least change my position from "I'm out this year" to "you have my attention"
The new mode looks intriguing as I like the randomness of it
The way TA is set up is much better
The legacy programs really call back to MLB 17 and that career stats program.
While I'm not all the way back they have peaked my interest
Can already hear the complaints on Team Affinity: "Why can't I bank the points I earn after I hit the max?!?"
Confirmed Cards:
79 Veteran Adam Dunn (via White Sox TA)
83 TN Yoan Moncada (via White Sox TA)
86 JOLT Frank Thomas (1st White Sox Team Affinity Boss)
79 20th Juan Soto (found via Diamond Quest)
81 20th Aaron Judge (found via Diamond Quest)
83 20th Roger Clemens (via Starter Program)
85 20th Clayton Kershaw
72 Veteran Jimmy RollinsMy Legacy - anyone remember the stat missions in 2017?
I'm definitely going off of what all you guys say just because I only started playing in September of 22 so don't know much about the prior years for DD
Very much so probably one of the most request things to be brought back on here in 18,19 and 20
I think the highest requirement was hits for 10k maybe
I know there were good rewards when it got to that top tier level
Seemed kind of interesting. I need to see more details.
Generally liked what I saw, but (going back to my post about collection rewards) if people can buy way out of power creep teams it is going to ruin weekend league (and these boards will be literally nothing but posts complaining about it).
This will be especially problematic since weekend league matches you up with similar skilled players where the “better team” aspect will play a major role in determining the outcome.
To me it looks like we got more ways to accomplish/unlock different things. Diamond Quest looks very interesting because you can increase your chances of good rewards by selecting higher difficulties (but you do not have to increase and play with lower percentage.). Multiplayer reward path is a very good idea and I really like the weekend-league you can play 4 days on the end of each ranked season
Overall, I am really intrigued … and excited … Clear A
@GradektheBard_PSN The collections will always be able to be bought. Having 3 top tier cards at launch compared to most people won’t make a difference.
@GoozeFn_PSN it’s not “3 top tier cards” it’s at least 9 (MLB, AL, NL, and 6 divisions), plus the team collection cards, and the LS high diamonds themselves. Please don’t pretend it won’t make a huge difference in balance for weekend league just because you like to have the advantage.
@GradektheBard_PSN I don’t spend a dime on this game after paying up for the deluxe addition. I regularly have every card within a few weeks. The MLB, NL and AL rewards are typically the only top cards that really matter. No, cards are not more important than skill. I’m a pretty good player and I’ve been completely dominated by people with significantly worse cards. If someone wants to drop a thousand dollars for an advantage, go ahead. It doesn’t bother me at all. They need to make money if we want this game to make improvements. Crying about it will never change that. They aren’t going to abandon their best way to make money, so I’m not going to waste any more breath on it.
Not sure if im misunderstanding this or not but it looks like Team Affinity is just gonna be one year long program. Theres at least, from what i can see, 715K points on the Mets "Journey" so i would assume its probably gonna be a million to complete. Thats the one thing i hated about 20....all the TA programs being separate and all requiring an insane amount of stats for each team.