Why do you not play online?
Just curious, I like to play online and when I read through the forum I see quite a bit of people that say they don't. I'm not judging, I'm average to above average online and would like to know some reasons why is all.
I kind of suck. With my luck I'd lose connection, which would put me in timeout. Heck, the other day, my Playstation just decided to lose connection for a minute during a showdown with the winning run on 2nd and 12 outs remaining, and it of course counted as me failing. And against the CPU, I don't have a pause timer, so I don't have to worry about having to pause and getting hit with a loss.
people watching replays of every 350ft home run they hit - it just wastes time. Hit it 500ft then sure, but get on with it!
entering the quick menu five times each inning - again, pace of play!
Quitting as soon as you get even a few runs ahead (in Ranked anyway)
When you are winning all game, pitching a gem, then in the 9th suddenly their attributes get boosted massively - the 50 power guy who is 0-3 and hasn’t made contact all game hits a changeup in the dirt over the fence, the next four batters also transform into Babe Ruth, and you lose. Not just being sour, I don’t really care whether I win as I play to collect the cards more than anything, but happens far too often to just be coincidence, surely?
@ArGenTin32 I personally prefer the offline modes, because of being able to change the settings, and plus, whenever the servers go down, I still have Franchise and RTTS to fall back on. But, I do enjoy watching others play and deal with the online stuff.
My baserunning is brutal, for one. I'd lose runs due to screw ups. I am also very bad with the throw meter, since they made it harder the last 2 seasons or so. I'm pretty good at pitching, but I use Meter and refuse to pitch from the batters POV.
I play exclusively online but I can tell you it's not the best experience and I understand why people don't. @SJR15ITFC gave easily 4 of the top 10 reasons why people hate it.
Two of those I argue arnt that bad, at least to me! But it is indeed toxic behavior so you could easily say it's just toxic and not worth it some times.To me, it's the inconsistent mechanics and lack of polish (smoothness of the input and reactions).
Glitches, freeze offs, and other bugs really would annoy gamers who play other AAA online games and it's just bad in comparison.
One last HUGE issue is that no matter your rank everyone I play against is simply amazing. they have perfect eyes and take every ball dotted on the zone. Then when you do get perfect dots in the zone the umpire calls them a ball.
It's just a frustrating experience. I'm a bit of a masochist and kind of hate myself so I slog through it.
People quit so much because it feels miserable going from one game getting your [censored] beat even after playing the full 9. Then you join a new game, new person and they smack a homer first pitch. I would absolutely quit and load a different game too. Really sucks.
I understand why others don't bother. You can get your cards and collections without playing online. -
@TheGoaler said in Why do you not play online?:
My baserunning is brutal, for one. I'd lose runs due to screw ups. I am also very bad with the throw meter, since they made it harder the last 2 seasons or so. I'm pretty good at pitching, but I use Meter and refuse to pitch from the batters POV.
I play online only and bat from strike zone 2 and pitch form Pitcher Center. You don't have to use strike zone for pitching.
@SJR15ITFC said in Why do you not play online?:
people watching replays of every 350ft home run they hit - it just wastes time. Hit it 500ft then sure, but get on with it!
entering the quick menu five times each inning - again, pace of play!
Quitting as soon as you get even a few runs ahead (in Ranked anyway)
When you are winning all game, pitching a gem, then in the 9th suddenly their attributes get boosted massively - the 50 power guy who is 0-3 and hasn’t made contact all game hits a changeup in the dirt over the fence, the next four batters also transform into Babe Ruth, and you lose. Not just being sour, I don’t really care whether I win as I play to collect the cards more than anything, but happens far too often to just be coincidence, surely?
- This is referred to as Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment, and every competitive multiplayer online game has it. It's adaptive artificial intelligence that can sway outcomes in one user's favor to "balance the game" and keep player engagement at certain levels that companies find the most profitable, at least according to the company patents that have leaked.
For me, I let CPU handle 99.9% of my fielding and baserunning decisions. You can’t do that online.
I’ve played (maybe) 3 games online (last years Easter Egg program), not knowing this.
It was hilarious! But, not putting myself thru that again.
I am actually playing more online as I am about .500 (or at least I feel I am). After playing for 4 years this is an accomplishment for me, a 63 year old. Not seeing the sweats online beating me to a pulp as much in the last month, so so I can hold my own. I did have the pleasure of beating a bot 42-0 last weekend in ranked! Helped tremendously with a few programs.
Big issue for me is the cheating that still occasionally happens (dDosing, lag switching)...and the win-at-all-cost type guys that play like that.
I'm also positive I'm not very good, so getting curbstomped time and time again would make me never want to play again, and I don't want that.
MarioMendoza935wrote on Oct 3, 2024, 3:24 PM last edited by MarioMendoza935_XBL Oct 3, 2024, 3:24 PM
I only focus on BR for online. I like the variety of lineups, it's a great way to "farm" cards for collections, and the rewards are generally pretty good. I've played less and less RS as the year goes along, as it's just too difficult for me (facing Randy, Josh, etc. every game), and the rewards aren't worth it for the time you have to put in.
@capardo said in Why do you not play online?:
For me, I let CPU handle 99.9% of my fielding and baserunning decisions. You can’t do that online.
This, plus the toxic behavior of some online players and the ability to pause anytime. I prefer casual gaming to competitive gaming, and I avoid multiplayer games entirely.
I stopped playing any online games years ago. Too toxic. I don't need that [censored], and I'm not going to abet the trash dudes that perpetuate it.
A big reason I stopped is that I can't play online everyday like I once did so when I would get back online it would take a game or two to get back up to speed but that would be washed away after not playing for a couple days so instead just focus on offline.
I'm just not skilled enough to play. I remember the system tried to connect you with people at your skill level, but I always got beaten. My win level was about 5%, which is pretty disheartening. I remember one game (in a league I was in) I was actually ahead with two outs in the ninth and ended up losing on a walk-off homer. That hurt a lot.
I do hate the fact there are cards and rewards exclusive to online players, but I'm living with that. I can have enough fun on my own without the frustration of getting beaten.
I don't mind online, I play some but im about average. I normally just prefer grinding for the programs against the CPU. It's way less stressful and I don't have to worry about a poor connection to opponent or cheesers. I mean the CPU defenses can be like Spiderman sometimes but overall, it's just more enjoyable to me. I also can play short games (conquest) and just relax and watch a game on tv at the same time.
My reason has a little to do with my skill level but more so it is about my desire to remain flexible. I am not one who would rage quit but I want the freedom to pause if I want or even just quit if I am not feeling it that day. I don't want to inconvenience the other players in those cases.
It is the main reason I also don't play group or party based online games.
Of course it could also be my age. I started gaming long before online gaming became common. The first online game I played was Everquest and even then I played it solo.
I play online but I hate the slide step in non running situations. To me it's toxic play. Wish sds could disable it
I do play online, mostly just to get what I want from those programs. I would play more if so many people didn’t play like children. I just don’t understand why people are constantly pausing.